A good answer to this is provided in the following example, of a type which is now increasingly common in news-coverage outside the U.S. empire (or “The West”):
See here.
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What it shows, on November 23rd, is that Israeli troops and American satellite intelligence and weaponry are being used psychopathically slaughtering predominantly uninvolved civilians, and so the U.S. and its colonies are arming themselves not MERELY with weapons and intelligence and troops but ALSO with the psychopathy to be blaming the Governments that they want to conquer as being psychopathically unconcerned about the “collateral damage” they cause and, about using civilians as “human shields,” even while using such abominable methods themselves vastly MORE than their chosen ‘enemies’ do. The sheer hypocrisy of the U.S. and its colonies is the reason why the contempt for the U.S. Government is now soaring around the world.
The result of this increasing public contempt against America will be growing movements, around the world, to condemn and to marginalize not ONLY the U.S. Government (which leads this warmongering hypocrisy — such as regarding the war in Ukraine) but ALL of the OTHER Governments within its empire. The end-result of this will be the downfall of the Americn empire — which, like ALL empires, is an empire of conquest and of war.
However, while, and as, this is happening, an important distinction must be made between those nations and their Governments that are massacring so many people and lying so much about it and lying so much about the Governments they’re trying to overthrow and replace: part of this massive lying is the perpetrating Governments’ lying to portray themselves as being ‘democracies’ and their appointed ‘enemies’ as being instead ‘dictatorships’ (or ‘autocracies’), when, in fact, the ONLY Government that has yet been scientifically studied in order to determine whether or not it IS a democracy is THE UNITED STATES ITSELF, and what these studies have unanimously concluded is that it is NOT a democracy — it is ruled by the dollars and not by the voters, just like a corporation is: whereas a corporation is ruled by its owners on the basis of how many shares each shareholder owns, the United States Government is ruled by its billionaires who provide the majority of the political dollars that are donated in the political campaigns. America has thus PRIVATIZED ITS GOVERNMENT to its billionaires. The “public interest” is irrelevant to what today’s U.S. Government legislates and enforces (such as in 2003 invading Iraq entirely on the basis of lies). Politically, no “public”
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effectively exists any longer in this country. This country is instead ruled by its ruling class, just as all previous aristocratically ruled countries or “aristocracies” as opposed to “democracies,” have been ruled throughout history. Whereas America’s Founding Fathers held the First American Revolution to overthrow and replace the British aristocracy here, a new and domestic American Aristocracy has taken over after 25 July 1945 and must be overthrown and replaced by democracy here via a Second American Revolution in order for this country to be able to go BACK to the Constitution that America’s Founders collectively wrote, and to INTERPRET IT AS ITS AUTHORS INTENDED IT (and of course its Amendments) TO BE INTERPRETED (and NOT, like NOW, as America’s billionaires WANT it to be interpreted). (I call this “Authorial Originalism” as opposed to the existing false theories of Constitutional jurisprudence, which come ultimately from America’s billionaires and NOT from the collectivity ONLY of the individuals who collectively WROTE the document.)
Only then will the good name of “the United States of America” be restored again. But between now and then will be the decline and fall of the American empire. The decline has been happening through at least the past 25 years, but the fall is starting right now.
This originally appeared on Eric’s Substack.