And Now We’ll See

Trump has done it. The question now is – will he do it?

Will he do more than just talk, that is?

We’ll soon see.

The Immigration Soluti... Steven Malanga Best Price: $15.73 Buy New $35.99 (as of 09:36 UTC - Details) The first thing we’ll see is who he appoints to key positions. If he appoints people such as Nimarata Haley and Mike Pompeo it will not be necessary to wait and see what he’ll do after he is inaugurated come  January (assuming the Jacobins who still have their hands on the levers of power accede to this). If he appoints even one “swamp thing,” we’ll know that it’s worse than he didn’t know better than to bring such people into his administration the last time. He did it knowing exactly who these people are.

And that he approves of them.

Then we’ll see what he does with regard to – for openers – the federal regulatory apparat’s pushing of battery powered vehicles via the imposition of regulations that only battery powered vehicles can comply with. He can simply declare that such regulations lack the force of law, having never been passed as laws by Congress, which as of this writing appears to have transitioned to Republican control of both houses. He has every legal and moral right to cut the cord, so to speak – and the political backing. He also has the charisma to explain why to the public. He could – and should – demand that any further regulations be specifically authorized by the Congress, per the Constitution – and disembowel the extra-legal authority of the regulatory apparat. And fire the useless-eater apparatchiks.

If the time is not now, why?

Will he end the electric car grift that has benefitted his new friend Elon Musk to the tune of many billions of dollars via the “carbon credit” extortion regime? Will he tell Elon that Tesla must sell electric cars on their merits – as determined by the willingness of people to buy them without being paid to buy them? Will he end all the federal subsidization of battery-powered vehicles as well as the regulatory mandating of their manufacture?

Will he allow Americans the right to buy what they want – as opposed to what the government allows? Will he immediately rescind the barriers that prevent manufacturers such as Toyota from offering vehicles like the $13k HiLux pickup in this country because they do not “comply” with every jot and tittle of federal regulatory folderol? War Crimes Against Sou... Cisco, Walter Brian Best Price: $24.99 Buy New $25.25 (as of 12:06 UTC - Details)

Will he shiv the evil pharmaceutical cartels that have acquired appalling control over not just the regulatory apparat (FDA) but also of Congress? Will he debar any person from serving in any capacity in the FDA who has ever previously worked for the pharmaceutical cartels and who is unwilling to sign a legally binding agreement that they may never work for any of the pharmaceutical cartels after the end of their government “service”? So as to shiv the revolving-door influence peddling?

How about a new law – passed by the new Republican Congress – debarring the cartels from contributing any money to any politician?

Screw what the Supreme Court has “ruled” (as it is styled) about corporations being “persons” under the law and entitled to “free speech.” That is utter nonsense and has also been profoundly corrupting.

How many divisions does the Supreme Court have?

Enough, at last. It is time to end this business of nine people (five people) having de facto dictatorial control over the country. The Constitution did not endow the Court with this  power. The Court simply took it. There is no constitutional reason why it cannot be taken back.

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