Of Pizza, Politics, and Pedophilia

Debunking the official debunkers

Note: I don’t normally post previously published articles here, but while trying to find something for my other Substack (djeffries.substack.com), where I normally post them, I was impressed by how well this one holds up. It’s from December 2016, from my old blog, donaldjeffries.wordpress.com

Since I wrote this eight years ago, Alex Jones went on to issue an embarrassing public apology to James Alefantis, and disavowed “Pizzagate.” Steve Bing, who is mentioned in this article, went on to either jump or be pushed from his 27th floor Santa Monica condominium in 2020. As I alluded to in this article, I am not accusing anyone directly of child sex trafficking, or maintaining I know definitively what all this means. I don’t want to be sued. But the evidence is disturbing, and we should be allowed to ask questions.

The Politically Incorr... Thomas E. Woods Jr. Best Price: $1.51 Buy New $8.71 (as of 06:15 UTC - Details) The mantra in the mainstream, and even much of the alternative media, is that Pizzagate has been debunked. That it represents a clear example of “conspiracy theorists” gone wild, running amuck with reckless allegations that can harm good, respectable people. I beg to differ. The incident involving a gunman, who carried a rifle into Comet Ping Pong, which was the source of so much conjecture, and fired into the floor as part of his “investigation” into Pizzagate, has not been adequately explained. At any rate, a shot into the floor, whether by a lunatic or a government asset, doesn’t explain those disturbing Instagram photos. Or the emails published by Wikileaks, which were so hyper focused on “pizza” and “pasta.”

Since I wrote this, Jeffrey Epstein “hanged himself” in prison. His Girl Friday, Ghislaine Maxwell, was tried and convicted of helping him traffic underage victims to still unnamed partners. We’re still waiting for the “official” Epstein list. I covered previous child sex scandals, like the Franklin Credit and McMartin Preschool cases, in my book “Hidden History.” Pizzagate fits right in with them. They hosted some pretty bizarre entertainment acts in that “family friendly” restaurant. There is no reason to accept the conclusions of the “fact checkers.” Read and judge for yourself.

When John Podesta’s emails were recently found to contain an inordinate number of references to “pasta” and “pizza,” it should have alarmed every American. It certainly should have alarmed some of our crack “journalists” in the mainstream media. “Pasta” and “Pizza” are long rumored to be code words for sex with children, and as someone who covered the Franklin Credit and other child sex scandals in my book, I know how common this ugly perversion is among the rich and powerful.

To cite a particular example from Podesta’s emails, consider how one of his friends was strangely concerned about a handkerchief which “has a map that seems pizza-related,” that had been left at a property. How can a map possibly be “pizza-related?” A disturbing photograph of two women and a little girl with pizza was sent to John Podesta, to which he replied, “It doesn’t get any better than this.” The women just happened to be reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee, who’d been arrested in North Korea while investigating child trafficking. Shangrli-La Entertainment’s Steve Bing sent his private jet to pick up the two women, and none other than Bill Clinton flew back with them to the United States. You can’t make this stuff up.

John Podesta’s brother Tony is perhaps even creepier than he is. In one of Tony’s emails, he makes the curious statement, “Would love to get pizza for over an hour.” If that isn’t some kind of code, what is it? The email about the “pizza-related” map was sent by someone with the Sandler Foundation, which pays the very wealthy Tony Podesta some $7,000 per month.

The number of references in these emails to “pasta” and “pizza” is utterly staggering. These are One Percenters- they don’t eat like the common riff-raff. Do these elitists really hold that many pizza parties? And why always use the generic term “pasta,” instead of specifying which type of pasta dish? If you’re inviting someone for dinner, wouldn’t you say something more descriptive, like spaghetti or lasagna, instead of just “pasta?”

Instead of attracting the interest of erstwhile Lois Lanes in newsrooms all over the country, “Pizzagate” was “debunked” by the likes of The Washington Post, The New York Times, online establishment bodyguard Snopes and even Scott Adams of Dilbert fame. Adams admitted there was a “mountain of evidence” in the case, but attributed it to “confirmation bias.” Some of us, of course, would attribute the failure to accept such lurid allegations, by Adams or anyone else, to “normalcy bias.” The Washington Post kindly reminded us that “fake news hurts real people.” The normally feisty internet site Reddit banned all further discussions on the subject.

10-Minute Strength Tra... Deboo PT, Ed Best Price: $17.51 Buy New $9.29 (as of 07:32 UTC - Details) The whole “fake news” mantra threatens to supplant longtime establishment favorite “conspiracy theory” as the top means of discrediting the questioning of authorities. The “real people” the Post was so concerned about referred to James Achilles Alefantis, owner of the pizza parlor in question, Washington D.C.’s Comet Ping Pong. Alefantis is the former boyfriend of one of the mainstream media’s most reliable “journalists,” David Brock.

Comet Ping Pong was described by New York Magazine’s David Sax as “a hipster-heavy pizza parlor in the Upper Northwest with rough concrete walls, bathrooms hidden behind secret panels, and table tennis galore.” Hidden bathrooms? Doesn’t quite seem to fit in with a “kid friendly” restaurant. Alefantis’ Instagram account contained some disturbing posts (and comments). In one case, he called a picture of an infant a “hotard,” or combination whore and retard. In a truly appalling photograph, a very little girl was shown with her hands fastened to a table with masking tape.

In another Instagram picture, the bartender at “family friendly” Comet Ping Pong shared an image of a couple in the “69” sex position, nestled on top of a slice of pizza. Alefantis also posted lovely photos of a man french kissing an apparently dead dog, and a closeup of the eye of a dead pig. In a frightening image, Alefantis shared a photo of a large empty room, and the comments included one which said simply, “#killroom,” and a reply from Alefantis himself of “#murder.” Another comment mentioned “washing the room out.” According to some sources, this depraved businessman is the 49th most powerful person in Washington, D.C.

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