Election Upheaval and Volkswagen Woes Dhow Germany’s Ruinous Price for Being Uncle Sam’s Lapdog

Germany was hit with a double whammy this week as proof of the ruinous price its people are paying for their feckless government’s role as the United States lapdog. Germany was hit with a double whammy this week as proof of the ruinous price its people are paying for their feckless government’s role as the United States lapdog. First, there was the political bombshell of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition parties receiving a drubbing in elections. Then there was the shocking economic news that Volkswagen, the country’s flagship automaker, is planning to close down factories as a result of crippling production costs. The reverberations are … Continue reading Election Upheaval and Volkswagen Woes Dhow Germany’s Ruinous Price for Being Uncle Sam’s Lapdog