Repeal Government Regulators. Improve Safety and Quality, End Inflation

Voluntary cooperation is robust, multiply-protected, and loss-limiting, and brings healthy deflation. A government regulator makes a system fragile, fraught with a single point of failure, and loss-compounding, and brings sickening inflation.

Donald Trump and his unity team members Robert Kennedy and Elon Musk promise to limit cronyism and slash waste.

Both approaches deny that state-government and national-government administrative states are themselves peak cronyism. If government people stop hosting business-crony socialists but still host activist-crony socialists, that’s still tyranny. Also, it’s unconstitutional. The Politically Incorr... Thomas J. DiLorenzo Buy New $11.57 (as of 10:02 UTC - Details)

The only adequate approaches are to fully executively close and legislatively repeal.

When there are no government regulators, that doesn’t mean that there’s a vacuum. Instead, people naturally take care of themselves and one another.

Voluntary Cooperation Increases Safety and Quality

Many people take advantage of the considerable information they have available and use it to make the choices that they expect to be the best for them. In doing so, they self-regulate.

Their choices affect others, creating a network of interactions. In this network, people’s interactions with others regulate the others.

So then when people are free, they increase safety and quality by taking decentralized, interdependent actions:

  • Product raters compete to find and play up even small advantages and disadvantages.
  • Media people spread bad news very quickly.
  • Customers stop buying harmful products very quickly.
  • Retailers and distributors stop carrying harmful products.
  • Civil complainants can eliminate product lines and companies.
  • Insurers work to prevent and limit losses.
  • Producers anticipate problems and prevent them.

The resulting system is robust and resilient, and the people in it select naturally for improved performance. This is why freeing people to take care of themselves in the Dutch Republic, England, and the USA enabled people to create dramatic gains in how much value they added, bringing modern material comforts to the world.

Government Regulation Sounds Straightforward

Decentralization is only one way that safety and quality can be improved.

Complex modern systems include power grids, chemical plants, air-traffic-control systems, aircraft carriers, and nuclear plants. In such systems, safety and quality are improved by a variety of high-reliability organizations, which prevent most failures and also recover from failures.

Failures can be prevented and recovered from in several different ways:

Figure. System characteristics for high reliability.

In voluntary cooperation, the overall system benefits extensively from the actions of individuals. Individuals analyze conditions locally and take actions locally.

When a government regulator is introduced, the existence of this regulator displaces some actions of individuals, stopping individuals from analyzing some conditions and from taking some actions.

A system that otherwise would mostly be decomposable or action-focused gets transformed. It mostly becomes holistic or leader-focused.

Government Regulation Makes Systems Fail Badly

Holistic sounds smart. Leader-focused sounds natural. Organizations that have these characteristics can operate with high reliability. But systems that include government regulators can’t.

The problem is that when a system includes a government regulator, the presence of the regulator changes the system in ways that degrade safety and quality. Multiple independent layers of protection get stripped away, or never even form in the first place.

Larger complex systems need robust multiple independent protections. Such protections are what prevent most failures, localize the failures that slip through, and limit the resulting losses.

When people are free, their voluntary cooperation is robust, multiply protected, and loss-limiting.

Adding a government regulator makes the system fragile, fraught with a single point of failure, and loss-compounding:

Government regulators are why the Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill wasn’t prevented by normal voluntary cooperation; why the two Boeing 737 MAX crashes weren’t prevented by developing an optimal new design; and why the East Palestine derailment wasn’t prevented by better precautions, and the subsequent toxic release wasn’t prevented by better planning and coordination.

Money: Sound and Unsound Salerno, Joseph T. Best Price: $20.00 Buy New $21.43 (as of 03:59 UTC - Details) Government immunities, regulators, and buyers are the reasons why producers of lipid nanoparticle mRNA covid shots have been able to kill and disable multitudes of people.

When producers are getting by with delivering subpar safety and quality, ask yourself: Are these producers selling directly to users, or have governments in some ways cut out the customers? Almost always you will find that governments are involved.

What’s needed isn’t government regulators but the opposite: getting government people out of the way of letting people naturally create protections on their own.

Producers do make errors, but producers mostly prevent errors. Customers buy from other producers to gain even the slightest advantages, so customers relentlessly pressure producers to improve performance in even the smallest ways. The producers that survive and thrive get better and better.

When producers do make errors, these are localized to individual producers and to their customers. Also, damage gets stemmed as quickly as possible. This is the only way that producers can limit how many customers they lose, so that they can stay in business and earn competitive profits.

To make errors affect everybody and continue interminably, it’s necessary to create and host government regulators. To optimally increase safety and quality, we must fully close and repeal government regulators.

Constitutional Government Ends Inflation

Eliminating government scope eliminates spending not only on labor but also on software, office equipment, offices, utilities, land, tax collection, and borrowing. Eliminate enough unconstitutional scope, and we will eliminate inflation and usher in healthy deflation—in which increases in productivity make prices fall.

Governments as a whole are waste and deprivation. We do far better on our own.

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