Writing for The New York Post on September 4, 2024, US Secretary of State (2018-2021) Mike Pompeo, authored an opinion piece entitled, “White House put blinders on as China infiltrated our government.”
In light of the many intrusions of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) into American affairs — including Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) having a CCP spy as a close personal aide for two decades, Governor Mario Cuomo (D-New York) having a CCP spy as a high ranking staffer, Governor Kathy Hochul (D-New York) having the same CCP spy as a high ranking staffer, and Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-California) having a CCP spy as a companion, Pompeo raises valid concerns.
Referencing Linda Sun, an indicted staffer of both Hochul and Cuomo, Pompeo writes: “Among her many treasonous activities, Sun had worked to block Taiwanese officials from being able to contact the governor’s office since 2016, ensured content in speeches and press releases accorded with CCP-approved language, granted CCP officials access to high-level state government discussions such as COVID response efforts and even personally participated — in the capacity of a senior New York state official — in the CCP-organized protest against the democratically-elected president of Taiwan, who was visiting New York City.”
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This is truly shocking.
Pompeo continued, “While these details may come as a shock to some, this is exactly how the CCP operates. Beijing seeks to influence every level of our society, from the federal government to universities, to state senates and even PTA meetings. We cannot treat this threat as something that is far away, across a vast ocean. The CCP is inside the gates.”
While this behavior is vile, Pompeo has neglected to mention that US intelligence and law enforcement engages in the exact same behavior against the people of the United States, only far worse. It is furthermore done with the hard-to-combat assurance that it comes from a dutiful friend and public servant acting with the best intentions.
The CCP is easy to keep one’s defenses up against. The US government, in contrast, gaslights and lies to Americans at every step of the way, and while doing much worse.
Our own intelligence and law enforcement act in multi-agency endorsed, elaborate schemes to subvert our free and open society. Our own government acts to subvert the fundamental rights of redress of grievances and freedom of speech. Our public officials and their subordinates act to silence and eliminate the free and independent media, while also delegitimizing elections. Our civil servants go so far as to meticulously deceive elected officials and undermine the efforts of elected officials chosen by the electorate specifically to correct these problems.
Pompeo speaks expertly of Chinese governmental intrusions into American institutions in ways that subvert the will of the American people. Pompeo is, however, far more expert in how American governmental intrusions into American institutions subvert the will of the American people. Pompeo points the finger at the minor enemy of the American dinner table, while drawing attention away from the major enemy — Pompeo being among them.
When we need a meaty defense of American freedom, Pompeo points not to the most significant enemies of the American people, but to a distant entity that can never truly subvert American freedom the way our own government has been allowed to.
To this day, January 6 defendants wait for trials for their alleged crimes, un-sentenced. Meanwhile, peaceful January 6 protestors who were entirely non-violent first time offenders with decades of history as upstanding citizens were aggressively overcharged, sentenced to lengthy prison terms in kangaroo courts.
We have little to no clarity from our government on the role of law enforcement in creating the false flag attacks of January 6, 2021 that ultimately subverted the November 8, 2020 election. However, citizen journalists have demonstrated that multiple agencies within the government likely cooperated to launch the January 6, 2021 false flag attack against the American people.
No amount of whistleblowing by Pompeo about the CCP’s demonstrably weird Confucius Institute, could be as effective as a single true clarion call from Pompeo highlighting the ills committed by US intelligence and US law enforcement that day. But on that Pompeo is silent.
The client list of Jeffrey Epstein has neither been released let alone resulted in a single indictment. The extensive video collection of Epstein’s properties have not been released, though it is of significant interest that the public be fully aware of the contents of these tapes. Those on the list are likely implicated in a blackmail and pedophilia ring that reach to the highest levels of government and leave vast swaths of US government compromised and ineligible to fulfill their duties. This is of the utmost importance for the American people to understand. Instead, Mr. Pompeo speaks about relative minutia and distraction.
Hardly is a decorated firefighter from Chicago a greater danger to the American people. Nor is a decorated military veteran and grandmother from Boise, Idaho a greater danger to the American people. However, both, and literally thousands like them have been dragged through the federal courts and have had their lives destroyed because they came to peacefully protest on January 6, 2021.
Many other examples of political prisoners exists in which American officials have destroyed the lives of Americans trying to live a free and decent life. Their actual crime was simply having the wrong views. Combatting that is part of the work that my colleagues and I do at Amnesty National with our Living Heroes project. (LivingHeroes.org)
Those individual lives have been destroyed, “because our freedom depends on it,” we are assured. But then why is there no search for how pipe bombs ended up at the DNC and RNC on January 6, 2021? Who built those pipe bombs? Who delivered them? Why were the pipe bombs not treated by law enforcement as serious threats?
We have no clarity on what exactly took place on the most important day of this century when World Trade Center Building 1 and World Trade Center Building 2 were struck by planes. Curiously, that day World Trade Center Building 1, World Trade Center Building 2, and World Trade Center Building 7 (the Solomon Brothers building) all fell. How exactly did the third building fall? With that one detail, the official report of that day is simply made to look ridiculous and grows only more ridiculous upon further inspection. Who exactly had taken out the unusually large position of puts on United Airlines and American Airlines, betting that the two stocks would crash? Complete answers of that day are required.
Based on an interview between Robert Kennedy and Tucker Carlson posted August 26, 2024, Pompeo was instrumental in blocking the Trump Administration’s release of the JFK documents that may implicate the CIA in the murder of the 35th American president on November 22, 1963. He was instrumental in assuring out-of-control government institutions could not be held accountable by the American people.
Carlson: “In your joint appearance on Friday, [August 23, 2024] President Trump introduced you by saying that he plans to, if elected, establish a commission to declassify the remaining documents around your uncle’s murder in 1963.”
Kennedy: “Yeah.”
Carlson: “And I think everyone at this point knows the truth, which is the CIA is implicated in that. Those documents protect CIA, maybe, among others.”
Kennedy: ”Whether they do or not, it’s odd that they’ve not allowed them to be released.”
Carlson: “What could possibly be the explanation?”
Kennedy: “More than 60 years after my uncle’s death… none of the people who were implicated in that crime are alive now.”
Carlson: “Yes.”
Kennedy: “And the last ones have died off in the last year or two. And so, it clearly is to protect the institution.“
Carlson: “Yes.”
Kennedy: “And that’s wrong. It’s just wrong. It’s wrong for Democrats, and it’s wrong for Republicans.”
Carlson: “It’s just interesting though that a bipartisan list of presidents low these six decades have kept those files classified.”
Kennedy: “I was astonished that Trump didn’t declassify them because he promised to during the [2016] campaign.”
Carlson: “That was Mike Pompeo who did that.”
Kennedy: “Yeah. I talked to President Trump about that for the first time about that this week.”
Carlson: “What did he say?”
Kennedy: “He said that Mike Pompeo begged him to. I don’t think I’m telling tales out of school here.”
Carlson: “No.”
Kennedy: “I think he told the same thing to you.”
Carlson: “That’s true.”
Kennedy: “He said that Mike Pompeo called him and said, ‘This would be a catastrophe to release these. You need to not do it.’”
Carlson: “I want to say again that I think that Mike Pompeo is a criminal. So that’s my view. He’s threatened to sue me for saying that. But I hope he will, because it’s true. But that kind of tells the whole story right there, right? Why would the CIA be trying to keep these files classified if they had nothing to do with the murder? I don’t really get that.”
These two gentleman point to one man urging President Trump to not release these documents — Mike Pompeo, the reliably distracting reporter of the banal when serious matters need dealing with.
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I think it is awful that the Chinese government has infiltrated the New York governor’s office. I think it is terrible that communication with Taiwan has been prevented. But seriously, am I supposed to find that more vile than our own government subverting the will of the American people and with total impunity?
I do not.
Pompeo sounds the alarms about a nearly meaningless and commonplace matter (foreign influence) that takes place in ever major empire, while totally ignoring the most fundamental violations of what makes America the free country that its greatest visionaries seek for it to be.
The greatest enemies of the American people are in and around Washington DC, the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and Langley, Virginia. Once we deal with them, the corruption that welcomes Beijing into our halls of power, will naturally be unwelcome by a more honest and resolute government. Those aspects of Beijing’s influence that are not automatically dealt with can much more easily be dealt with when government is clear about the principles it represents.
As for right now, we have a government full of alleged civil servants that are acting to enrich themselves as quickly as possible before the whole corrupt mess that is the American experiment falls apart. Secretary Pompeo in highlighting the minor issue of China and ignoring the rest, places himself squarely among the major problem-makers of the American people — the cabal of domestic enemies subverting the will of the American people while masquerading as disinterested and patriotic civil servants.