Folks with memories longer than a gnat’s eyelash will recall that on June 27, 2024, Joe Biden went head-to-head with Donald Trump in a “debate” with no audience, televised from CNN’s studios in Atlanta. As I write this sentence, that was 35 days ago.
In that time, Biden was vanished, Trump was shot, KaMAla Harris was canonized, the Ukraine all but collapsed, Israel started bombing Lebanon and Iran, there was some highly offensive event in Paris, Russia traded a convicted Mockingbird agent for a highly skilled convicted assassin, Bitcoin became a mainstream financial asset, and essentially the entire planet turned inside out. If we expand the window by a couple of weeks, we can include Hurricane Beryl slamming East Texas, killing a couple dozen people.
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Any one of these stories would have filled a month’s worth of news cycles just a decade ago. The attempted assassinations of Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan each topped the headlines for months. A story as big as Harris being annointed without receiving a single vote should have caused an uproar in the month leading up to the Democrat convention. Two wars that have dominated news cycles for years faded to the “oh yeah and…” file. When Hurricane Alicia slammed Houston in 1984, it topped news cycles for a month, but Beryl blipped and died.
I have worked in media and entertainment since the age of 12, I’ve been a stringer for many of the world’s largest networks, I’ve won awards for my writing, video and film work — and I have NEVER seen anything like this.
I really don’t know where to start unravelling this ball of yarn, so let’s start at the beginning…June 27, 2024, at around 8pm EDT.
The Trump-Biden “debate” was clearly a set-up. The rules and setting were unlike any other “debate” between presidential front-runners. Trump was uncharacteristically subdued, which leads me to believe he had some inkling of what was happening, and he didn’t want to muddy the headlines with anything he said or did. In an interview days later with George Snuffalluffigus, Biden said he was distracted by Trump’s hystrionics, which never happened. Biden was apparently reciting lines from a prepared narradigm set before the “debate”. I suspect the Trump angle was supposed to distract the masses while Biden was quietly sidelined in the background.
For the next two weeks or so, while the GeezerMedia fabricated consensus, Biden was the lead word in hourly headlines, with the attendant wailing and gnashing of teeth, because they had planned a completely different narradigm and had nothing else to run with. Then, just as suddenly, Biden vanished literally and figuratively. I suspect he is dead, but that’s another column. He was instantly (less than 24 hours later) replaced by KaMAla Harris in a clear coup d’etat, and one of the most distasteful and disliked political figures in America simply stepped into the Front-Runner Slot, without a single vote being cast, nor a legitimate nomination process.
Part 2 of the coup was to take out the Republican leader and replace him in a similar manner. In what is unmistakably an operation run by the FBI and Secret Service, a kid with a rifle was allowed to perch in clear view of the audience, media were positioned for high-resolution close-ups of heads exploding, and Trump ungraciously turned his head a fraction of an inch at the last moment, and spoiled the entire narradigm. The images were iconic, but not quite what the coup planners wanted.
A Made-It-Happen-On-Purpose (MIHOP) operation is the only scenario that fits all the available facts.
Despite having their narradigm shot to hell (pardon the pun), the GeezerMedia Machine has been forced to run with the script in hand, only now they don’t have two Constitutionally ineligible women heading up both campaigns, truly complicating things.
As an aside, it is very curious — to me at least — that KaMAla Harris, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and JD Vance’s wife are all of Indian descent. I don’t know what this means, but it’s beyond coincidence.
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Harris’ PR machine, headed by David Plouffe, leapt into action, scrubbing all unsavory items from her past and painting her black instead of Southern India brown. Magically, a book ostensibly written by Harris appeared on the market, trying to make cohesive sense out of the verbal chunks that routinely spew from her gob. All video of her is being flooded with a folksy street-talking chick in casual clothes, “spontaneously” taking calls from the Obama clan on speaker phone surrounded by cameras while using a lavalier microphone. Ya sure you betcha.
I can’t believe it’s not butter.
It wasn’t enough to get folks off the topic of bungled assassinations. So, cue the Moulin Rouge and every physically, morally and spiritually repulsive meme, theme and dream they could come up with. Everything from Corpulent Christ, to drag racers, to torch singers…throw it ALL in there. Make sure we offend just about every human on the planet. Heck, even Muslim clerics were complaining about the wholesale degradation of Christian religious icons. That’ll get the rubes off the scent.
Whoops! Didn’t work.