“Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.”
~ Wes Fesler
We live in a country of political hypocrites in every single aspect of government and far beyond; gaslighting, brainwashing, indifference, gullibility, and idiocy, all among a nation of fools. Life for most has become little more than irrational and moronic false perception, while reality today is aggressively abandoned like rats fleeing a sinking ship. In this exploitable atmosphere, truth is seen as something to fear and ignore, while lies and deceit are accepted carte blanche. This seems to be the nature of the common human animal, as in this current world and time, most all those who consider themselves to be ‘intellectually capable,’ are simply cogs in the wheels of an asinine normalcy that relies on collective stupidity.
Surprise, Kill, Vanish...
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So what do we have here? At this point, we have Trump and Vance ‘against’ Harris and Walz; four more ego-driven, narcissistic, economically ignorant, insane, evil, and criminal scum could not be found. With that said, the majority of all voters are now anguishing over which new master they wish to hand massive power and control, while relinquishing all their freedom, property, and likely their lives. There is no way to soften the blow here, as any who voluntarily choose a master by vote or consent, have given up all liberty, and agreed to their own enslavement. This is why the term “master/ slave society” is so appropriate in this land of tyranny and totalitarian rule called America.
Consider this paraphrased analogy in order to put things in the proper perspective. Your choices for president are between Jeffery Dahmer and Ted Bundy, and you have to decide for which to vote. On the one hand, Bundy killed many more people, but Dahmer actually ate his victims. Bundy was said to be a “charming, articulate, and intelligent man” who murdered women, while Dahmer killed and ate men. A tough option to be sure for those in this society, so which one would you vote for in an election where these were your only two choices? (Thanks to Larken Rose for the analogy) Unless you are braindead or completely psychotic, you would not vote for either of these two criminal murderers, but then, elections are all based on this same type of scenario, so voting , all voting, is nothing more than a total surrender to rule.
You may consider this analogy inappropriate, but then you must have forgotten (or ignored) how many tens of millions, including millions of children, have died horrible deaths, have been locked down, caged, forced to take poisonous bioweapon injections, have been slaughtered, are victims of genocide and democide, are tortured, are starved, are bombed, and are displaced forever due to the heinous acts of presidents and their ilk, including those you are considering today. Oh my, Dahmer and Bundy murdered 50 or so people, but presidents have murdered millions, so which lesser of evils would you be proud to support and ‘elect?’
Trump caused the entire collapse of this economy when he purposely declared a ‘national emergency’, something he had no right to do, during the fake ‘covid’ pandemic nonsense. He stole billions of your dollars in order to become, in his own words by the way, the father of the poisonous bioweapon ‘vaccine,’ handing it all over to the monstrous and murderous pharmaceutical companies. Due to his totalitarian policies, the economy was destroyed, businesses were shut down, millions died, trillions of fake currency units (fiat) were created, inflating this system and causing skyrocketing price inflation. Lockdowns were torturous and deadly, and all the cause began with Trump. Biden just continued what Trump set up for him. Now, the same lying Trump is going head to head in this colossal match of dimwits ‘against’ Harris, while the sheep bend over, pull down their pants, turn their head, hold their noses, and pull the lever of absurdity to see which cheek of the ass gets to take the seat of power.
All this circus was set up far in advance, including the Biden exit plot, the Harris replacement scheme, the fake Ramaswamy dropout and Trump endorsement, the fake Trump assassination plot, and the choices of vice presidents; telling beyond the scope of most. Both Ramaswamy and Vance (Trump’s VP choice) are owned (controlled) by Peter Thiel of the Bilderberg Group, but no worries, as Trump will “drain the swamp” you see, like he did last time, by re-filling it with his insider controllers.
And now, Democrat RFK Jr., a man who claims to be the most deadly enemy of the toxic ‘covid vaccine’, has joined forces, and is in full support of Trump, who is the admitted father of that same toxic ‘vaccine.’ RFK Jr., while screaming out at his endorsement of Trump, “don’t you want a president who will make America healthy again,” and protect the children, supports along with Trump, the absolute genocide of Palestinians, mostly children, by the Zionist State of Israel. Of course initially, RFK Jr. stated that he would never support Trump, because of the vast differences between them, but now they are apparently one.
Defending Dixieu2019s ...
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Musk, a fake freedom fighter who voted for Biden last election, and ‘owner’ of Starlink, a wholly owned subsidiary of SpaceX, who works directly with government and CIA, and is an insider, also supports Trump. Jesse Ventura of WWF and political fame, has now thrown himself in the ring (pun intended) with Kamala Harris. Elton John has actually endorsed Trump, (a surprise) Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat, has also endorsed Republican Trump. Nicole Shanahan, the VP pick of RFK Jr., should he have run for president, is now supporting Trump as well. Evil Republicans, Dick Cheney and his idiot daughter Liz, are both supporting Kamala Harris for president, and across the isle switches are occurring constantly on both sides. Would it not finally be fitting that these two parties just join hands, sing Kumbaya, and announce that they both want to screw Americans, be granted unlimited power, steal all they can steal, kill as many as possible, and make slaves of the entire proletariat, because they are all one and the same piece of shit politicians. They are not enemies, they are intimate partners in organized crime.
As I have eluded to on very many occasions, nothing in politics is organic or coincidence, it is always staged and intentional. Everything going on today is planned, as nothing is what it seems. So-called enemies are suddenly partners, and so-called partners are now claiming to be enemies. Party members are switching teams, in direct contradiction of things they have always claimed in the past. Supposed vehement disagreement is suddenly morphing into unanimity. Pretend opposing forces are now endorsing each other. Do any of you think this is real? If so, consider that you are either completely deluded or have simply lost your mind.
Now go out and vote, and do not forget to put on your “I Voted” button, so those of us who are still sane can tell who are the true enemies of freedom.
“When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to [profess] things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.”
~ Thomas Paine