Immigration – Gangs – And America’s New Gangland

The border crisis that doesn’t exist is now in my backyard.  A mere twenty minutes away an entire neighborhood is now in the hands of a Venezuelan gang taking over entire apartment complexes.  Denver has become the nations capitol for number of illegal immigrants per capita.   City officials attempt to detract from the issue by claiming these apartment complexes had already been cited for violations.   Governor Polis – is noticeably absent. 

The influx of gangs is barely visibly addressed by the White House, preferring to defend the nicey nice women and children flooding into America.  Because America needs more low skilled workers.   Because farmers need gang members to pick cotton and grapes.   Deportation is not an option because Venezuela outright refuses to take them.   And given the current animosity between Maduro and the WH Handlers – that is not about to change. The Death of the West:... Patrick J. Buchanan Best Price: $2.12 Buy New $12.46 (as of 06:40 UTC - Details)

Not to worry – crime is significantly lower ~ says the mind muddled fussbuckets on Twitter.   Barbarians grow up to be Barbaric.   Adding to the Faulty Towers debacle – due to the increase in opioid use, school delusionalism and lockdowns, children are ‘depressed’ and need medical intervention.  Not to worry, Sandstone Care is there to help put these dysfunctioning children in your neighborhood.   Right across from the Child Care Center.

Sandstone claims it has been overwhelmed with requests for psychiatric care for children.  Sandstone isn’t just a local facility, it is powered and owned by two hedge funds:  Vistria Group and Auxilium Partners.

AUXILIUM PARTNERS:  Auxilium has four partners;  Vaulted AI, Advanced Psychiatric Health, Figure AI, and Kamino Digital Assets.   The appearance is the implementation of AI healthcare utilizing teens as the experimental quotient.  Much like a Big Pharma Trial.   Let’s see what happens.  One such application is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).

TMS is a wearable helmet that changes your brain’s magnetic field and transmits electrical currents thru induction.   Essentially, TMS is the new evolution of lobotomies performed extensively in the 1940’s and 1950’s.  At the time lobotomies were like a fad, the new super dooper medical creation that would forever solve the problem of disruptive women.

According to Mayo Clinic “the biology of why TMS works isn’t completely understood, methods may change as experts learn more about the most effective ways to perform treatments.”  Despite this – the FDA gave approval.  Side effects include:  seizures, head pain, headaches, hearing loss, emotional mania, spasms, twitching and lightheadedness.  It is unknown what long term effects may be…  and little to support its efficacy.

Sandstone concentrates its patient load on those between 12 and 18.  They are not in lockdown in the facility and are free to go wherever they please whenever they please.  As in to neighboring homes and the Child Care Center just across the street.   As with all these ‘care’ facilities, their biggest problem is finding employees. Secondarily, the Psychiatrist is not an employee but a part-time contractor who typically makes an appearance for roughly 3-4 hours per week.   In the meantime – drugs and sedation are the means of control.

I am reminded of the Kamala word tribute wherein she claims she will fix everything Biden did to the economy.   Create a problem – create a new industry to solve the problem, much like a hamster wheel.  The Hamster representing Taxpayers.

VISTRIA GROUP:   They claim to combine ‘purpose with profit’.  Co-founder, Marty Nesbitt has an distinguishing career background with the Pritzker Family Cartel, and Chairman of the Obama Foundation – among other highlights.  Co-founder, Kip Kirkpatrick comes from JP Morgan’s offshoot – One equity Partners. JOHNSTONE April 24: Bi... Foley, Timothy P Buy New $18.00 (as of 08:16 UTC - Details)

And suddenly, all the promises of we are different, we are here to help you, we care, all the illusions  of Big Pharma once again poke the dragon.  It is like Climate Change – creating a new industry of wealth on idiotic ecological disaster technologies.   Or the Opioid epidemic pushed by the Medical Industry in alliance with Big Pharma.   Create The Epidemic – Cure the Epidemic.

Despite numerous citizen meetings across Colorado as Sandstone demands more and more facilities within housing neighborhoods, City Council members recently approved by 100% vote the zoning variances necessary for Sandstone overruling the proximity to Child Care Centers which are city, county and state regulated.

In my opinion, Behavioral Health and Medical facilities should be located on medical/hospital property – Gangs need to go back to their respective countries – and border laws already in existence should be enforced.   Those who don’t enforce the law are thus guilty of association.  End the MANIA.

Reprinted with permission from