Temporary Protected Status For Illegal Immigrants

As an illegal immigrant, if you enter the US under one of the countries deemed to be hostile, you may apply for Temporary Protected Status (TPS).  This status allows an illegal immigrant from specific countries to file for TPS as a safety precaution given their own country is in turmoil.  It is a temporary status. It does not confer on them a green card, or a legal status, in essence they are in limbo.   The status must be updated regularly as circumstances in their country change.   

This is what the Haitians coming across the border illegally are directed to do by immigration.  They are NOT legal.  They are ‘temporary’ illegals living under a protected status.

During this temporary stay, the US Government provides:  Supplemental Security Income, Supplemental Nutritional Assistance, the women, infants and children program, free school lunches, subsidized housing, and Medicaid. The Immigration Soluti... Steven Malanga Best Price: $29.05 Buy New $43.52 (as of 11:52 UTC - Details)

The government estimates of the number of persons in the US not legal but protected ranges between 850,000 to 1.2 million.   The fact that the Agency has no idea how many – SHOULD be a bit worrisome.  There is currently an additional 450,000+ applicants awaiting the approval of their TPS applications.

When the ‘government’ doles these freebies and charity out – they don’t ask permission from The People – they make a unilateral decision and voila your money is Gone Baby Gone.

This is the argument being levied by democrats regarding Springfield Ohio.  The Haitians are there legally via the TPS, but they are NOT legal residents – they can’t buy homes, cars, or anything else that would benefit the economy.  When immigration finds them employment they are paid minimum wage, not union wages, and the government subsidizes the EMPLOYER to hire them.  More associated taxpayer costs.   More US unemployment.

This status was added to the Immigration Act in 1990 within the Department of Homeland Security under Big Daddy Bush.   In 2021, the courts reiterated that if the person came into the country illegally but was given TPS status, they could not apply for permanent residency.

Currently there are numerous lawsuits in US Courts regarding HHS determination that some country’s should be removed from the designation particularly in California.   Given the requirement for continued renewal, California is arguing the renewal should be automatic.

When arguing the illegal immigration status, the typical democrat response is to assert the tax revenue that is generated.    According to Reuters, the cost of illegal immigration is $151 billion annually.  According to a study from IDEP, illegals contribute $11.7 billion in tax revenue.  Roughly 50% of them pay no taxes.  Of course, these numbers are statistical estimates/guesses because the government doesn’t actually account for people or money in real time. 5-Minute Core Exercise... Dzenitis, Tami Brehse Best Price: $4.00 Buy New $6.99 (as of 12:47 UTC - Details)


  • Of the foreign born legal Haitians in the US 69% have become naturalized citizens. 36% of Haitian immigrants and their children live in poverty.
  • 7% are on some source of welfare.
  • 48% lived in owner occupied homes.
  • The Trump administration attempted to end many existing designations while the Biden regime expanded protections to include – Venezuelans among others.
  • The crime rate in Springfield, Ohio is 34.51 per 1000; the crime rate in Ohio is 2.78 per 1000.

Immigration confused with illegal immigration has splintered America.   Crime, gangs, safety, particularly in urban environments is spectacularly high.  No amount of falsified FBI crime reports can hold up to the eyes, ears, and attacks levied on American citizens daily.   No manner of falsified statistics can allay the vast number of businesses physically destroyed.  Lying has become a national crisis with pathological overtones.  

A disease perpetrated by OUR GOVERNMENT. 

Reprinted with permission from HelenaGlass.net.