The Nuclear Option: Stoltenberg Claims Putin Is Bluffing

When I read of people asking about the rationale of nuclear war, or mass censorship as stipulated by John Kerry, of the call to Eliminate the US Constitution, the people seem shocked and universally declare this can never happen logically or rationally.  Which is true – but underestimates the mentality we are dealing with in this Earth Holocaust.

If we look at history – that manic psychotic mania is evident in every Fall of civilization. 

Nuclear annihilation is most definitely not out of the realm of their view of the future.  If that’s what it takes – that’s what they will do.  The decimation of entire civilizations has been done throughout the centuries of our existence. The 5-Ingredient Cookb... Kelly, Benjamin Best Price: $5.97 Buy New $10.89 (as of 10:02 UTC - Details)

Recently, archeologists found an expansive modern underground city built of stone.  Intact.  But without a shred of evidence of the civilization that lived there.    In another part of the world, a mythological city was unearthed.  Speculation suggests it may have been the city ruled by Artemis, daughter of Zeus, and protector of girls.

If in fact science is attempting to unveil the possibility that mythology was reality, what would have caused these gods of mythology to disappear?   

Subtle alterations to history are becoming mainstream:  the Minoans of Crete are no longer a definitive reality, historians waffle as to whether they were part of mythology?  Why?  To prepare us for some ‘truths’.  Bezos is trying to turn himself into a human god via bionic transplants and brain implants.  Why?

Netanyahu believes he is a god.  This isn’t about Israel.  He is secular – he has no beliefs.  It is about evil rising up thru this man whose goal is simply to eliminate mankind.  Gaza became the West Bank became southern Lebanon, norther Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, with an end point of – Iran.  Maybe.  Turkey, Egypt, are precarious targets as well.  What is his end game?

It is clear Netanyahu is unconcerned with silly platitudes such as law, morals, ethics, values, or compassion.  It is equally clear that everyone is afraid of him.  Mythology wasn’t just about gods, it shared earth with evil characters as well;  Lilith, Apopis, Kakia, Prometheus, etc…who  inspired chaos, torment, and abominations.  Just like – Netanyahu.

The Bible also had evil characters;  King Herod, Jezebel & Ahab, Delilah, Haman, etc…  It is clear that there has always been the evil antithesis to good.   It isn’t simply a Christian construct.   It isn’t a DNA construct.   It isn’t race.  Is it genetic?    Science claims everyone is born evil.     The Bible says that evil is the corruption of creational and relational goodness.   The Dark Angels ‘fell from grace’ – they were once good and fell.

Why does the West, in particular UK and US, want to provoke a nuclear war?  The combined populations of the EU and America are nearly 800,000.   But the fallout would extend over every continent.  The land would be useless for hundreds of years.  Waterways, wildlife, destroyed.   Earth would require centuries to reform.  This attitude is certainly better described as megalomania.  Death is seen as power.  Putin still believes that the Gatekeepers of the West are rationale humans. Summer, 1945: Germany,... Goodrich, Thomas Best Price: $20.53 Buy New $24.95 (as of 04:32 UTC - Details)

Despite all the anti-Israel and anti-Netanyahu genocide being called out – no one is actually stopping him.   As though he would draw a sword and smite their neck in an instant.  Instead of stopping him the Biden handlers give him more of America’s Money.   Which means they support a form of global genocide.  And they have no genetic claim to humanism.

We have located at least 11 underground cities.  The reason for going underground could be climate related or it could be security from evil.  The UK has a 35 acre bunker for the PM and his immediate staff.  A nuclear radiation fallout would remain active for 20 years.  The bunkers aren’t outfitted for that length of time – and then what?   There is no food, no life, no vegetation.   Logical?

Jens Stoltenberg on Russia’s announcement that any attack by Ukraine into Russian cities would be met with nuclear retaliation – is simply rhetoric and blubber.   In other words, it is worth the risk that Russia will not respond and allow the CIA to blow up the country…   That is the mindset.   Of course this same mindset declared that sacrificing every Ukrainian for their resources was a good wartime strategy.  And the UN has no power.

Stoltenberg:   “I think we can change his calculus by making the cost of continuing the fight too high.  There are no risk-free options”.  Thus the strategy is to financially bankrupt Russia before nuking it to oblivion.

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