Neocons Not Welcomed Into New Trump Team

Trump declares on X he will not be inviting Nikki Haley & Mike Pompeo to join his administration.

I have long thought that guys like Leo Strauss and Norman Podhoretz are interesting writers, and I would certainly enjoy having conversations with them. However, the trouble with so-called “Neoconservatives” is their extremely naive assumption that the United States government and military have the power to remake foreign countries in the U.S. image.

As the greatest conservative philosopher, Edmund Burke, pointed out, humans are creatures of custom and habit, and the society and culture of any given place is formed over centuries. It is erroneous for men occupying positions of power to believe that they can radically change a nation to conform with their notions of what is best for it. This is why Podhoretz was dead wrong about the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq, which he strongly advocated. I knew the project would fail.

Neoconservatives invoke the examples of Germany and Japan following World War II, but these were extremely organized societies with long traditions of central authority. After their defeat, with their cities and industries in ruins, their peoples were exhausted and perfectly amendable to cooperation with U.S. military and civilian leaders.

It is simply not realistic to believe that the U.S. government and military can wage total warfare on all nations that resist adopting American-style government and culture. Yet another thing to consider is that they’re not making guys like General Lucius Clay anymore. The U.S. Military Governor of Germany had exceptional brains, ability, prudence, and judgement. I doubt there is now anyone in Washington who could hold a candle to him.

Especially stupid has been the insistence that Russia accept NATO’s expansion all the way to its doorstep. Why would Russia trust the U.S. government and accept NATO’s expansion into Ukraine? Why in hell didn’t the U.S. government simply strike an Austrian-style neutrality deal for Ukraine with Russia? The Austrian deal has held since 1955.

Obviously the United States government would not tolerate Russian military alliances in the Western Hemisphere, so why on earth does anyone in this country expect Russia to accept such an arrangement on their doorstep? I often marvel at how millions of people can be led to embrace a notion that is plainly ridiculous.

This being the case, I was delighted to see President-elect Trump’s declaration on X that he will not be inviting Nikki Haley & Mike Pompeo to join his new administration. The former doesn’t know anything; the latter isn’t trustworthy. Both have been influenced by the Neoconservative worldview.

This originally appeared on Courageous Discourse.