Black Swans, Orchestrated Chaos and November 5

An Electoral System Built for Cheating

True the Vote the first citizen voter integrity group in the 21st century, was started by Catherine Engelbrecht in 2009. At the time, she had been managing a manufacturing plant that supplied parts to the oil and gas industry in Texas for eleven years. Interviewed last month Patriots with Grit, she explained, I had never been interested in politics, but after ‘09, I found government was everywhere, my kids school, health care, oil and gas, regulations out of control. How could citizens engage?”

Engelbrecht hasn’t been out of court one day since 09, and the pretty blond country club woman today has the stripped down looks of a real fighter.

“We took so much for granted. So I decided to get involved. They needed poll workers? Ok. So a bunch of us signed up for poll watching. Most of the elections were fine, but 25% of the group came back to say, you would not believe what we saw.” Check Amazon for Pricing.

They saw voters who were told their vote had already been cast. They saw people come in and say, “I can’t remember who I am supposed to vote for”, and the election judge would walk them over to the machines and coach them.

“Then, a group who came into town who said they were going to register a massive number of new voters. We investigated, caught them and turned them over to the county.

“We started True the Vote, and soon enough people from all over the country were calling us to say, ‘Hey, we heard you are doing this kind of work, can we work with you?’ That was the beginning.

Within two months I’d been sued twice and over the next 18 months, I went through 23 audits and investigations by five different government agencies and it didn’t stop until I spoke before Congress. I sued the IRS in 2013, beat them in 2019, and the whole undercurrent of election integrity went forward, and in 2019, I began to hear about changes to process.

Engelbrecht is working with hundreds of thousands of voters now, in precincts all across the country, at the ground level. She and her team have developed tools for citizens to use to check the voter rolls. She has 35,000 volunteers working on just one of the apps below, IV3, and at any one time, 7,000 people are on line helping voters.

work 16 hour days, six days a week, and I don’t see an end to it.

“In 2019, the rip cord was pulled and everything you could possibly imagine, from the half a billion from Mark Zuckerburg directly to counties to put in drop boxes, to the disregard of the standards that afforded us a check and balance in the process. All of that occurred in this perfect storm, and so many new people woke up. They came to the national stage and said, hey, we are seeing things that don’t make sense.

“Since then, millions of Americans have woken up”, says Engelbrecht, “and many of them are involved at the county and precinct level.”

True the Vote has been running strategy sessions across the country for years.

The Black Swan of All Black Swans

Migrant voting, says Engelbrecht, is shaping up to be the Black Swan event of the 2024 election, much like Covid was for 2020. Between 10 and 27% of the flood of migrants arrived since 2021 are already registered to vote. The lowest estimate of illegal migrants across the southern border is of about eleven million, which means about 1.2 million to 2.5 million additions to the voter rolls. As Absurdistan has shown several times – see below – these “registered voters” are used to manufacture ballots which are slid into the process during the days or even weeks-long adjudication process that follows election day.

[At the bottom of this piece, all the election stories will be linked, and you will begin to have at least an outline of what happened and what is likely to happen next.}

The migrant flood onto the voter rolls had been planned for decades, and was put into action at the beginning of 1993 in the U.S.. Nor was it just planned for the U.S., It was effected across all the left-of-centre parties in western democracies in a targeted approach to weaken laws and provide access to taxpayer funds for migrants. And, through social services agencies, access to voter registration. All meant to bulk out votes for the left.

Political operatives in Britain claim that in 1998, Tony Blair did the same thing: loosen and traduce immigration law in order to let in migrants who will vote left, or whose votes can be used. The process is simple. Among immigrant communities, a natural leader is chosen who works with government to sort out benefits, housing, schooling, money, medical care. He bundles the votes for the left, because the right will stop the gravy train. I have watched this happening in my region, which is thick with innocent immigrants at the mercy of grim political operatives wearing smiley faces. It is easy peasy to pull the wool over their eyes. This, by the way, is how the white man screwed the indigenous. Choose and elevate a malleable chief, and extract every resource you can. Beads and trinkets, it’s the same game.

“In 1993, the first bill that Clinton signed in office was the National Voter Registration Act, which required that all social services programs have as a component, mechanisms by which to register clients to vote. You’ll probably remember the Motor Voter Act,” says Engelbrecht, which was the noisy shorthand for this move on the chessboard.

One of Obama’s first acts in office in 2009 extended social services programs, once only available to American citizens, to the undocumented. They were then registered to vote. Biden’s first act in office in 2021 was to issue an executive order making it a priority for all social service agencies to increase voter registration. The entire vast network of social services began to staff up in anticipation of what was planned at the border.

“We can’t know who’s a citizen and who’s not. How can we separate the two categories? They never have separated them. Biden started something called CBP1. You can start your asylum petition from anywhere in the world. The feds have the database of those people and they won’t share it with us. If the states could say, ‘Hey these people are being given housing and drivers licenses, and work permits, and all of that comes with voter registration. Who are they?’ But the federal government won’t give them the names.”

Defending Dixieu2019s ... Bishop, Isaac C. Best Price: $17.99 Buy New $16.99 (as of 07:06 UTC - Details) The Democrats say that migrants won’t vote because “it’s illegal”.

“The whole thing is illegal,” says Engelbrecht. “Their entry is illegal. They are almost all economic migrants, not refugees. The breakdown at the border is illegal. The Democrats want migrants to vote. They stood in lockstep against the Republicans in support of non-citizen voting. The Democrats say that non-citizens can’t vote.”

This is nonsense. As many as 30% – 3,300,000 – have already been registered to vote. Remember, by my calculation, and the calculation of others closer to the coal face, the swing states were stolen for Biden in the lower mid-six-figures. The migrants may not go to the polls, but their votes will be entered. The migrants themselves do not have to vote. As described in detail here, their registration will be used by the NGO’s who fill out ballots during the chaos period.

In the late hours of November 5, once the machines, connected to the internet, demonstrate how many votes are needed to take the election for the Democrats, the NGOs start filling out the ballots which are, one way or another, slid into the process. The Parallel Election by Greg Stenstrom and Laura Hoopes, in the pivot country, Delaware, in Pennsylvania, describes using the sworn testimony of eye-witnesses, just how hundreds of thousands of ballots were moved into process, even moving pallets up and down elevator stacks to confuse observers, and over-written thumb drives. The book, as its subtitle says, is the blueprint for deception.

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