She Is Just Like That

I watched the new acting Director of the Secret Service in his presentation before Congress on 7/30/24.  It influenced my perception of what happened very much.  I should say that I think Mr. Wray and Mr. Rowe are dear (good) Americans; I don’t doubt their love for their country and that they want to serve it well.  The latter is different.  There’s a good Spanish saying, “It’s not about wanting to, it’s about being able to” (no es queriendo, es pudiendo).  Americans are good people, which should be remembered when judging Wray or anyone else for that matter, and that includes the young man who is accused very freely, and all such young persons (that’s where you show your heart).

We need more information.  For some things, it’s too early to pass a judgment, for others not.  Some new facts for me:

.-  Ms. Cheatle (SS Director who quit) is just like that…too taciturn, robotic-like when she is accused, but the Secret Service is fortunately not as bad as it looked on July 13.  The new acting Director, Ronald Rowe (25 years of experience in the SS), criticized her for a lack of information that created “conspiracy theories” (without saying her name). American Memory Hole: ... Jeffries, Donald Best Price: $21.21 Buy New $23.60 (as of 06:11 UTC - Details)

.- The Secret Service failed but there is no sign of bad will.  It failed to communicate well with the local SWAT team.  It failed by delegating too much work to them.  A Senator criticized the way they huddled around President Trump; I agree.  Many must have felt something was wrong with the way they huddled around him, and must have said so: “One of you turn around.  The shooter could be right there and about to shoot again.  Don’t huddle like in Football.”  It was the point of the Senator.

.- The new Director blamed the local SWAT team.  He thinks they should be blamed too; my sense was that he thinks the crime happened because of them.  He showed a picture of where the local SWAT team – the Beaver County SWAT team – was supposed to be.  It was a perfect position to kill the sniper from (to his right and slightly behind).  He said the “team leads” met and agreed the “local counter sniper team” would be there.  We have read different stories about why they were not there.

.-  It’s his understanding that the SS agents didn’t have “any knowledge that there was a man on the roof of the AGR building with a firearm.”  He said that none of the agents was “aware that the assailant had a firearm until they heard gunshots,” and that “the secret service counter snipers neutralized the assailant within seconds after the assailant fired his weapon.”  One of the four counter snipers shot, or says he shot, the assassin.  Rowe said he knows him personally from working with him, and considers him “a friend” and that he’s a great sharpshooter.

.-  He went to the crime site and laid prone on the roof: “What I saw made me ashamed.”  He said it was “a failure on multiple levels.”  He said agents are demoralized and that “emotions are raw.”  “I cannot defend why that roof was not better secured.”  The Secret Service appears to be in good hands.  He says a thorough internal investigation will be conducted.

.- The local SWAT team accuses the Secret Service of disorganization. They say the SS failed to coordinate, that some of them felt like they were the “Visitor” team on July 13.  They’re now accusing each other directly.

.- It was not normal for a local law enforcement agent to climb the roof, see the shooter and go back down because it’s dangerous.  His boss already excused him, even said he acted well in doing so.  The local authorities look worse to me now.  I saw the pictures which the SS Director showed.  No sharpshooter can abandon that position if it’s his!

.-  It’s certain that the videos filmed from the right of the building are fake.  This is a fundamental fact the FBI is ignoring.  The Director’s picture that showed where the local SWAT team should have been, also confirms that the video published by the NYT and others is fake.  It has the shooter on the roof of a building that has four or five sustaining columns.  The picture of the real building has no such columns.  The real building is wider than the one in the fake video(s) filmed from the right side.  The building in the fake video has a vertical object on the right side of the apex of the roof, but the real building does not have it, and these are differences that can be checked and noticed easily (if you analyze the videos).  It’s a pre-fabricated video.  It’s terrorism.

.-  On August 1,  the program Jesse Watters Primetime (FOX) showed a video where the shooter is seen on the roof.  It seems to have been filmed from the bleachers to the left of Trump.  No witness has described what this video shows (second link).

.- The BBC report on the young man is like what American media reports should be like.  That’s how I learned that he graduated with honors last May from college, that he had no prior criminal record, that everybody who knew him does not understand it, that he was someone a dad can be proud of, except for this enormous accusation that is being made too quickly.  We don’t see the parents of the young man.  We don’t yet see a clear, identifiable picture of the shooter dead; the facts are stronger than a picture that will be reproduced in magazines, history books, and the Internet.

.-  The Deputy Director of the FBI, Paul Abbate (three decades of FBI experience), testified together with Director Rowe.  It’s beyond me how he can treat the case of a young person so.  How can he not mention the good things about his life that the BBC mentions?  Why doesn’t the American media report how good he was before this day?  Does everyone graduate with prizes and honors?  Why wouldn’t we want to know that he was a student who graduated with a money prize from high school in 2022 and with honors from a college last May?

.-  He said the “investigative team” had found a social media site that they suspect was his.  It’s from 2019/2020.  It has about 700 comments.  They are still trying to determine if it’s his, so it’s anonymous.  He indicated it’s full of antisemitism and, get this, anti-immigration.  He has got to be innocent then, no?  Who is more anti-immigrant than Trump?  Truth: He was still a child at 15 and we don’t do that to a 15-year-old who was “one of the good students” (as we say); it’s abusive, very brutal.  Being a “good American” is not about being charming in Congress.  If you don’t have respect for American youth, you should not be a “public servant.”  That social media account is irrelevant even if it were his, which it is not.  (I vote ‘no.’)

.-  The FBI Deputy Director said the FBI had received more than 2000 tips from the public.  He said that “from the outset the FBI has been investigating this attack as an assassination attempt and an act of domestic terrorism,” and that his team will “continue to follow all avenues and leads of investigation to logical conclusion, leaving no stone unturned.”

.-  It’s not “domestic” terrorism…don’t blame us now.  It is a supernatural attack like in the movies, but it’s worse and real.  People can’t see, can’t notice, can’t react, a problem which I shall touch on next.  “To logical conclusion” – that’s what we need!  “Leaving no stone unturned” – someone evil is attacking and spiritual readiness – realism – are required to see things as they really are.

.-  The sign of an adult as opposed to a child is that he can face evil as it is.  We adults hide some bad things from children because “they are not ready” to know them.  I know of a child who told his father, when they were watching the first King Kong movie (1933), the end where KK falls from the Empire State building and dies: “Daddy, King Kong is not dead; he is only sleeping, daddy, he’s not dead.”  The child didn’t want his father to be sad.  The dad does not correct him…

“Terrorism” makes people regress into childhood, lamentably; there is none among us who will not stand like a man if all that is good and all that makes life worth living is under attack.  The automatic regression into childhood is a key element for the terrorist attacks, which rely on this fact to continue to happen.

Regarding 9-11, someone admitted that the second plane went through the first wall as if it weren’t there and then came out through the other wall with its nose still intact, but that this could happen because it was the wall nearby on the right and not the wall on the other side.  “Successful” people say things like that.  You stop talking once you know that he/she can’t see it or accept it.  The artificial children must cease to be children one day.  They must stand like “men” and “women,” as simple as that.  Then will the terrorism end.

The “plane” from 9-11 is either a plane from another planet or it is a pre-fabricated video.  Finally, it is a logical world and realistic investigators will find out which is it, either now or later.

The second so-called plane is easy to see, but fewer know that the first one which hit Tower 1 got stuck on the wall – half in, half out.  That’s what a NY policewoman said in a book published in 2002.  She can be seen on YouTube, but not repeating this story.  Someone evil and not human attacked humanity on 9-11, someone who could steer humanity so.  He or it hates, mocks, and such deeds could logically be a claim of power over people.  It’s scary not to take the right stand.  Both “planes” do something impossible and do it with hatred of human intelligence.  This is seen in all YouTube videos of both – UFOs.  I wrote the following in a previous article titled “On Terrorism.”

“I read this in a library book and then purchased the book titled “Women At Ground Zero” (313 pages, published in 2002).  This bad story was on page 4, as the first story of this revealing book.  There is no other account that unbelievable in the book.  It’s from Carol Paukner, police officer from the New York City Police Department, Transit Division, District 2, Lower Manhattan: Battle for the America... Goodwin, David Best Price: $2.50 Buy New $11.45 (as of 12:11 UTC - Details)

“…Some woman said, ‘It’s over there!’ and pointed toward the World Trade Center.  We ran up the road, and as I looked up, I saw the first plane half in, half out of the North Tower.  I only saw the back end of the plane, the tail end of it.  The nose was buried in the building.  I thought I was in a dream. There was debris everywhere.  I grabbed my radio and confirmed, ‘A plane has hit the World Trade Center.’”

The pre-fabricated videos on display now, which, as I described, show a building that is not the AGR building, are part of the terrorist attack because they are showing the assassination attempt on President Trump.

.-  Do you know why it is called “Secret” Service?  I hope they change the name as part of their restructuring.  What’s the secret or secrets that must be mentioned in the name?  The “C” in CIA is for “central” but it could have been for “clandestine.”  They sure don’t need “secret” in their name.  (President’s Protection Service?)

.-  Why are there so many intelligence agencies?  I understand there are 16 or 17.  It might as well then be 249.  That can only be useful for passing the buck (“don’t look at me, look at 248”).  It’s ridiculous and it’s embarrassing to a citizen.  Bringing it down to two or three should ensure a better accountability and be more efficient too.  Two or three can become bigger…

Link to the Secret Service leader testifying before Congress.  He shows where the local SWAT team should have been at 38:17.