I’ve not been a UFO person ever, other than think space means living in unpleasant steel tubes, which puts me off immediately. But two summers ago I was captured by Dr. Steven Greer, a former emergency room physician who has been fearlessly relentless in his pursuit of just what the Department of Defence has been doing with all that money and in that I include Catherine Austin Fitt’s missing $21 trillion.
Right now, stop of the entirely gamed New York Times bestseller list stands Imminent by Lue Elizondo, a former boots on the ground soldier from the working class who climbed his way up the Public Service Ladder to arrive at the coveted top of the tree. His job, once that was achieved, was to head upthe DOD’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or as AATIP, which was bent on investigating and documenting evidence of UAP’s and UFO’s.
After working there for years, Elizondo was forced by his conscience, as he tells it, to leave and work towards disclosure, because it became clear to him that the secrecy around this issue was toxic, destructive and wrong.
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He walked away, leaving a lucrative and prestigious position, his very nice house, his security, into a hellstorm of controversy, where he has lived ever since. His wife was on board, so were his daughters. His financial crash was far more rapid than his climb, because he had walked, on principle, into insecurity. Taken up by Tom DeLongo of Blink 182, whose projects failed to find ongoing funding, he found himself living in a trailer somewhere in Idaho. With attack dogs. And his family who stood by him.
Nevertheless, he persisted.
That’s a precis. That is how strong this man is or appears to be. And his wife and daughters. And this is how brutalist our government is, how determined they are to hide the knowledge that could transform every life on earth from struggle to wealth and comfort within a generation.
Or, is this just another step in the sneaky disclosure project, apparently being led by the White Hats in the Department of Defence?
Hal went on to tell me something else that truly blew my mind. Four deceased nonhuman bodies were in fact recovered from the 1947 Roswell crash. After processing that, I fired off a slew of questions. In head, out mouth . . . “Have we recovered nonhuman bodies from other UAP crashes?” He looked at me as if debating how to answer. It was clear to me he wasn’t ready to tell me the answer. I was still the new guy. “We’ll tell you more soon enough,” he said.
“Is every incoming president told the truth?” “No.”
Elizondo’s book is viewed as a limited hangout by the UAP/UFO community because he laces through the book the question, the suspicion, that some of these powerful beings he is convinced exist do not have good intentions. His principal message is a warning. And that, per Stephen Greer and others, means he is still in the pocket of the DOD, allowed to publish the book as long as he made room for the Defence to control the arena.
This may well be true, there are passages in the book which are inked out; and no doubt when he wrote he self-censored. He further admits there is some information the public should not correctly know, not yet. But essentially (and this is a very readable book) the following is what he is saying. And bolstered to the max by the entirely reliable Annie Jacobson who interviewed Jacques Vallee and other leaders in the field.
Lue Elizondo’s main points:
1. The Department of Defence has been hiding the existence of UAPs or UFOs since the 1940’s, running a very effective discreditation game in the mainstream media, creating an “unremitting contempt and disdain by the mainstream press, the scientific community, and the US government”, in the words of Christopher Mellon, one of the two billionaires with their mitts deep in the issue. Mellon wrote a stirring hopeful preface for the book.
2. In 1953, in order to further discredit the existence of other worlds and critters, the idiots on a CIA panel “advised the Air Force to enlist the Walt Disney Company and the mass media in a campaign to debunk UAPs”. Universities were directed to disallow credits for any student interested in pursuing studies on this issue.
3. This was permitted by the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, which stated that the U.S. Government was allowed to control the release of new technology that might threaten economic stability or national defence. Since then there have been an ever increasing amount of secrecy orders every year.
4.The DOD has been running super-soldier programs which worked with individuals with psychic abilities, including remote viewing. Elizondo was recruited into this program called Stargate.
“The best practitioners of remote viewing—Pat Price, Ingo Swann, Joe McMoneagle—achieve incredible results. From a couch on the west coast, Price penetrated a secret NSA location in West Virginia and correctly described identifying labels on manila file folders locked in a subterranean cabinet. In one session, Swann claimed to have remote viewed Jupiter and described its very thin rings, which would only be spotted and confirmed by unmanned probes years later.
Gene used to tell me, “You know, people with your gifts are rare.”
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“I’m not gifted,” I’d say.
“Oh, yes, you are!” Turns out, we were both right.
The reality is, a large number of the population was and is capable of remote viewing. The training is rare, not the gift. I once heard a compelling explanation of remote viewing. I was told it is a vestigial ability early humans relied upon before the development of spoken language. Household pets rely on this sixth sense to determine if another animal is a threat. Before humans had words, we may have had this ability too.
An interesting thing about remote viewing is that it must be used for purely good intentions, and not for bad or for personal or selfish gain.”
(or apparently, else. Karma comes to visit)
5. “Vice Admiral Wilson, Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency, curious about certain black program line items in the budgets that crossed his desk, began asking questions. He got a meeting with representatives of a certain aerospace corporation—and their attorney. Wilson put his cards on the table: Just what were they doing with this specific line item? He discovered that the contractor was part of an extremely secret program focused on retrieving and reverse-engineering crashed advanced vehicles of unknown origin and not made by humans. I learned the larger program is referred to as the Legacy Program and involves various elements of the US government and US defense contractors.”
The legacy being the science that corporate aerospace outfits have and we, the people. who paid for it all, don’t.