“The World Now Sees Israel as the Genocidal Apartheid State That It Has Always Been”

This past Monday was the anniversary of the Hamas military assault against the occupation forces of Israel and the beginning of Israel’s genocidal war against Gaza—and now the West Bank and Lebanon.

As Scott Ritter said in an interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano on Monday, “The world will never be the same. What happened a year ago today has forever changed the world.”

Ritter is absolutely right. As Scott also said in that interview, “The world now sees Israel as the genocidal apartheid state that it has always been.” Betrayal At Bethesda: ... J. C. Hawkins Best Price: $7.84 Buy New $11.66 (as of 08:20 UTC - Details)

I truly pray for Scott Ritter’s safety. Without a doubt, he is among the most courageously truthful spokesmen on the national stage today. There is no one in America with more knowledge of the military and geopolitical affairs of the Middle East—especially Israel—than Scott Ritter. But along with his vast knowledge and experience, he possesses lionlike courage to tell the truth about the Zionist state.

Remember that Ritter was once a solid supporter of Israel—as was I. Scott’s eyes were opened to the truth of Zionist Israel via different circumstances than mine, but only God can remove the scales of blindness from a man’s heart—especially the strong delusion (2 Thessalonians 2:11) of Zionist Israel—so I rejoice in Scott’s clear vision of truth regarding the Zionist state by whatever means it came.

What Scott reported in his interview with The Judge is MUST-VIEWING. I urge readers to watch the complete interview. This column focuses on some of the salient parts of that interview.


This is about part of the global realignment. I mean, let’s be honest. The Israeli-American relationship is an unnatural relationship when it comes to the geopolitical balance. It’s at odds with the natural sense of balance that exists in the Middle East. Israel is…I was going to say an abomination, which it is, but it’s also a cancer. It’s a cancerous tumor attached to the Middle East that disrupts the natural functioning of everything, and it’s sustained by its relationship with America.

The world now sees Israel as the genocidal apartheid state that it has always been but has somehow fooled us all into believing it didn’t exist. And they see America as a nation that has totally lost touch with its founding principles: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

If that’s truly what America stands for—statements written by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence—then why do we support a nation that commits genocide, that’s an apartheid state, that thinks it’s okay to kill women and children by the thousands as part of collective punishment in total disregard for international law?

The fact that the world is seeing Israel for what it is: a cancerous tumor that has to be excised. You can’t allow cancer to continue to survive in the human body; it must be excised. And this is what’s going to happen to Israel. It won’t be violent. I believe Israel will probably die from self-immolation. It’ll collapse from within.

Israel has become, Zionism has become, a notion that’s no longer compatible with civilized society. And you’re going to see people turning their back on Israel, and you’re going to start to see Israelis flee Israel. And at some point in time, when a sufficient number of Israelis have fled Israel, it’ll become demographically impossible to sustain, and that will be the end of Israel. That’s the future of Israel.

Israel has never been weaker and more unstable than it is today. And it’s solely because of the so-called leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu. When the history of the decline of Israel is written, Benjamin Netanyahu will be the man who destroyed Israel singularly. He’s the man who made it happen.

As I listen to Scott Ritter, it’s almost like he’s watching my sermons, though I doubt that he is. But as you read the last paragraph above, compare it to my three-message trilogy on one DVD entitled End-Time Israel, especially the last message in that trilogy entitled Jerusalem Was Ground To Powder Once: Could It Happen Again?

Ritter continues:

Israel can be wiped out tomorrow. Iran is prepared to fire 2,000 missiles against Israel in a span of time encompassing just a few hours. These missiles would destroy the entire infrastructure of Israel. I’m talking about every power plant, every water purification plant, anything that deals with modern civilized society will be eliminated, because it can’t be defended, and there’s nothing Israel has to fall back upon. They will literally be put back into the Stone Age. And that’s not using nuclear weapons. Three to five nuclear weapons takes Israel off the face of the earth. There will be no Israel. That’s the reality of Israel today. That’s the weakness that Benjamin Netanyahu has brought upon the Israeli State and the Israeli people.

Policy-wise we continue to labor under the pretense that we can influence the Israelis, even though we’ve been lied to by them over and over again. We know what Israel’s policies are. Nothing Israel is doing is taking us by surprise. But we like to believe that the United States can put pressure on Israel. So, I’m not going to say that our diplomacy was a facade. What I’m going to say is, it was dangerously naive and very deceptive of us, because diplomacy isn’t just about what we’re trying to get Israel to do; it’s what we led the Iranians and Hezbollah and Hamas to believe we could get Israel to do. And they bought into it.

Hassan Nasrallah agreed to a ceasefire right before he was murdered by the Israelis. This ceasefire was brokered by the gentleman you [Judge Napolitano] just mentioned, this dual citizen.

Ritter is speaking of Amos Hochstein, an official of the State Department who was born in Israel and fought for the IDF, but now has dual citizenship and holds the office of Deputy Assistant to the President.

Back to Scott:

So, today no one trusts the United States. We will never be trusted in the region again on issues of this nature because it is clear that we cannot control Israel. Israel will do whatever it wants to do. And, more importantly, we know what Israel is getting ready to do, and yet we’re pretending to the rest of the world that we can somehow contain this problem. We can’t. Israel is literally out of control.

Michael McFaul, former US Ambassador to Russia, was on a panel sometime, I believe, last year with John Mearsheimer. And Mearsheimer called him out and said, “That means you lied to the Ukrainians.” And he said, “Of course we lied. That’s what we do. Put on your big boy pants. This is what we do.” It’s not what we do, Mr. Ambassador. You can’t be an ambassador if you lie. Your job is to represent your nation, to tell the truth. You don’t have to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God all the time, but you don’t lie. But we have become a nation of liars. This is what we do. Tony Blinken is a liar. Jake Sullivan is a liar. Joe Biden is a liar. When the president of the United States, the commander in chief, is a liar, who can trust us? Who can trust us? Nobody!

Joe Biden, you lost face; you lost all credibility. Donald Trump, I’m warning you: Stop lying.

But American leaders lie. That’s what we do. The American public has come to accept it, and we’ve forgiven them for it. We keep voting them in.

Telling a lie when you’re the leader of the United States of America, either as the commander in chief or as a member of the cabinet, Tony Blinken as the Secretary of State, should be automatically disqualified for any future leadership position and should lead to the immediate nullification of you as a leader, because you’ve just disgraced not only the oath you took but you disgraced the people you represent.

After the “Christian” Mike Pompeo—the darling of the Religious Right—was CIA Director, in a public presentation he laughingly acknowledged how he violated his West Point honor code, which says that “a cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” Pompeo cavalierly told his audience: “I was the CIA Director. We lied, we cheated, we stole.” And Christians in his audience gleefully laughed and applauded.

Time after time, we see evangelicals casting aside every Biblical/Christian principle of human decency given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles in God’s Holy Word in order to accommodate and facilitate the worst kind of human conduct—including murder and genocide—committed by Republican politicians. But then those same evangelicals become righteously indignant when Democrats commit the exact same crimes.

Back to the interview:

Napolitano: Last week Dr. Gilbert Doctorow started a small firestorm with you and others on the show when he argued that the United States uses Israel to kill Arabs rather than Israel using the United States to fund its expansion of its land area. Is there any argument to be made for Professor Doctorow’s argument that the United States is using Israel to kill Arabs?

Ritter: We’ve killed far more Arabs than Israel ever has. So, I disagree with him completely. This is what happens when you have businessmen turned academics speaking about issues of the military. The United States is fully capable of killing Arabs anytime, anyplace. We never hesitate to kill Arabs. We don’t need Israel to kill Arabs. What we need Israel to do is create a force of instability in the region. It’s easy to kill Arabs. We do it on a daily basis. We can starve them to death; we can blow them up with bombs. We’ve done it. We’ve killed millions of Arabs. Again, far more Arabs have died because of the United States than because of Israel. So, this is a totally incorrect analysis, because it’s predicated upon a factually incorrect notion that we need Israel to kill Arabs. We kill Arabs better than anybody in the world. We’ve proven that.

Napolitano: Why have we killed Arabs?

Ritter: Because we don’t care about them. They’re not people to us. Look at the terms we use. We call them ragheads. We call them sand you-know-what. We speak of them derisively. We disrespect their religion. We have no appreciation for their culture. We don’t view them as human beings, whether they live far away or even here at home. How many Americans actually have gone out to a mosque to meet the local imam and speak to his following? How many Americans have actually reached out to a Palestinian-American community or Syrian-American Community to say, “Hey, we’d like to get to know you more.” I have. I’ve been invited into their homes, to restaurants, to sit down and break bread with them. These are amazing people; these are human beings. And once you realize that, you realize how evil our policy is towards the Middle East, because we treat them like human animals, just like the Israelis do.

Madeleine Albright didn’t blink when she was told that the sanctions of the United States have killed 500,000—that’s a half a million—Iraqi children. And she said that that’s a price we’re willing to pay. That tells you everything you need to know about how the United States views Arabs. When we’re willing to tolerate the death by starvation and disease of a half a million Iraqi children to fulfill our policy objectives, it means we have no regard for Arab life.

Faithful readers have heard me relate my personal experiences with meeting and interacting with Palestinian Christians when I traveled and spoke throughout Palestine. But I’ll say it again here. These people were among the gentlest, kindest, most compassionate and Christ-like people I have ever met—anywhere.

Yet, America’s evangelical “Christians” condone, justify and cheer on the wanton mass murder of these wonderful people, including some of the sweetest and most tenderhearted women, children and elderly gentlemen on earth. And then those same evangelicals have the audacity to go to church on Sunday and talk about how much they love Jesus. It’s absolutely nauseating!

Napolitano: What do you think will stop the Israeli war and genocide regime?

Ritter: The collapse of Israel from within. That’s ultimately what’s going to do it. I mean there’s a chance if Israel does go forward with an attack against Iran, and I believe that they know how foolhardy that would be, because Iran’s not bluffing. Even an attack against non-critical infrastructure will generate an infrastructure-destroying response by Iran, which will destroy Israel, and that’ll be the end of it. Because people can’t live in Israel if there’s no electricity. They can’t live in Israel if there’s no running water. They moved to Israel to be comfortable, to have jobs, to live in the land of milk and honey. And this forever war, because that’s what Israel is going to be locked into now by defining the conditions of victory with Hamas and Hezbollah that cannot be met, Israel is doomed for a forever conflict. The 60,000 will never return to the North; the 20,000 will never return to the South. Israel will never be the same, and people will start fleeing Israel. And once they start fleeing Israel in sufficient numbers, the demographics dictate the end of Israel. And that’s the future of Israel.

Christians are commanded by our Lord to be busy preaching the Gospel, building and edifying the Body of Christ and being the salt of society—”bringing the nations to the obedience of faith.” (Matthew Henry, 1662 – 1714)

Rapture-watching Christian Zionists are busy all right: busy watching for the Rapture—especially watching Israel as the great sign of the Rapture. EXCEPT, they are blind to the thefts, murders, rapes, ethnic cleansings, terrorism and genocides committed by Israel. Of those matters, they see NOTHING!

Think about this: When King David (the man after God’s own heart) began plans to launch an unjust war of aggression in 2 Samuel 24, God killed 70,000 of David’s men in divine judgment, and had not David repented, God would have destroyed the entire nation, including Jerusalem.

If God would judge King David for his willingness to fight an unjust war, how dare Christian Zionists cheer when a pathological mass murderer like Benjamin Netanyahu commits acts of genocide and crimes against humanity in Palestine?

Ever since 1948, Prophetic Dispensationalists have been watching Israel for signs of the Rapture. Take Israel out of the equation, and they have no prophecy doctrines. NONE!

Right now, Rapturists are going WILD with all kinds of outlandish prophecy teachings.

But the reality is, the collapse of the Zionist State is inevitable—and perhaps imminent. The question is not “If?” but “When?” The Irrepressible Roth... Murray N. Rothbard Best Price: $4.46 Buy New $17.95 (as of 10:37 UTC - Details)

People, wake up! Zionist Israel is NOT Biblical Israel. The land of Palestine does NOT belong to Netanyahu and his thuggish, murderous Zionists. There is NO everlasting kingdom for national Israel. There is NO promise of perpetuity for the Zionist state. There is NO promise of blessing for those who bless Zionist Israel. And there is NO pre-Second Coming rapture.

It is all a lie! A fraud! A devilish deception!

For one thousand years before 1948 (when Zionist Israel became a state), Christians, Muslims and Jews lived in peace side by side in the land of Palestine. After the Zionist state collapses, the Palestinian state that takes its place will prayerfully be a peaceful home for Christians, Muslims and Jews once again.

But what will happen to evangelicals after the collapse of Zionist Israel? Their entire faith system, which is totally dependent upon Israel-based prophecy doctrines, will be shattered.

Perhaps, in the sovereignty of Almighty God, the scales of blindness will then fall off the bewitched (Galatians 3:1) believers who are deceived by the false doctrines of Christian Zionism, and they will be able to see the glorious New Covenant of Jesus Christ once more.

Reprinted with permission from Chuck Baldwin Live.