Venezuela: BluePrint To Recreate Kamala Harris Gaffes via Polls

The US CIA is busy.  Failed assassinations in Slovakia, Russia, and America.  Failed coup in Venezuela.  Failed war in Ukraine.  Failed Biden presidency.  Threats against China.  Threats against Modi.  Blinken is going to impose additional sanctions on China.  Russia has hundreds of US sanctions.  It might be an easier research to find which countries are NOT sanctioned by the US.  Maybe the US should just issue ‘timeouts’ and put every non-Western country in a corner facing a wall.

The collective coup makers are in meltdown.   CSIS, NED, Department of State needed Venezuela to fall to their marionette, Maria Machado.   Why?  Resources.  Money.   Lithium.   Oil.   When a coup fails, the script is riots.  They used riots throughout Trumps presidency to discredit Trump, yet the same conservatives who saw through these attempts, blindly believe Venezuela is reacting to Maduro.  It is the same enactment used in Ukraine 2014, in Russia with Navalny, in Iran, Syria, Chile, Hong Kong, etc… etc… etc… Rearranging the chessboard of the Kings! Planned Chaos Ludwig von Mises Best Price: $1.99 Buy New $9.95 (as of 07:55 UTC - Details)

“Selective Understanding”.   The ability to only see thru blinders.  To blindly follow the narrative presented by the same media and pundits that you routinely bash for their incompetent propaganda narratives.  The Gateway Pundit has fallen into this flap trap numerous times via their unwitting support of Blinken, Biden, Schumer, Schiff, etc… in Israel and Venezuela.

When conservatives laud Argentina’s Milei, yet adamantly deny the legitimacy of the World Economic Forum to which Milei is a member, their brains can not comprehend this hypocrisy.   They hold onto the lie and ignorantly push their own propaganda in conjunction with the liberal media.

CSIS is trying to reframe Venezuela as an Iranian proxy. They believe that countries across the globe ask for their global influence in order create a regime change favorable to the US.  When countries reject the US led International Order they are deemed a global security risk that must be contained by – the US via their multitude of NGO’s working from within, as in chaos.

According to the analysis of CSIS writers, Henry Ziemer, Tina Dolbaia, and Mathieu Droin, the entire anti-west sentiment is driven by Russia and Iran.  Unwittingly, these writers reference Soviet Russia, The Kremlin, as having provided  extensive military-security and economic assistance to Argentina, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Peru to support revolutionary movements. By doing so, the Soviet Union aimed to undermine U.S. standing and strengthen its footprint on the continent.  According to these analysts and researchers.

THAT Soviet Union that they demonize was run by Jewish Ashkenazi Bolsheviks advocating for Communism who emigrated to Palestine and America.  Before writing ‘in-depth analysis’ at CSIS, Ms Dolbaia was working for CIPE – Center For International Private Enterprise.  CIPE is an affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce working together with the World Economic Forum.  These are the force extraordinaire interlinked NGO’s coordinating coups, riots, crushed economies, terrorism and stolen resources.

Paid for by American Taxpayers.

The US views every nation as competition.   That competition is rooted in a central fear of losing, of not being dominant, of perishing control.  Even Europe finds itself in the crosshairs of America given the militaries of the largest EU countries are in abysmal shape.  They consider this failure the fault of the US  and their colonial reliance on US funding their economies which has tindered to a breaking point.  Because the US is broke.  Focusing the attention on perceived ‘enemies’ has lost its force and power but they don’t have any other options. Speed Reading: Learn t... Knight, Kam Best Price: $12.60 Buy New $12.56 (as of 02:43 UTC - Details)

It is only a matter of time before the puppet strategy becomes the crack in the dam and all Hell breaks loose.   Kamala could inadvertently become that crack.  It was the wrong move.   They should have attempted to ‘persuade’ Kennedy.  They should have held on to China as an ally.   They should have yanked Netanyahu out of office day 1.   Call in The Cleaners.

July 10, 2024 CSIS:  “Expectations for Venezuela’s upcoming elections on July 28 are astronomical!”  That didn’t age well.   Polls were considered the main positioning of the election – Polls created by the US.  AS/COA was the pollster conducting daily accounts of a Machado win.  AS = America’s Society, and COA = Council of The Americas.  They are located in New York, DC, and Miami.  NOT in Venezuela.  President and CEO is Susan Segal, a Jewish attorney who sits on the boards of Robinhood, Mercado Libre, and Vista Oil.  The VP, Farnsworth, was previously in the Department of State with Clinton.

Again – these are the people orchestrating polls to create a false impression that Maduro was supposed to lose to Machado.  The same way they are recreating Kamala Harris as a brilliant something or other garnering over 50% of voters approval.  The Magic Act.   Google is busily complying with their CIA Handlers in scraping Kamala gaffes, scraping Trump assassination theories, and scraping Israel’s genocide.  When a magician performs – he engages attention to one hand while the other hand completes the magical move.

And That’s How It Is Done.

Reprinted with permission from