How America Was Destroyed

Hardly anything is left

Those who control the Democrat Party are concerned about Kamala’s election chances.  Little wonder.  She represents the most anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-white, anti-peace regime in US history.  Top Democrats are concerned that Trump will not only take the swing states, despite the multiple theft mechanisms Democrats have in place, but also some blue states.  Polls are revealing that a majority of men of color see Trump as a leader of America and Kamala as a destroyer of America.  Those who control the Democrat party, most certainly not the people, are also disturbed by reports of the heavy early voting by Trump supporters.

Trump encouraged early voting, because in 2020 Democrats managed to prevent many Trump supporters from voting on election day.  The downside to early voting by Trump supporters is it gives Democrats an idea how many votes they have to steal in order to “win.”  It is a no-win situation for Trump supporters.  If you wait until election day, voting machine failure, closed precincts, and other excuses can be used to keep you from voting.  But if you vote early, you signal to the Democrats how many votes they have to steal. Empire of Lies Craig Roberts, Paul Best Price: $6.61 Buy New $18.86 (as of 10:12 UTC - Details)

They are well set up to steal them.  The Democrats in two swing states have already said that it will be days before they will have the vote count. These days are the time they need to produce the fraud that wins for them. A Democrat and a free election are mutually exclusionary. Arizona officials, for example, say it will take 2 weeks to tabulate the vote count. See here.

The Democrats in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin say they are unable to declare election results for several days after the election. See here.

Until 2020–the Big Steal–the US has not had a problem of producing a vote count on time.  Why do Americans accept the election theft implied by a delayed vote count with ballot boxes coming in by the truck loads long after voting is closed?

On October 14, I reported on this website that the Biden regime had issued one month before the presidential election a military directive 5240.01. The directive says the US military can be used to come to the aid of civilian police to quell domestic disturbance and can use lethal force against US citizens.  I provided a link to the directive. See here. Fourteen days later I have seen no mention of this directive in the presstitute media.

Now ask yourself where the authority comes from for an executive branch cabinet department to overturn an act of Congress.  Where did the Biden regime Department of Defense get the authority to overturn American tradition and the Posse Comitatus Act? That there has been no protest against this illegal and unconstitutional Defense Department directive indicates how close the US is to a tyranny.

As we learned from the hoax “Jan 6 Insurrection,” it is a simple matter for those in authority to declare “insurrections.”  They can do it again.  It has now been admitted that 200 federal agents were at work on January 6 trying to orchestrate an insurrection.  Next time there will be 2,000.  As the Democrats are in power, they can create an “insurrection” prior to the vote count.  

I have noted that federal officials such as the Department of Justice (sic) and FBI have committed  felonies, as have top Democrats, and they can easily face arrests, indictments, and prison sentences for the felonies they committed.  They simply cannot permit Trump to regain the Presidency unless he agrees to give them a pass.  If he does that, he will not drain the swamp, and will come across to his supporters as just another fake. Deserted by supporters, he will be eliminated.

There is in addition to the DOD directive another suspicious development.

On November 5 there was scheduled to be a Homeland Security cyberattack simulation that could have melded into a real attack that prevented a vote count. Alerts given on alternative media of this scheme resulted in its postponement. Cancel Culture Diction... Failla, Jimmy Best Price: $1.90 Buy New $5.90 (as of 10:42 UTC - Details)

The postponement was quickly replaced by a Ransomware attack Simulation on November 5  by Cybereason.  Cybereason is in international cybersecurity company founded by Lior Div Cohen, an expert hacker and former member of the Israeli Defense Forces in the cyber security unit 8200.  Dan Fournier explains here.

So, some of the swing states have said that election results will not be timely reported. When the results are misreported, the US military is there to use lethal force to suppress those who object. If Trump’s win is too lopsided to be subject to theft,  there can be a cybersecurity attach that prevents a vote count.  Putin and Trump can be blamed for an insurrection orchestrated by the FBI, and the Democrats will be declared by the American whore media as the winner.

This sounds far-fetched, but it isn’t.

The Democrat Party does not believe in the Constitution.  It does not believe in the country which it dismisses as racist. The Democrat Party is no longer a political party.  It is an ideological party dedicated to the elimination of merit and the imposition of DEI–Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  The Democrats are totally committed to the demise of merit and its replacement with racial preferences.  Ever since Blumrosen at the EEOC stood the 1964 Civil Rights Act on its head and imposed the racial quotas  that the act strictly prohibited, equality before the law has been dying, year by year in the United States.

Today in America a white person especially if the person is heterosexual, is a second class citizen.  The 14th Amendment has been nullified by executive branch action. The 1st Amendment is in the crosshairs with Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, the Wall Street Journal editor, and numerous law school deans demanding its overthrow.

When they take away your free speech rights, truth is dead.

When truth cannot be spoken liberty is dead.

That is the future Democrats have for us.  A vote for a Democrat is a vote for your own slavery.