The New Passover of the Judeo-Christian West

Too many conservatives refuse to criticize the state of Israel, letting the blood of Palestinian children protect them from being cancelled.

Hopefully by now you’ve heard that more than 20,000 Palestinian children are confirmed dead in Israel’s defensive Gaza war. That’s just since October of last year, and it’s just the number of confirmed child deaths in Gaza, excluding civilian women and men. The full number of dead children is surely much higher. Their violent deaths are so regular that my team and I at the Vulnerable People Project are unable to keep up-to-date, despite our close monitoring of the situation.

I say you’ve hopefully heard of these deaths. But you haven’t spoken of them. Why?

I’ll tell you why. Ludwig the Builder Newman, Jonathan R Buy New $8.49 (as of 02:57 UTC - Details)

It’s because you have chosen to live under the authority of a new religious faith. It’s not Jewish or Christian, but it wears the skin of the Judeo-Christian West. And unlike the authentic old Christendom or the faith of the People of God, this new religion claims no personal sacrifices on the part of its adherents.

All it requires is that you participate in one ritual: support the current regime of the state of Israel. Profess—if not vocally then at least tacitly, as you probably do—that Israel’s every action is morally right.

For free Americans, with all our bold “diversity of opinion,” that one commandment can seem hard at first. But especially for beleaguered conservatives, so often excluded and ridiculed, the benefits are hard to resist.

For a lefty, sure, it’s uncomfortable accepting a confessional ethnostate that doesn’t recognize interfaith marriages.

But for a social conservative, it’s even more difficult to ignore any number of things about Israel:

  • Its recognition of “gay marriage” in 2006, almost as soon as it was proposed.
  • The country’s celebration of “Pride,” so ostentatious that Out Magazine referred to Tel Aviv as “the gay capital of the Middle East” as early as 2007.
  • More recently, in 2020, the fact that the country bought a mega-load of the Pfizer Covid shot and pushed it on citizens with such draconian force that Israel quickly became the “most vaccinated” country on earth. (The state tracked people via their personal healthcare information, and once a person was subjected to the shot, they got to wear a little “green pass.”)
  • Even today, Israeli officials are telling the family of a Christian immigrant to the state who served as a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces and died in Gaza that they are forbidden to put a cross on his grave.

And it was enough to make anyone squeamish when Israel forcibly sterilized Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to the state. (I’m not talking about some outlandish post-war experiment from the ’50s or ’60s. The story is from about ten years ago.)

In the past, criticism of Israel, for the most part at least, seemed murky despite all this. Why wade into the business of another state, albeit one we heavily fund, if you could be accused of anti-Semitism? For decades, you could even convince yourself that any critical thoughts you had about Israel might be rooted in some deep-seated, undue suspicion of Jews that you should repent of rather than entertain.

But now, over 20,000 children in and with zero accountability or sign of change in sight, the new religion has taken on a more unmistakable structure—requiring you to commit more formally than ever before to its one demand.

So what has now arisen is a New Passover: You smear the blood of Palestinian children across your lintel, and the spirit of cancel culture passes you by unharmed.

It may sound gruesome, but keep in mind that the new religion provides freedom for its subjects to hold a tremendous variety of beliefs, each to his tastes, and even to fight among themselves about those beliefs.

In fact, the main benefit of this religion is that it allows you—despite how much flack you might take for your stances as a pro-lifer, an opponent of “same-sex marriage,” or an adherent of any other controversial cause—to find yourself in agreement, for once, with everyone who might otherwise hate and hurt you. The Neoconservative Th... Roberts, Dr. Paul Craig Best Price: $7.49 Buy New $15.31 (as of 10:30 UTC - Details)

For just a single coat of Palestinian blood on your door, every powerful person in the world is suddenly on your side.

The career politicians in the GOP currently doing their best to steer the Trump-Vance ticket?

On your side.

Kamala Harris and the deep-state machine she represents (though I repeat myself)?

On your side.

LGBTQ+ lobbyists? They agree with you as well.

The guests on Epstein Island? You’re with them too.

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