The recent Super Bowl between the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs wasn’t fixed for the Chiefs. This surprised millions of “normies” who had become increasingly vocal about the favorable calls the Chiefs have received all season from the refs. But the Super Bowl did plant a giant exclamation point on our Idiocracy.
The NFL, being the completely criminal enterprise it is, baited gamblers in to betting on the Chiefs. These naive fans assumed that the referees would rig the Super Bowl so that Patrick Mahomes, the least “real” Black high profile figure since Tiger Woods, would become the first quarterback to win three straight Super Bowls. The incurably White Tom Brady never did that. But instead it was an Eagles rout. I wonder which team the fixers bet on? Gamblers never learn, and the myriad of enticing betting options, which can be placed very simply on your “smart” phone, only makes the problem worse. Without all this easy access to gambling, and fantasy football, the NFL would draw the same kind of interest that professional bowling does. The level of play is putrid, hitting has been all but outlawed, and the game is 90 percent Black now. Even old fashioned crooked White referees are being phased out.
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So we were all denied the chance to see Taylor Swift celebrating. But what really made this game memorable was the halftime show. The Super Bowl halftime show has become a cultural event in and of itself, as have the very expensive commercials. At Super Bowl parties, wives and girlfriends will invariably ask “is it halftime yet?” In the past, the NFL attempted to book genuine big names, like Tom Petty, the Rolling Stones, or Paul McCartney, as the halftime act. No longer. Eminem, who hardly qualifies as White, was the last pale skinned headliner on Super Bowl Sunday. This year, the NFL dug its heels down as far as they could go into the DEI mud, and hired rapper Kendrick Lamar to perform at halftime. Lamar is primarily known only to the ghetto world, and the young, self-hating cucks who support anything nonwhite. He’s short, chubby, and totally lacking in charisma. And talent. That used to be essential for any musical artist. He just half hopped (hip hopped?) around the stage.
Lamar’s cringeworthy “lyrics” were almost totally indecipherable. Certainly, no one in the overwhelmingly White crowd was singing along. Well, more accurately rapping along. Lamar represented the NFL’s venture into total Blackness. Maximum ghetto. Warp speed stupidity. He was surrounded by “dancers” that also half/hip hopped around, and every one of them was Black, too. There was a shocking lack of diversity on that stage. It was like watching a Tarzan movie, without Tarzan. Or any African big game. Samuel Jackson, Jr., playing the anti-Morgan Freeman role, was dressed up as Uncle Sam. Kind of like two time murderer Don King waving the flag. He joked the performance was “too loud, too reckless, too ghetto,” indicating that this is the way White America viewed it. In other words, the way any civilized person would view it. Civilization is “White.” Being loud and obnoxious is cool. Skill and talent are racist.
Lamar’s hit song, which is unknown to 99 percent of White America, is “Not Like Us.” Ostensibly a “dis” at fellow rapper Drake, who is half Jewish and hardly “real” enough for gangsta rap, it’s also a celebration of segregation. “You not like us,” with its standard adherence to improper grammar, is proclaiming that others (non-Blacks) are not like those in the ghetto, or the multi-millionaires that pose as thugs while living in gated mansions. Well, of course, that stands to reason. I don’t know anyone that goes “wilding,” a unique kind of evil social activity that may end with firing a gun randomly and perhaps killing a toddler. Keeping it real. The people I know don’t wear their pants purposefully hanging low, exposing their underwear to the world. They don’t scoff at reading. They don’t try to provoke others by playing their music aggressively loud, cursing in public, or taking forever to cross a street.
Low class behavior has never been celebrated before, by any society. The British never promoted their Cockney underclass, and lovingly mimicked them. Only America 2.0 has taken the most objectionable “culture” the world has ever seen, and placed it on a pedestal. Given huge recording contracts to “rappers” who essentially “dis” other thugs and boast like unhinged preschoolers. Who give themselves the most uncreative stage names imaginable. What self-respecting adult would call themselves Snoop Dogg, or ‘Lil Romeo, without embarrassment? It is a “culture” that has resulted in generational crime and poverty, fatherless homes, and untold numbers of Blacks killing each other. It is a “culture” that glorifies ignorance. As Chris Rock said in a moment of candor, it’s a love affair with “not knowing shit.” We have at least sixty years of historical data demonstrating what a disastrous failure this “culture” has been.
When was the last time any White public figure said anything remotely resembling what I am saying? Conservatives stay away from the race topic. They might gingerly point out the wildly disproportionate Black crime rate. You have to be a special kind of submissive cuck to stay silent when 12 percent of the population is committing a majority of the violent crime in your country. Has being scared of telling the truth worked here? Has ghetto “culture” become any more civilized? The answer is obvious. Not only has it become more and more uncivil and often deranged, the Whites in charge who are terrified to confront it have decided that “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” is the best option. Except the vast majority of us don’t live in ghettos. We don’t have a desire to appreciate this “culture,” let alone emulate it. I’m not going to pretend to like rap. Or to sing the praises of DEI performers like Beyonce or Rhianna.
But it’s not just the cowering White leaders. It’s the prominent Blacks that contribute even more to the problem. Bill Cosby was the last Black public figure that really castigated ghetto behavior. Then his son died mysteriously in a road accident, and he wound up being accused of drugging and raping many, many women. I’m starting to think maybe he was set up. The response on the part of Black “leaders” to Kendrick Lamar’s cultural implosion was quite illuminating. The only one who condemned it was my favorite podcaster, Jason Whitlock. Deion Sanders, Stephen A. Smith, Sunny Hostin, and others all congratulated Lamar, and declared that “you made us proud.” What? How exactly did he make anyone proud, least of all multi millionaire talking heads? By his incomprehensible gibberish, which meant nothing to almost everyone watching? By his tremendous lack of talent, and unworthiness of the stage he was on?
Now, in this ridiculous song “One of Us,” apparently the esteemed Mr. Lamar calls Drake a pedophile. Fascinating. If only he would rap about how big his thing is. Actually, he probably does. I think that’s an integral part of the hip hop world. To be fair, that kind of childish boasting was also part of the elementary school world back in the day. No adults seemed interested in any of our immature nonsense. At one point in his scintillating performance, tennis star Serena Williams marched out on stage. Now, you might be thinking that she engaged in some kind of tennis exhibition or something. After all, why else would she be there? She doesn’t sing, or dance. Well, actually, she does do this one hilarious hop hip- the “Crip Walk.” It’s not a very impressive move. It looks identical to the hop hipping a lot of us drunk White guys were doing at parties in the 1970s and 1980s. No one recognized our abilities I guess.
Now, this “Crip Walk” would be counterproductive enough on the face of it, given that it’s the signature of the deadly Crips inner city gang. What kind of self respecting athlete worth an estimated $290 million would pay homage to violent criminals? But what makes it outright surrealistic is the fact Serena’s own sister was killed. By these same Crips. Williams, like so many monstrously conceited rappers, came from Compton. You know, straight outa Compton. That’s supposed to mean something to educated people. And educated people, to be sure, act as if it does mean something to them. At any rate, the Williams family fled Compton for obvious reasons when Serena was small. Losing her sister probably had a lot to do with that. But this seemingly non-ghetto millionaire apparently feels she has “roots” there. She had tragic death there. Not sure why any human being would look back fondly on that.
Apparently, Serena did this “Crip Walk” before, over a decade ago, after winning Wimbledon. I’m sure the British upper crust, watching from their overpriced seats, enjoyed her little victory hop hip on the cherished grass court. Looking at the “Crip Walk,” it’s very similar to the hop scotch moves so many toddlers and youngsters have perfected on sidewalks all over the world. No one ever thought hop scotch was cool. Certainly not dangerous, or “gangsta.” “Gangsta,” misspelled to suit the Ebonics illegitimate tongue, is the latest manifestation of 1920s-1930s style Hollywood promoted gangsterism. Al Capone and the boys. Machine guns. Hit men. Mob bosses. So cool. No wonder so many starlets, even the darling Donna Reed, fell victim to their charms. But almost all Americans recognized that gangsters were not suitable role models. The entire society didn’t copy their idiotic “code.”
Jason Whitlock really blasted Serena Williams for her “Crip Walk,” and the poor millionaire victim fought back through her husband, who is White and Jewish, and very, very ungangsta. And adding to the middle school drama, Serena and Drake used to have some kind of relationship. So she was evidently taunting her former boyfriend by shaking her suitably large America 2.0-size “booty” for his arch enemy Lamar. I must be one of the few Whites that just find all this ghetto intrigue to be about as exciting as rush hour traffic. Dull. Mind deadening. Brain cell killing. But then that could describe the entire rap/hip hop genre, which has taken over the entertainment business like an alien invasion. By the way, what exactly is the difference between rap and hip hop? Wait, who would even want to know that? The contributions of ghetto culture are enormous. Maybe we can all learn to twerk together in peace.
The NFL’s commissioner is Roger Goodell, a supreme cuck about my age. He didn’t stop at giving very gay “bro hugs” to each new millionaire number one draft pick (90 percent of whom will be complete busts, to the silence of the sports media); before the Super Bowl, he volunteered for another humiliation ritual. He was filmed engaging in a truly inane conversation with the venerable Snoop Dogg, who is on about 75 percent of all television commercials now. He’s kind of like the George Washington of the hip hop/hop scotch world. Goodell sounded so cringeworthy telling Mr. Dogg that he’s a big fan of his work. He even dropped “shizzle,” or “casniffle,” or some other incredibly stupid nonword from Mr. Dogg, who I think was a murder suspect in the past, and brags about being a Crip, as he ingratiated himself before this perpetually stoned wannabe thug. How do the Roger Goodells of the world live with themselves?
There were also a slew of hip hop/hop scotch themed propagandistic Super Bowl commercials. In the most laughable one, a young Black girl (what else) was seen destroying a bunch of male jocks, almost all of them White (what else) in flag football. The lead male jock was naturally a White bully, and of course he was shown bullying a poor Black kid. Yeah, that happens all the time. What was the point of this scenario, which I think was sponsored by the odious Nike corporation? So the NFL is advertising that little girls- well, as long as they’re Black, of course- are better at football than the multi-millionaires in their corrupt league? The ones we’re watching perform so non-spectacularly in your ultimate event, the Super Bowl? I mean, maybe none of us should get that excited about your magnificent game if a little girl can play it better than grown men. The messaging here is impossible, poisonous fantasy.
We have gone beyond Idiocracy, into a thoroughly ghettoized, Super Idiocracy. Young Whites- we used to call them Wiggers, but I suppose that’s forbidden now- just absolutely worshiping Blacks with lower IQs and questionable morals. Young White girls falling prey to the nonstop programming, urging them to find a Black boyfriend. Turn your nose up into that Resting Bitch Face, and screech “weirdo” at the closest “White Boy.” Say they really “creep” you out. “White Boy,” by the way, is a racial slur that is used not only by virtually all Blacks, but a solid majority of Whites, who revel in making fun of themselves. “It’s true, we’re so lame,” Homer Simpson said about thirty five years ago. Well, if you have a ghetto culture, your heroes, by definition, have to be ghetto. They have to be gangstas. And hos. That’s “whores” to you old sticklers for proper English. “Ho,” like “booty,” now flows easily from the tongues of Whites.
Donald Trump was at the Super Bowl, too, but the cameras oddly ignored him. You’d think that the first president to attend a Super Bowl game might warrant a few moments of camera time. The insane women on The View, while cheering the stark stupidity of Lamar and Williams, laughably claimed that Trump had tried to “remove Black people from the Super Bowl halftime show.” Yeah, I’m sure he did that. If so, boy was he unsuccessful! Maybe he was trying to remove Whites? In that case, another bit of “winning!” Some ridiculous mainstream newspaper headline read “Super Bowl destroys everything Donald Trump represents,” or something like that. I don’t know, he does like to rescue and pardon rappers. Trump here again is the symbolic old White guy. Pitted against him is the 80 percent Black league, and 100 percent Black halftime show. What’s not to love?