The U.S. Government Is Secretly Using These Devices To Track Us

According to Steven Overly From: The freakout moment that set journalist Byron Tau on a five-year quest to expose the sprawling U.S. data surveillance state occurred over a “wine-soaked dinner” back in 2018 with a source he cannot name.

The tipster told Tau the government was buying up reams of consumer data — information scraped from cellphones, social media profiles, internet ad exchanges and other open sources — and deploying it for often-clandestine purposes like law enforcement and national security in the U.S. and abroad. The places you go, the websites you visit, the opinions you post — all collected and legally sold to federal agencies.

I’m going to alert you to what many are considering to be on of the worst doomsday scenarios for free American patriots. One that apparently not many are prepping for, or even seem to care about.

By now everybody knows that the government ‘alphabet agencies’ including mainly the NSA have been methodically collecting data on us. Everything we do, say, buy and search on the internet will be on permanent data base file by next year. All phone calls now are computer monitored, automatically recorded and stored with certain flag/trigger words (in all languages).

As technology improves, every single phone call will be entirely recorded at meta-data bases in government computer cloud storage, when ‘They’ finish the huge NSA super spy center in Utah. Which means they will be available anytime authorities want to look them up and personally listen for any information reference to any future investigation. Super computer algorithms will pin point search extrapolations of ANY relationship to the target point.

You can rest uneasily, but assured, that in the very near future when a cop stops you and scans your driver license into his computer, he will know anything even remotely ’suspicious’ or ’questionable’ about ALL the recent activities and behavior in your life he chooses to focus upon!

This is the ‘privacy apocalypse’ coming upon us. And you need to know these five devices that you can run to protect your privacy, but you can’t hide from.

When Security Overlaps Freedom

The NSA does more spying on ‘We the People’ than it does on the enemies of the country! Even simple text messages over a certain number of characters will join the wealth of stolen private communications flagged by certain trigger words, in the happy hunting grounds of mega-data heaven.

The two biggest fallacy arguments are that ‘those with nothing to ‘hide’ have nothing to fear’, or ‘this is the price we pay for living in a fast paced convenient modern computerized world if we want to improve our security and safety’.

Why does all these lame excuses remind me of something the old sage Ben Franklin used to say to slap that kind of thinking? “Those who are willing to give up any freedoms for a little more security deserve neither.’

The factual true reality is that these egregious violations of our privacy rights are premised on the never ending lies of the government. Maybe ‘They’ still get away with it because for some reason people are so dumbed down or not paying attention, or simply don’t know or see the bigger picture.

So assuming that most of us really don’t want the government or police to know our most private business just because it’s so easy for them to do so even though we are not doing anything wrong, we’ll provide a little edification herein about the cold hard realities.

With the increase of technology that we don’t even really need for everyday use in most of our lifestyles, the value it does NOT produce in comparison to the dangerous violations of our liberties, exemplifies the true intention of ‘the invention’. The government argument for having cameras everywhere in public is that the courts ruled that generally we have no expectation of complete privacy in a public domain.

And of course they took that as a green light to mean that they can now put surveillance cameras literally everywhere in the city and roads and take public pictures of anybody for their meta/data bases. Also, they put face recognition technology in use with the cameras to literally search people’s identity and background, at will, anytime when you’re in public, 4th/A notwithstanding!

In my personal opinion, this is a much better way to replicate the old fashioned Nazi way of saying ’papers, please’.

But our homes are supposed to be insulated and highly protected from what the courts call ’unreasonable search and seizure” which guarantees our inalienable right to privacy in our own homes? There are specific guidelines and nobody is supposed to know what goes on in the sanctity of your castle without your permission or without a court designated warrant, which is issued on the basis of serious probable criminal cause.

But in their anti-privacy compulsion the next inevitable turn in the down spiral of destroying our basic liberties cannot be surprising anymore.

Here’s how far and fast the ‘tactical tech’ invasion of our privacy has slid down the extremely slippery slope of totalitarianism in just the last couple of years:

The 5 Devices that Ruin the Idea of Privacy

1. FLIR Devices (Forward Looking Infrared Devices) 

These have actually been around for almost 20 years now in the form of heat seeking devices but the advanced laser electronics and microprocessors now make it into a new and more dangerous tool called thermal imaging detection devices.

Based on (FLIR) the military and civilian search and rescue community immediately recognized the benefits of such devices for aerial environmental tracking search purposes and as the market grew sophistication became enhanced.

The original mechanical concept in application was to pinpoint differential temperature variation between humans and ambient environmental temperatures, in order to determine the potential of locating individual human presence with a color spectrum visual image especially in total darkness by their own body heat.

But rapid developments in the imaging technology and penetration/ranging and portability bring this device to new heights of ‘clearly pictured’ intrusion.

Deployment is rapidly becoming enhanced, as well, as the science improves more powerful devices with better range and penetration in smaller devices are emerging.

That small neighborhood police ‘crime watch drone’ will no longer only be able to peek in your window from under your tree branches but will soon be able to see through your walls into the most private places in your home!

A cop can pull up quietly and unnoticed in their unmarked cars or vans– and ‘see’ through your walls and spy on you right from the curb in front of your house by aiming their new handheld FLIR Thermal Imaging device through walls, and get quite a clear telling image of what you and your husband are doing under the bed sheets or in the personal sanctity of your bathroom.

And if you have a solid concrete home or are down deep in the corner of your basement, there’s this next device here in the form of unholy diabolical ‘son of FLIR’ to eventually find you no matter where you are hiding your home.

2. RANGE-R – Hand Held Obstacle Penetrating Radar

Remember the classic movie series Aliens with Sigourney Weaver where the baby alien monster popped out of the belly of one the space exploration team on the space craft?

And then the aliens were sneaking around the innards of the spacecraft closing in on the Lt. Ripley & Crew and Corporal Hicks pulls out his handheld tracking device–remarkably identical to these RANGE-R devices– and right through the walls and metal bulkheads and pinpointed all the alien monsters sneaking around with their exact location, distance, and movement.

Well the future is here and now. Pretty cool, huh? Well, not if you are a private American citizen trying to appreciate your Constitutional liberties in the enclosed security of your own home expecting that neither the uninvited thief nor the government can invade that privacy.

The RANGE-R handheld locating device is based on specially tuned and direction enhanced radar wave technology. This is currently being used by dozens of federal agencies including the U.S. Marshal Service, the BATF and FBI, and even some local municipalities which can afford the purchase of it, usually with their drug seizure profits.

The detecting power of the RANGE-R literally can penetrate many walls to detect humans. This device, along with its bigger two handed more enhanced version–the RADAR VISION 2, which is pressed up against the outside of even a brick wall and is so sensitive and can detect a motionless human’s breathing even if they are sitting still– gives the operator a discernable 3D image that can be analyzed for detail at distances over 100 feet!

When USA Today broke the story last month many of us were surprised that the government had already secretly and with a legally questionable application use, deployed these devices in numerous investigations and arrests. Well, you really didn’t expect them to publicly announce that they were violating the 4th Amendment, did you?

The official unbelievable excuse this time was that these devices were supposedly used in conjunction with a warrant (sometimes?). The probable cause was that government agents and police needed to know who and what was inside before they entered.

Well, that’s a bumpy, but woefully unconvincing convenient slide down the slope from the usual suspects ‘public safety’ and extreme ‘crime prevention’… Just like the use of an officer’s sidearm in the killing of unarmed person(s) behaving strangely, if a cop perceives his life is in danger.

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