The State’s Most Hated Commandment

Congressman Ron Paul’s famous desk sign said Don’t Steal.  The Government Hates Competition.

Government theft is pervasive.  Mission creep and interagency competition give us twice the government for quadruple the money.  In 2001, the first Patriot Act was affirmed by a congress of men and women who did not, and could not, read the 132 pages that altered tens of thousands of pages of regulation.  To fluff the urgency, US-manufactured anthrax spores were mailed to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle – both of whom had been standing in concerned opposition to the rushed, sweeping and anti-Constitutional nature of the proposed Patriot Act.

Swords Into Plowshares... Paul, Ron Best Price: $4.00 Buy New $15.99 (as of 11:36 UTC - Details) A new federal department was created overnight – the Department of Homeland Security.  This new department “efficiently reorganized” 22 existing federal agencies under a new Homeland umbrella.  In reality, most of the dissected agencies fought any loss of authority, and maintained much of their old functions and networks, even as the brand new “streamlined” department stood up.

A massive and robust state-centered ecosystem of narrative creation has since evolved. We get the message if we receive a government benefit of any kind, be it a taxpayer-subsidized school debt or education, or a piece of someone else’s productive energy in the form of welfare, retirement or subsidy checks. By virtue of our captive participation in the USDA and FDA food and drug systems – with billions of stolen funds used to ensure we purchase and consume certain products and chemicals – we understand the state narrative. If we participate in any forms of government-subsidized health care, or in any government-initiated war against people, nations, or ideologies, we have our orders.

You benefit from government, you are kept safe and warm by government, government is desperately needed to keep peace and prosperity, so stop effing asking questions.  It’s the whole Jack Nicholson speech from A Few Good Men, where there are two options – serve the state, or barring that, graciously thank it for all that it does.  The most satisfying part of that classic movie was when the truth-seeking upstart got the evil, lying government official to publicly admit what we all knew by then.

What we all know by now is that stealing what it can and coveting the rest is government theology.  Like 300 million Mr. Tooheys, we might wonder what the state thinks of the 8th and 10th commandments?  Why, it doesn’t think of them at all!

There is another commandment the government fears.  You might be guessing it’s the 6th “Thou shalt not kill. Sadly, no. Monopoly on the use of force over a given territory is the fundamental definition of all governments.  Inexorably, the domestic “citizen” becomes the submissive in the relationship, debased, non-thinking and obedient. The foreign enemy is little more than a bad submissive, who will be killed or destroyed without limit, and without consideration of a rules-based system, laws of war, ethics or human morality.

Sounds crazy, right?  Consider a present-day example.  The US just made its 100th arms shipment to Israel in 325 days, material to enable the physical destruction of land, homes, universities, infrastructure, hospitals, industry, energy distribution and all human and animal life in Gaza – a 25 mile long, 140 square mile entity. It’s 90,000 acres.  Every third day the US government has shipped – and is shipping —  millions of dollars worth of killing tools and implements to a tiny country of 9 million people for the US-Israel blessed purpose of destroying, starving, driving out and murdering a neighboring group of two million people who had the temerity to live on land that Israel, and her US benefactor, desires.

Consider Chicago, Houston, and Phoenix.  Each have roughly the same population as Gaza.  Morbid curiosity aside, what would stop the US Government from bombing a few million people in a concentrated area, if it felt the need?  You might be able to buy 90,000 acres in the US, there’s at least five ranches that size on sale right now.  What would stop the government from taking a family’s large ranch for its “resources” or strategic location?  Could the narrative that allows the US to fund and assist Israel in her ethnic-cleansing operation be adapted for similar exercises here at home?

Half the country thinks it’s OK to help Israel kill two million inconvenient people. Much of the country seems to believe that billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine – to prolong a war that that has already made Ukraine a tragic shadow of its former self – is good because it “sends a message” to Putin. Half the country believes the other half is violent, insane, and dangerous.

In the latter 1800s, a US government – minuscule and infantile compared to the one we have today, with a fraction of the means – conducted devastating mass murder in the name of “something better” as defined by Washington, its benefactors, and its beneficiaries. Wars, destruction and mass murder of men, women and children in the drive to dominate, to be the dominant, are already in the books. The state is defined by its proud and enthusiastic repudiation of the 6th Commandment. The Great Ron Paul: Th... Horton, Scott Best Price: $5.90 Buy New $11.64 (as of 08:46 UTC - Details)

Which brings us to Number 9, the state’s most hated, most feared commandment.  Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.  The sophisticated and diligent counter-practice of this rule is fundamental to our government’s very existence, its every action, its every plan, its vision board and its deepest fantasies.

This is the problem the state has with Donald Trump.  With JD Vance.  With RFK, Jr.  This is the problem the state has with Tulsi Gabbard, Scott Ritter, and Dmitri Simes and literally a million, 10 million, maybe even 100 million Americans today.  We have seen the sputtering, paralyzing rage of federal bureaucrats when they realize an audience doesn’t buy their fairy tales.  We have seen how the muscular, heavily-armed state deals with those not quite ready to assume the submissive role.

Fauci was enraged and mystified at those who questioned his Covid narrative;  Hillary believes Trump and RFK, Jr supporters should be re-educated in state camps.  Imperial DC is a snorting, pawing bull when faced with criticism – and it defines criticism as anything on the planet that counters, contextualizes, or leaves a poop emoji on the official government narrative.  The state is wholly invested in bearing false witness, and it demands complete control over all forms of journalism, history, and public and private discussions.  The submissive does not form an independent opinion, and if it attempts to do so, it will be punished.  The state has metamorphosed not into a beautiful butterfly, but into psychopathic and obsessive evil.

This is why legacy and social media – feeding the minds, businesses, and spirits of billions of people – must be infiltrated, back-doored, threatened, controlled and compromised.  This is why Julian Assange had to be jailed for decades on bogus charges, and why Pavel Durov of Telegram was detained, and will be charged with made up-crimes.  The dying empire of the collective West mandates lies, and punishes even the most minute and casual desire to know reality.

Alistair Crooke masterfully explains how the US-led Western obsession with “winning narratives” is “their Achilles heel.”  It is time to be reminded of Sun Tzu’s advice: “The way of victory is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”