Trump Named Person of the Year, Slays Establishment Media

In the months leading up to the November 5 presidential election, the wide-eyed members of the Establishment Media kept insisting that Donald Trump was a white supremacist, fascist, sexist, totalitarian, misogynist racist, Hitler, and worse.

As far as one can remember, no other man or woman – domestic or foreign – had so much vitriol poured on his or her head as Donald Trump… not even close. As far as the media were concerned, Donald Trump, was (and still is) public enemy number one.

Unprecedented in co-ordination and scope, the media’s relentless attacks on Trump constituted the most vicious character assassination campaign in memory, if not in the whole history of American politics. Those who orchestrated and carried out this campaign must have been aware that this level of instigated hatred would likely provoke some individuals to carry out actual assassination attempts. As we have all seen, they got their wish in the end.

That many on the Left wanted Trump dead became glaringly obvious from the multitude of postings on social media and elsewhere bemoaning the fact that the assassin’s shot did not hit the target. According to the research conducted by Professor Eric Kaufmann, a third of Democratic voters wished the shooter’s bullet had not missed Trump’s head. Among the progressives the number was an astounding 71 percent!

After everything that has been said and done to him, the fact that Trump is still alive today is, indeed, a kind of miracle.

In a truly paradoxical turn – after months of being relentlessly maligned, defamed, and denigrated – Donald Trump was named the 2024 Person of the Year last week by Time magazine, one of the premier organs of elite think.

One wonders how could the Time editors in good conscience name Trump the Person of the Year after everything that has been said of him? Here are some questions for them:

Are you not ashamed to name a fascist, sexist, and white supremacist the Person of the Year? Are you not embarrassed to bestow this grand designation upon a Hitler-like figure?

And here is something else they could ponder. If Donald Trump is a racist, as they so earnestly insisted, how is it that he received record levels of the Latino and Black vote?

If Trump is a sexist and misogynist, how come he did so well with women even though the women of America had the choice of voting for one of their own in this election, and yet they still preferred Trump?

No reasonable answers can, of course, be given.

This shows the media’s mendaciousness and puts into stark relief the fact that virtually all their claims about the man were bald lies and fiction.

Whatever he may be, Donald Trump is certainly no fascist, racist, sexist, or totalitarian. After all, he had his first term to make good on these alleged tendencies, and yet he attempted nothing that could be even remotely construed to incline that way.

Quite on the contrary, having witnessed Trump’s performance during his first four years, the American people expressed their approval at the ballot box. In the questionable 2020 election, they awarded him more than 74 million votes, a yield which appreciably exceeded that of any other presidential candidate up to that time.

The only man who ever surpassed Trump’s historic haul was Joe Biden who “received” a mind-boggling 81 million votes in 2020. This was nearly 12 million more than Obama amassed during his 2008 record-breaking run. Biden’s total truly seems unlikely for an obviously cognitively impaired, uncharismatic, and confused candidate who rarely appeared on the campaign trail and who spent most of his campaign time hiding from Covid at his Delaware house. To many people the whole thing just does not seem very plausible.

Furthermore, in December 2020 – only some six weeks after the election that he had allegedly lost – Donald Trump was named the most admired man in the United States by the annual Gallup poll, which is surely no rightwing outfit. To wit, the person who received the most votes on the women’s side was none other than Michelle Obama. Revealingly, Joe Biden received two thirds fewer votes than Trump in that election year Gallup contest.

The question is this: How could the most admired man in America be beaten in the election by seven million votes by a dull and uninspiring candidate who painfully struggled with senility and who rarely campaigned?

These are some of the reasons why there are so many people who have a hard time believing that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential matchup.

Needless to say, this year the media really have to eat their words. But apart from being exposed as crass liars, this election made obvious something else: the back of the mainstream media has been broken for good, for despite conducting the most savage, lie-filled, and slanderous character assassination campaign in memory and doing all they could to stop Trump, they failed to swing the election to the Democrats.

Even though they threw against Trump all they had – including flagrant propaganda, constant defamation, and shamefaced falsehoods – he triumphed in the end. And he won in a spectacular fashion with a landslide victory in the electoral college without losing a single battleground state.

In its December edition, Time magazine wrote that 2024 marks Trump’s “apotheosis.” What they did not write is that it also marks the year in which the power of the Establishment Media has been shattered. This year it has become all too obvious that no matter how hard they try, they no longer possess the ability to sway elections. The bulk of the American people no longer believe anything the mainstream media say. In fact, there are growing numbers of Americans whose default position is that the truth is usually the exact opposite of the line taken by the establishment outlets.

In 2024 the media came against a resurgent Trump, and they got devasted. Their hypocrisy and mendacity have been exposed for all to see. Their previously steadily declining ratings and subscriptions have cratered in the wake of the election. This is the year when the conniving Establishment Media got their comeuppance in full.

The December 2024 Person of the Year issue of Time magazine stands as a rare journalistic artefact, because it presents its readers with a number of statements that are actually true. This is rather unprecedented in recent history of mainstream journalism. This sudden seeing of light is almost certainly due to the shock of being shaken to the core by Trump’s historic victory.

Shell-shocked and chastened, the writers at Time managed to write something that is not too far from the truth. One almost feels a measure of sympathy when reading the pearls of truth below, knowing how painful it must have been for their authors to pen them:

“Since he began running for President in 2015, perhaps no single individual has played a larger role in changing the course of politics and history than Trump.”

“[We] are living in the Age of Trump. He dispatched his Republican rivals in near record time. For weeks, he campaigned largely from the New York courtroom where he would be convicted on 34 felony counts. His sole debate with President Joe Biden in June led to his opponent’s eventual exit from the race. Sixteen days later, he survived an assassination attempt at a campaign rally. In the sprint that followed, he outlasted Vice President Kamala Harris, sweeping all seven swing states and emerging from the election at the height of his popularity.”

“Trump has remade American politics in the process. He won by enlarging his base, seizing the frustration over rising prices and benefiting from a global turn against incumbents. With those tailwinds, exit polls suggest that he won the largest percentage of Black Americans for a Republican since Gerald Ford and the most Latino voters of any GOP nominee since George W. Bush. Suburban women, whose anger over restrictions to reproductive rights was thought to be a bulwark for the Democrats, moved not away but toward him. He became the first Republican in 20 years to win more votes than the Democrat, with 9 of 10 American counties increasing their support for Trump from 2020.”

“Today, we are witnessing a resurgence of populism, a widening mistrust in the institutions that defined the last century, and an eroding faith that liberal values will lead to better lives for most people. Trump is both agent and beneficiary of it all. For marshaling a comeback of historic proportions, for driving a once-in-a-­generation political realignment, for reshaping the American presidency and altering America’s role in the world, Donald Trump is TIME’s 2024 ­Person of the Year.”

Who would have ever thought that we would be reading something like this in one of the Establishment’s propaganda organs?