The fundamental organizing principle of geopolitics is widely understood to be national sovereignty. This has been the understanding within Europe since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. See this conversation with Jeffery Sachs and Glenn Diesen for insight into the history over the 400 years leading to our current predicament. Indeed, the first principle of action listed in the United Nations Charter (in (Article 2) is, “The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.” However, the reality of geopolitics reveals this principle to be an illusion. The realpolitik is of power and subservience.
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The most widespread and important, but not the only, exemplar of this state of affairs of realpolitik is the foreign policy of the United States. This policy is based on Full Spectrum Dominance as elucidated by Paul Wolfowitz in his 1992 Defense Planning Guidance, drafted in the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm. As F. William Engdahl argues in his book, “”Full Spectrum Dominance” is the US pursuit of global hegemony through military, economic, and political means. The book argues that the US seeks to control the world’s resources and maintain its position as the sole superpower by any means necessary, including covert regime change operations, military interventions, and control of vital energy resources.”
A sense of how this policy plays out in the world can be quickly perceived by considering The Master List by William Blum, Overthrowing other people’s governments:
Individual entries on the list might be debated (e.g., France 1965) and certain omissions noted (e.g., South Vietnam 1963), but the import of a coordinated and vast effort to control or destabilize the world is apparent. These days we often hear about The Unipolar World Order, that “refers to a “world order” in which there exists a Government that is so powerful that it can and does violate international laws with impunity, or maybe is even so powerful as to do that routinely — routinely to get away with doing that.”
The best documentation and explanation of how the policy is manifested in specific tactics are the many presentations by Brian Beletic on his podcast The New Atlas. The obvious primary targets of the tactics are Russia, China, and Iran, as they are the big powers that are able to resist the hegemon. But he also explains in detail the mechanics of how this works around the world in small countries in his extremely informative and convincing podcasts. He especially emphasizes the control of information that allows the US to regime change countries from within.
In the Tucker Carlson interview of Vladimir Putin (39:55) Putin describes the subservience of the great European powers. “In 2008 at the summit in Bucharest, they declared that the doors for Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO were open. Now about how decisions are made there. Germany, France seemed to be against it, as well as some other European countries. But then as it turned out later, President Bush, and he’s such a tough guy, a tough politician, as I was told later, “He exerted pressure on us and we had to agree.” It’s ridiculous. It’s like kindergarten. Where are the guarantees? What kindergarten is this? What kind of people are these? Who are they? You see, they were pressed, they agreed.”
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The subservience is not only enforced by the US government. Another player is the European Union central bureaucracy. Consider this news report: EU can work with any democracy but has ‘tools’ if it gets ‘difficult’, VDL says | Euronews. Therein we find, “The European Commission is willing to work with any democratic government across the bloc but has the “tools” if things go in a “difficult direction”, Ursula von der Leyen has said in response to a question about Italy’s upcoming elections.” Recent moves by the EU in member and adjacent countries include Romania, Hungary, and Georgia, respectively. However, the EU is a subservient tool of the US.
Do Americans know their tax dollars are used for our elite to try to rule the world? It is a goal that is both immoral and impossible. Wolfowitz and his boss in 1992, Dick Cheney, are well known as uber neoconservatives. These policies are the essence of neoconservatism. As Charles Burris noted (Jimmy Carter, RIP – LRC Blog), the neocons “have been the incubus, the cancerous beast which has devoured the American Republic.” This cancer needs to be excised for the good of the US and the world. My dream would be for the new administration, Trump himself, to state directly to the people the policy of Full Spectrum Dominance and then to denounce it. To call out neocons, name names, make the word “neocon” an obscenity. Along with Wolfowitz and Cheney there is Kristol, Bolton, Graham, McCain (deceased), Nuland, Bush, etc. This would not bring peace on Earth, but it sure would make billions of people safer and better off.
Readers of LRC know that the ultimate principality and power in this world is not the President and Congress of the United States. We can consider the US deep state, international organizations like the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum, Wall Street, and many other known and unknown entities. I do not know where the ultimate power lies, but I do know the obvious evil that are the neocons.