It's Palm Beach or Bust for Me

After a long and purple-haired national winter, something good is finally afoot. Something like normalcy is in vogue again; it’s even okay to say it out loud.

Months ago, when our winds began to shift, we never dreamed the dark fog could lift. We could not underestimate the machine. For years, we were trained to be quiet and sit in our collective misery while the crazed Left beat us into submission. We were herded into the dark non-binary universe of third-world encampments and safe spaces. The Yankee Problem: An... Wilson, Dr. Clyde N. Best Price: $9.46 Buy New $13.98 (as of 03:55 UTC - Details)

Things were nasty and upended there, even violating human nature—but we were told to embrace it, threatened with various punishments. The new sheriffs had new rules for everything: Beauty itself was now offensive—the uglier or more repulsive, the better. Rewarding merit was racist; being athletic was ableist. Contradicting the weird new narrative was forbidden, so faith, logical reasoning and real science were replaced by indigenous “knowledge” and groupthink. We were left in ruins.

It was a long, bad dream, maybe best captured by literary reference—the White Witch, the Wicked Witch, and Big Brother all rolled into one. We indulged our old hopes through other characters—Rocky, Sir William Wallace, Maverick, or my favorite, Aslan. One could find normalcy in old books and old movies, at least.

Now, here we are—bruised, but now emancipated—and if you believe Trump’s boldest prophecy, we’re even entering a Golden Age.

We sure hope he’s right. At minimum, we can enjoy a little American knockoff of Narnia’s thaw. Nothing on earth truly rivals Narnia, but the Narnian resurgence of joy is somehow felt here, too. Could it be real? So many wrongs suddenly righted; so many fortunes restored. The unjustly jailed, the censored truth, our denuded national character—all returning after years under evil political ice.

On the morning after the election, we had to pinch ourselves. It was a sudden and glorious goodbye to freaks and fiends. We sent some of the country’s most ruthless and unattractive people packing, along with their dumbfounded cheerleaders in leftist newsrooms. In their places stand former exiles—freedom, patriotism, laughter, and—in a win for tired eyes everywhere—good taste.

Weeks later, Inauguration Day was a celebration of manly decorum and American glamour, a return to a kind of stateliness once taken for granted. The despondent Hollywood set was nowhere in sight; this was ceremony done right. Weak and woke corruption were out, and American courage was back. People of all races and incomes were once again given permission to be prosperous and free—and even attractive! Silver Lozenges with V... Buy New $19.95 ($0.83 / Count) (as of 07:26 UTC - Details)

Although we can’t predict our future success, we certainly won’t witness the gloomy Delaware beach scene—an old man sleeping through presidential hours. Was the sleepy Biden shoreline that inspiring? Most of us knew only the barren scenes captured in Biden’s prolific getaways—sand, with an umbrella staking out a napping spot.

With our changing of the guard comes a renaissance of style, too. We won’t pretend to enjoy crumbling cities, nor will we defer to the motley malcontents of Bizarro World. Instead, we’ll let brilliance run free; we’ll build, restore and enhance. Instead of recreating favorite third-world haunts, we’ll project our principles through beauty, prosperity and peace.

Speaking of beauty, we’ll also admire the palm promenades and old elegance of Palm Beach. Yes, it brings its own excesses—grand ideas, glitzy style, and some surgical wonders; but it also excludes the pansexual and purple-haired ghouls who have informed our national policy for years. Given a choice, it’s Palm Beach or bust for me.

This originally appeared on Restoring Truth.