For years I have emphasized that white governments emphasize the rights of alien immigrant-invaders over the rights of ethnic citizens. This has gone so far as to violate the right to free speech if immigrant-invaders or their self-assigned protectors find the speech “offensive.” The media are not permitted to mention race and immigration status when reporting crimes. White governments, especially in England, Germany, and Scandinavia have actually turned the crime of rape into a privilege for immigrant-invaders, and there are instances where women who have reported their rape to police have been punished more severely for a “hate crime,” defined as speaking inappropriately of a darker-skinned immigrant invader, than her rapist. Indeed, as crime statistics from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark reveal, rapists, if they are immigrant-invaders, are rarely even arrested, much less punished.
I have long wondered where all the feminists went as I have never had a comment from a women about the creation of squatters’ rights for immigrant-invaders to sexual use of ethnic white females by decades of non-enforcement of the law against rape.
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Having failed for years to cause with my reporting even a single small ripple–I suppose because brainwashed white people regard being called “racist” as a worse crime than rape–I welcomed the attention Elon Musk brought to the plight of white women with his denunciation of 30 years of corrupt British governments and police who remained silent while immigrant-invader rape gangs held a quarter million underaged white British girls in sexual bondage. The only people who encountered police arrests were the white parents who complained about the rape of their daughters.
What I do not understand is why is there a single member of these white governments still alive. Why hasn’t an outraged population pulled both the governments and the rape gangs the governments protect out in the streets and killed every one of them?
The answer seems to be that white people have been indoctrinated against themselves. Believing themselves to be racists, they lack the self-belief to protect themselves and their children. The few who dared to speak out have been fired from jobs, arrested and imprisoned, and called every name in the book. The political parties that have attempted to represent the white ethnic peoples have had their leaders demonized as Nazis and arrested on false indictments and imprisoned. At the moment Marine Le Pen, whose party is the largest in France but kept from office, is awaiting sentencing for a non-crime.
If you give this a moment’s thought, you will see how insane the picture is. What we see are white governments that refuse to defend their own women but are urging citizens to prepare for war with other white people in Russia. If such a war occurs, Europe will cease to exist.
How do we explain governments that refuse to hold immigrant-invaders accountable to law but are prepared to go to war with Russia based on supposition alone?
To understand how successfully whites have been turned against whites, recall some years ago when the vile and despicable Duke University administration and faculty tried to ruin the lives of the university’s Lacrosse team based on false accusations of rape by a black stripper. If the young men’s parents had not been wealthy and able to provide investigation and evidence, the young men would today be rotting in prison. As I recall, the white prosecutor knew the young men were innocent, but regarded their conviction as important to his career. As I recall, the prosecutor was fired and debarred for fraudulent prosecution. He should have been arrested and imprisoned.
Elon Musk’s denunciation of the current excrement serving as British prime minister freed up suppressed voices in England and brought to light the complicity of the British government and police in 30 years of protection of immigrant-invader rape gangs from accountability and depriving ethnic British of justice. It brought to mind my earlier reports of the freedom Scandinavian governments have given immigrant-invaders to rape without consequence Scandinavian women. I asked Hanne Herland of the famous Herland Report if she could bring me and my readers up to date on the plight of Scandinavian women. Hanne Herland is the most important journalist in Europe. Indeed, she might be the only journalist in Europe.
Hanne Herland believes that the original Marxist class antagonisms have been turned into race antagonisms, one-sided ones that pit white governments against the white ethnic citizens. I am sympathetic to this view and have often made the same point. But whatever the cause, the fact remains. White governments from failure to enforce the law have created the right for immigrant-invaders to rape white women.
Note: When Hanne Herland reports, for example, that there are 2120 rape charges per 1000 Somali immigrant-invaders in Oslo, it means that many Somalis have committed multiple offenses.
The Rape of Scandinavian Women
Hanne Nabintu Herland
Hanne Nabintu Herland is a historian of religions, author, and founder of The Herland Report. Her latest book is The Billionaire World. How Marxism Serves the Elite, available on Amazon.
It is widely known that foreign born rapists and criminals avoid accountability in Europe since political leaders are consumed with fear of being labelled “racists.” All in all, there seems to be a total lack of protection for native, white women from non-Western violent criminals.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer was recently bashed by Elon Musk and an army of X users for covering up the horrifying stories of thousands of mainly white girls being raped by mainly Muslim groups in the UK. Thanks to Elon Musk and X, these stories are now receiving world-wide attention. The lack of action against this horrible crime by European politicians and the media’s downplaying of the crisis have created a de facto property right for immigrant-invaders to white women’s bodies.
This refusal to protect the native white ethnic population is not unique to the UK, it is happening all over Europe with the perpetrators mostly non-Western and its victims almost solely indigenous, white girls.
In Norway one of the few reports that published the ethnicities of criminals, showed 100 % of assault rapes were done by immigrants. In Sweden a recent study showed 96 % of rapes were committed by immigrants. In both cases, almost exclusively native, white women were raped. In Denmark, non-Western immigrants are over 7 times more likely to commit rape than native Danes. (further details below)
Marxist-socialist indoctrination has for decades ingrained into Europeans that one should always excuse and feel sorry for non-Western immigrant invaders since they come from non-functional, often highly corrupt states in poor parts of the world. The Left has thereby implemented a multicultural discrimination against native Europeans that demands accountability for the indigenous European ethnicities in ways one would never dream of doing to a dark-skinned, non-Western immigrant. This socialist idea is the opposite of the historical Western ideal of equality regardless of race, creed or social standing. It has produced the racism against white Europeans that today permeate the European mainstream media and public discourse.
Sweden is notoriously lost to its Marxist politicians who have refused to stop the violence against its indigenous population. Here are some statistics: The country has almost sixty “no-go zones” ruled by immigrant gangs where the police are not allowed; the city of Malmø has over 50% non-Western immigrants with a higher crime rate index than Baghdad; Sweden has the highest number of bombings for a country not at war – and still its politicians do not stop it.
According to a recent study, 96 % of assault rape in Sweden are committed by foreign born immigrants and the victims are ethnic Swedish women. A 2018 investigation found that 40 out of 43 men convicted of gang rape were either immigrants or born to immigrant parents. Sweden has had the highest number of registered rape offences in Europe by a considerable extent. In 1977, Sweden had 689 rapes reported; in 2015, 18,100 sexual offenses were reported. The victims are almost solely ethnic Swedes. Still, the Swedish politicians do not stop it, and the mainstream media remains silent.
Numbers for Norway indicate that remarkably few are convicted of rape. Only one in ten reports of sexual violence are filed, and about 80 percent are simply dropped. In Sweden, out of 4,895 reported rape cases in 2017, only 190 led to convictions. In Norway, only one in ten produce a conviction. One in three women who are violently raped never even tell anyone. Statistics also show that one in five Norwegian girls under 15 are exposed to sexual violence.
An example of the ingrained racism against white ethnicities in Norway is the small number of statistical accounts that have been published on the ethnicities of perpetrators. Sweden does not publish official crime data linked to ethnicity or immigration status, neither does Norway. It is a total Scandinavian taboo to address the ethnic origin of violent criminals.
In addition, professionals seem extremely afraid of speaking out. Very few speak about the many reported suicides by white girls post-rape as their families and the girls watch how the police are reluctant to engage actively in pursuing perpetrators. It is remarkably rare to find individuals who are willing to speak about this topic publicly. As a long-term writer in the largest newspapers in Norway, I tried a few years ago to at least introduce the idea of “welcome law-abiding immigrants” versus “unwelcome criminal immigrants”. The work was completely futile, as Norwegian politicians totally follow the Marxist trend of excusing violent non-Western criminals and simply not stopping the rapes.
But there have been exceptions. Hanne Kristin Rohde, then head of the Oslo police’s violence and vice section, commented on a unique 2007 police report which actually dared to address the ethnicities of rapists. The report showed that 100% of assault rape between 2006-2008 were committed by non-Westerner immigrants, mainly men from North Africa and the Middle East. There was a 100 % increase in reported rapes that past decade. In general, immigrants from Asia, Africa, South and Central America, and Turkey have much higher crime rates than the general population, and definitely worst are those from Africa. Since the release of this report, the national Norwegian statistics have returned to not specifically showing the percentage of violently criminal foreigners.
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Then, last year, the rapidly growing and now largest political party in Norway, the Libertarian Progress Party – arguably Norway’s version of Reform UK – paid for new research into the crime rate specified according to ethnicities. The statistics showed significant increase in the overrepresentation of immigrants for the period 2020-2023. Young men from Iraq and Somalia have extremely high charge rates, with over 1,200 per 1,000 for immigrants and up to 1,300 per 1,000 for Norwegian-born ethnic foreigners with parents from these countries. In Oslo, young men with an immigrant background have a charge rate of 820 per 1,000, while Norwegian-born to immigrant parents have a rate of 910 per 1,000. The rest of the population has a rate of 280 per 1,000.
“For example, for Somali men in Oslo (aged 15-24), there are 2,120 charges per 1,000 inhabitants in the period 2020-2023. This is 15 times more than the population of Oslo without an immigrant background,” writes the Progress Party: “The figures are dramatic. This shows how important it is to be open about who is behind youth crime. When the Progress Party has said that crime and immigration are linked, it has been for a reason. The fact that certain immigrant groups are so highly overrepresented is very serious and means that we probably need to have a completely different approach to the problem than we have had so far,” says party leader Sylvi Listhaug.”
The numbers for Denmark are equally depressing, revealing significant disparities based on ethnicity. Numbers from 2010–2014 indicate that non-Western immigrants are massively overrepresented among those convicted of rape compared to native Danes. While the white Danish conviction rate per 100.000 persons was 0.7, Somalis count for 25.1, Afghans for 18.1 and Iraqis for 10.4. This renders non-Western immigrants and their children to be 7.3 times more likely to commit rape than native Danes. [Remember, as reporting rape by immigrant-invaders is pointless, few rapes are reported and even fewer prosecuted. Therefore, the disproportion is much worse.]
So, there is a total lack of protection for indigenous Scandinavian women from foreign born immigrant rapists. I accuse the Marxist-socialist ideology that for so long has held Europeans hostage, with its racism against the indigenous white population in Europe, for allowing this horrifying abuse of women to continue year after year.
4 Joakim P. Jonasson has published a so-called citizen study of sexual crimes in Sweden in the years 2012-2017.
6 Joakim P. Jonasson has published a so-called citizen study of sexual crimes in Sweden in the years 2012-2017.