Our Hawk Tuah Presidential Race

Too many Americans have become accustomed to voting for the “lesser of two evils.” Few seem to question just why we only have candidates of varying degrees of evil to choose from. Surely, with over 350 million citizens in America 2.0, we ought to be able to come up with a presidential candidate, once in a while, that isn’t evil. Coleman’s Laws: ... Coleman, Dr Vernon Best Price: $4.99 Buy New $7.99 (as of 06:12 UTC - Details)

Those of us who were awake in the 1990s thought that Bill Clinton would be hard to beat, in terms of evilness. I mean, the Body Count alone really puts him on an impressive level. Explaining that, “it depends on what the meaning of the word is is” branded him as something special. Being accused of actual rape was also a plus in his favor. Although rape isn’t a rare allegation among our lesser and greater evil presidents. Ronald Reagan was accused of rape while he was in Hollywood, before he became a crisis actor politician. Both George W. Bush and Joe Biden were accused of rape, so it’s not that exclusive of a club. Dubya’s alleged rape victim died suspiciously. Biden’s fled to Russia. That’s fitting since Vladimir Putin hates “democracy.”

The 2024 presidential campaign has been the most unique since 1968. That year, LBJ unexpectedly bowed out after underperforming in the New Hampshire Primary, and both Martin Luther King and Democratic presidential front runner Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated. After a contentious convention in Chicago, the party elders selected harmless establishment stooge Hubert Humphrey as the nominee. 2024 has featured an assassination attempt on Republican nominee Donald Trump, and a sudden withdrawal from the race by incumbent President Joe Biden. Kamala Harris, like Hubert Humphrey, didn’t compete in the primaries. She won no delegates from voters. But, as Humphrey was, she’s simply being anointed as the candidate by the corrupt party hierarchy. It’s a “democracy” thing, you wouldn’t understand. Harris is far more suitable to be a contestant on Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?

Until 1960, presidential nominations were decided in those stereotypical smoke-filled rooms. John F. Kennedy became the first candidate in either major party to use the primaries to win the necessary delegates. He circumvented the party elders, like Harry Truman and Eleanor Roosevelt, who despised his father. From that point on, every Democratic and Republican presidential nominee went through the primary process for delegates. Now, over sixty years later, Kamala Harris becomes the first new age smoke-filled room choice. Well, now that smoking has been demonized outside of trailer parks and Hollywood, it would have been a smoke-free room that chose her. Certainly no cigars there, but probably a well coiffed nonbinary or transgender front and center. It’s as “democratic” as Zelinskyy’s one-party Ukraine.

Harris’s rise to prominence has been unlike that of most other politicians. No Ivy League degree for her; she went to historically Black Howard University. Now that’s keeping it real. As a fetching multi-racial lass of twenty nine, she began an affair with decrepit, corrupt sixty year old Willie Brown, the mayor of San Francisco. Brown was accustomed to the company of much younger women, having a pregnant wife at the time. The only way we even know about this is because Willie, like Washington, D.C. mayor Marion Barry, had a cheeky streak of frankness in him, and blurted it out publicly. Harris was also one of talk show host Montel Williams’ groupies for a while. Evidently, having these indiscretions on your resume qualifies you for San Francisco district attorney. As D.A., Harris started a program to benefit illegal alien prisoners exclusively. She also said that it didn’t matter if a second gunman had shot RFK. Battle for the America... Goodwin, David Best Price: $2.89 Buy New $11.45 (as of 12:31 UTC - Details)

Privately, Harris is well known for her incorrigible behavior. She rarely has any staff who stay with her, because of the way she treats them. That’s a far cry from her perpetually cackling public persona. Not to mention the really cool chick she is portrayed as by the fawning state controlled media. It is debatable whether her fake ghetto accent is more insulting and condescending than Hillary Clinton’s was, but it is excruciating to listen to. Does that really impress anyone? If so, I wouldn’t want to meet them. Kamala’s older sister Maya is closely connected to both Hillary Clinton’s oddball campaign manager John Podesta and James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong, which was at the heart of the now verboten Pizzagate scandal. Look at the Instagram photos. Read the Podesta emails published by Wikileaks. You decide.

Kamala and her scintillating running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, are offering the people a curious promise of even more corruption. Walz blatantly said the First Amendment “goes too far,” just like that King George wannabe in England. You know Kamala doesn’t believe in free speech. Walz said this in public. Censorship is as cool as the latest Black celebrity now. A recently published poll disclosed what I have long suspected; some fifty three percent of Americans agree with Walz. They think the First Amendment “goes too far,” too. So again, we’re outnumbered on the foundational issue in any free country. If you can be punished for what you say, then you don’t have freedom. England, bringing visions of the original Tea Party to mind, is threatening to extradite Elon Musk for permitting discussion of their tyranny on the Platform Formerly Known as Twitter. Millions of Americans would cheer that.

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