The Livery Collar of the State

The recent awardees of the Presidential Medal of Freedom should shock no one given the list of recipients only six months ago, yet they are unusually appalling.

First and foremost, Biden hung a gold-colored medal on the near-death George Soros, who has spent his life and fortune hating not only his own people, and betraying them, but hating everyone else as well. Soros used his fortune to openly push for the end of a constitutional America, and the warping of American respect for property, law and order, and economic freedom.  His influence and his value system has wholly subjugated the Democratic Party, which stands today for a unified hatred of populist democracy, which is to say a hatred of democracy. As chief destroyer of the modern Democratic Party, Soros actually deserves the award – but post-humously, by a next generation Democratic president, thirty years from now, a President who will thank Soros for his role in killing the former Democrat Party, and allowing its rebirth as a party of the Constitution, honest working people, government transparency, and authenticity.

When we speak of authenticity, most of us naturally think of Hillary Clinton.  Unlike Soros, Clinton deserves no presidential recognition during or after her life on Earth, but the fact that she received her Presidential Medal of Freedom now may tell us a bit about Biden’s peculiar sense of humor.  Assuming Biden knew what he was doing, it supports the sloppy seconds pattern of Biden’s entire political life.  In 2013, it was Obama giving the same award to Hill’s wayward blue dress-wearing hubbie Bill.  Hillary really must have hated that, but she has doubtlessly earned her medal of freedom from Joe Biden.  At this point, what difference does it make?  Hillary and any concept of “freedom” is pure Big Brother artifice.

Biden’s dark sense of humor, or that of the demons surrounding him, resulted in hanging the stained medal around the neck of Jose Andres.  Why would the Spanish chef appear anywhere near the White House after Israel’s White House-funded war in Gaza murdered seven of his World Central Kitchen aid workers in April, and three more in late November?  Andres knows this reality well, and I doubt he has any illusions about what Biden and his administration (indeed any modern US administration) stands for when it comes to organizing and funding Israeli genocidal rage against people it deems to be unworthy of life, limb, or property, much less food and nourishment.  Yet, he showed up to get a velvet neck chain, bowing his head to the murderer-in-chief.  We would have benefited so much more if Jose Andres had refused the medal in the name of his ten murdered employees, and a million or two Gazans who are being systematically starved to death as a matter of presidential policy.

Many of the recipients from the world of sport or art kept their eyes shut as they received their medal. Whether this is modesty, or damning shame, we will never know.  I’m glad to see Messi missed the ceremony, he is a busy man, with little in common with the wealth-building practices of Mr. Ten Percent.

I’m stunned by the posthumous award to Ashton Carter, as much as I was by the Medal of Freedom to Carlyle Group’s David Rubenstein.  Ash Carter, who served as Obama’s white Lloyd Austin, is a legendary insider.  He presided over defense acquisitions and technology at the very time (2009 through 2013) where we should have been radically rethinking defense acquisition in the post Cold War, post-Iraq War, looming 21st century, under the Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack.  Because Ash Carter didn’t do his job, the US is today faced with a lack of leading edge technology, and is unable reproduce old-style weapons at the pace we are getting them destroyed on faraway battlefields. US defensive capabilities are third tier, and the Pentagon not only can’t produce world quality hypersonic missiles, fighter aircraft, drones, ships, tanks or subs – it lacks even the designs to do so.  It stays busy trying to backfill supply lines and maintain the Rube Goldberg machines we already made, like the F-35, tilt-rotor Ospreys, and ye olde carrier battle group et al.  DC better pray global warming happens as fast as past medal winners Al Gore and John Kerry threaten, because US attempts to control the Arctic can’t happen without fast nuke powered icebreakers, and we’ll have to buy them from Russia.  In terms of hypersonic missiles, including the ICBM kind, between the US, Russia and China, clearly one of these is not like the others.  One on hand, Ash Carter’s mediocrity may have led to a chance for world peace, as our military uses itself up and cannot threaten the world except via nuclear annihilation.  On the other hand, his mediocrity resulted in a US defense posture that has not only bankrupted the US, but greatly increased the likelihood of US first-use of a nuclear weapon to “resolve” a conflict.  Oops.

Along the lines of making war globally digestible and popular, not to mention obscenely profitable, from before the first war on Iraq in 1991, to the present war on Gazans, the Carlyle Group and Rubenstein himself certainly deserve a rounded piece of metal, just not a Medal of Freedom.

As far as science goes, the absurdity of awarding a presidential medal of any kind to Bill Nye and Jane Goodall is obvious.  Nye and Goodall for all of their “good work” have a largely unscientific environmental worldview that is not only anti-human, but by extension, anti-animal and plant as well. Better choices in these categories would be Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and his Great Barrington Declaration along with Allan Savory, founder of the Savory Institute.  Fact-driven scientific exploration and research, and environmental rationality for the 21st century are already being claimed by conservatives and populists.  That’s bad news for the next iteration of the Democratic Party, but good news for the planet and all its lifeforms.  There is, however, a certain satisfaction in watching settled science dinosaurs receiving medals of “freedom” from a demented and corrupt old coot posing as the most powerful man in the world.

The grating hypocrisy and idiocracy of this latest Medal of Freedom ceremony is a proper end to the Biden era.  Curiously, the Presidential Medal of Freedom was created by JFK’s executive order 11085, yet that idealist did not survive the state to present its first livery collar.  It is my sincere hope, given the degradation of all presidents in my lifetime, via mental or moral disease, that this program be ended with the Biden administration.

Let the whole project be defunded as part of the DOGE: while it costs little in devalued fiat, it must be breaking the hearts of the founders, for whom lies, hypocrisy, incompetence, and blatant willful destruction of American life and liberty, were punishable by death, not rewarded with an American knighthood.