Prior to COVID-19, I considered Gardasil (for HPV) to be the most dangerous and unjustifiable vaccine on the market. It’s truly remarkable how many parallels can be found between it and the COVID-19 vaccines, so I feel it’s critically important for this already forgotten story to be told.
Help Pay for Vioxx (HPV)
The default strategy in medicine for any type of pain or injury is to throw NSAIDs at it—making the drugs immensely profitable. Unfortunately, they typically don’t help that much (which actually increases their sales since patients then need more of them), and they are fairly dangerous (e.g., NSAIDS kill tens of thousands of Americans each year and seriously injure far more—which is unfortunate since DMSO safely and effectively treats all the conditions NSAIDs are used for).
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To create a new market, NSAIDs like Vioxx were created that were supposed to be safer…but also had a huge stroke and heart attack risk. However, despite evidence of harm continuing to mount, Merck and the FDA kept on covering it up, and when the drug was finally pulled, Vioxx was estimated to have killed 120,000 people. Sadly, as the FDA scientist who fought to get it off the market testified, this is business as usual, and another Vioxx disaster was inevitable.
Merck eventually had to pay a 5 billion Vioxx settlement (while the CEO received a $37.8 million “performance-based” bonus), leading Merck short of funds. This was solved by the decades of research finally yielding an HPV vaccine, which Merck (and the FDA) immediately went to work marketing through an “award-winning” advertising blitz that convinced every American they needed to be scared to death of cervical cancer (a fairly rare cancer).
It worked, with 25.1% of adolescent girls getting Gardasil in 2007, 53.8% by 2011, and by 2023, 79.3%. It was one of the most expensive vaccines on the market and quickly became a leading source of revenue for Merck (e.g., 1.87 billion in 2023). However, due to its cost (like the COVID vaccine), it required hefty government subsidies which included cash prizes to get the vaccine and a 40 million dollar HHS grant for developing the most effective sales script doctors could use to push the vaccine on “hesitant” patients.
Note: Because of its high cost, it frequently requires state or federal financial support for doctors to offer it (just like the COVID-19 vaccines).
Is Gardasil Effective?
The reason Merck had to aggressively market the fear of cervical cancer was that it was much less of a danger than it had been in the past, as it had largely been eliminated by interventions like pap smears.
Furthermore, its benefit for cervical cancer was entirely theoretical (Merck even convinced the FDA “studying cancer itself isn’t feasible, because it takes too long and it disadvantages too many women”) and despite 80% of women getting it, it still has not reduced cervical cancer:
Gardasl’s marketing also overshadowed the other two major risk factors for cervical cancer—smoking and birth control pills—have largely been overshadowed by the focus on HPV. Remarkably, the decline in smoking perfectly mirrors the decline in cervical cancer death:
Disease Provocation
Vaccines place the body under stress and divert the immune response to address the vaccine’s stimulus. If the immune system is already attempting to contain another infection, this can be quite problematic and allow the existing infection to spiral out of control. This phenomenon has been known about since 1893 and repeatedly demonstrated with many different infections (e.g., polio and typhus).
In turn, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen people around me get the flu after receiving a flu shot, and during COVID, severe cases of COVID often followed receiving the vaccine.
The HPV vaccine also does this, with many reports of individuals developing or worsening HPV-related infections, including genital warts, and Gardasil’s trial data showing it made existing infections more likely to become cancerous:
Note: an identical effect was also found with GlaxoSmithKline’s competing HPV vaccine.
Despite these concerns, prescreening for HPV before vaccination isn’t recommended. Instead, the “solution” has been to lower the age of vaccination.
DNA Contamination
Thus far, I’ve argued that the reasons vaccines can make you “become sick” is because they weaken the immune system and make you more susceptible to catching the actual infection or having an already existing infection spiral out of control. While I believe that is the primary issue, there is also another problem—manufacturing vaccines is an inherently dirty process. Because of this contaminated “hot” lots will inevitably get released that sicken or kill many (a recurring problem which was ultimately “solved” by the government giving legal immunity to the manufacturers).
Producing genetically modified vaccines (e.g., Gardasil) requires synthetic DNA (plasmids) that frequently aren’t filtered out of the final product (e.g., this is a recurring issue with hot vaccine lots). Worse still, those plasmids tend to be mixed with adjuvants that bring them into the cells and contain a dangerous part of the SV40 virus which draws them into the nucleus, allowing them to integrate into the human genome (e.g., this has been demonstrated with the COVID vaccines).
Note: the early polio vaccines were contaminated with the cancer causing SV40 virus, but despite warnings not to, the government still released it, ultimately resulting in millions of cancers. Sadly, the current COVID vaccine cancer wave dwarfs even that:
Likewise, with Gardasil, there have been numerous causes where a young vaccinated girl (e.g., one who died suddenly) were discovered to have HPV plasmid DNA in their bodies and those plasmids have been found in every HPV vaccine where it was tested for (leading to the government to switch from denying their presence to insisting they were “safe”).
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Note: it is quite unfortunate a carcinogenic vaccine was able to be marketed to prevent a (fairly rare) cancer–especially since Gardasil (like the mRNA vaccines) was never tested for its cancer risk and trial data showed elevated leukemia rates.
Safety vs. Efficacy
Since all vaccines are viewed as “safe and effective,” regulators prioritize how strong an antibody response they elicit, leading to manufacturers excessively stimulating the immune system at the expense of safety (e.g., this was why the COVID vaccines gave so many people autoimmune disorders). In Gardasil’s case, it used a very powerful (but untested) adjuvant that gave 49.6% of participants in Merck’s trial a “New Medical Condition,” including Guillain-Barré syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and other severe autoimmune disorders.
For reference, this is what is stated in Merck’s package insert for the vaccine, which discussed all the (reported) autoimmune disorders that developed throughout its clinical trials.
Note: one of the key mechanisms of injury behind most vaccines is them collapsing the physiologic zeta potential of the body—causing blood cells to clump together and triggering microstrokes throughout the body. and the most harmful vaccines that ever hit the market were uniquely toxic to zeta potential (which in Gardasil’s case came from its aluminum adjuvant, and COVID vaccine due to the [mass-produced] spike protein’s positive charge density). As a result, treating those injuries often requires restoring the physiologic zeta potential. Additionally, those with hypermobility (e.g., Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) are particularly vulnerable to pharmaceutical injuries and often also require targeted nutritional supplementation to restore their ligaments and health.
This extraordinarily high rate of autoimmunity has caused large numbers of Gardasil recipients to become seriously and sometimes permanently disabled from the vaccine. In turn, there are thousands of pages of heart-wrenching stories (not that different from the COVID vaccine injuries) about how Gardasil ruined many people at the prime of their lives.
Note: one of the most common side effects of Gardasil (and COVID vaccination) was POTS (a debilitating disorder where severe lightheadedness occurs when standing up which can sometimes trigger fatal car accidents—and which coincidentally was a common cause of death in the Gardasil trials). Many have since concluded this disease was in part an autoimmune disorder as Gardasil victims have been found to have antibodies to the autonomic receptors which are supposed to bring blood to the head.1,2,3 POTS appears to be due to an impaired zeta potential (something Gardasil was also notorious for doing), as restoring physiologic zeta potential often significantly improves POTS.
If you take a step back, it’s completely unconscionable that a vaccine that provides almost no benefit could be approved while simultaneously giving at least 2.3% of the recipients a serious lifelong autoimmune illness. To get around this, Merck doctored the trials by having the “placebo” be the vaccine’s damaging adjuvant. As such, while a massive rate of harm was observed in those who took the vaccine, it wasn’t that much higher than what occurred in the “placebo” group (and thus “by chance”) and hence deemed to be “unrelated” to the vaccine.