The good news is that the mendacious columnists at The New York Times have committed collective suicide. The bad news is that I just made this up. Portentous phonies like columnists at the Times are shameless, hence they do not commit suicide; what they do instead is sell repellent ideologies to the fools who read their lies. The Times garbage was not alone in getting drubbed by the voters. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and The Washington Post dishonestly covered the Donald, going all out to besmirch him, with The Washington Post describing a Trump rally as “one that echoed a Nazi rally in 1939.”
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“Nothing changes the lefty media, not even the drubbing their party just received by the American people.”
Left-wing rags like The Atlantic served as de facto surrogates for the Kamala campaign. But once the votes had been cast and counted, the media continued to dig its grave with Trump animus. The so-called press did not rush to advertise the fact that Trump had won the popular vote by more than 5 million, the last chance to cry foul about the will of the people being superseded by the Electoral College. Late-night celebrity ass-kissers like Stephen Colbert screamed in anguish over the results. Kamala had the support of brain-dead Hollywood types like no-longer-fat Oprah, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Christina Aguilera, Bruce Springsteen, Cardi B, Lizzo, and Jennifer Lopez. Trump did not score any celebrities except for Hulk Hogan, but cops and firemen, farmers and mechanics, fathers and mothers gave him their vote. The media covered the Hollywood scum and Kamala, and forgot all about the normal people who could not put food on their tables because of inflation. The Democrats completely abandoned working-class people, talked down to them, told them they were racists and bigoted for not putting their pronouns in their bio. Men competed as women against normal women, and those of us who screamed against the unfairness of it were dubbed homophobes and Nazis.
I liked watching New Yorker editor David Remnick with his dyed-black hair and thick makeup, looking like one of those scary gay characters of German movies of the ’30s, announcing it was racism and misogyny that got the monster elected. He then said that Trump ran for president in order to make crooked deals while in the White House. His kind will never learn and will continue to insist that migrants contribute more than citizens and predict the end of democracy whenever Trump wins one.
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Days following the election, a joke text message by unknowns sent to students summoning blacks to report as cotton-picking slaves to reservations was instantly reported by the Times, the article hinting that Trump’s rhetoric was responsible. The Times failed to report that Trump’s rhetoric was also responsible for Lincoln’s death as well as that of JFK.
So, dear Takimag readers, nothing changes the lefty media, not even the drubbing their party just received by the American people. Bums like Remnick and Sulzberger and Klein never learn because they think they know better than anyone. They are physically ugly, and obviously full of complexes, hence they see themselves as more intelligent than everyone else. Now they are bewailing the stupidity of the masses for voting Trump into office. It is normal for inferior minds to do just that. We tend to call these buffoons elites because they call themselves elites. They are nothing of the kind.