Everybody Knows the Captain Lied

USA 2 Weeks away from ”Armageddon”?

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost

Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows

Having heard this Leonard Cohen classic on the radio a few days ago, the lyrics have been rattling around in my head as a perfect description of the dystopian horror show we are experiencing in the world today. The song has a dark, foreboding, cynical tone, capturing the sense of a coming catastrophe which everybody can see coming, but we are helpless to stop. Cohen wrote the song in 1987 and it perfectly captures the mood of a Third Turning Unraveling, where greed; narcissism; the breakdown of societal trust; confidence in governmental and financial institutions; and the deterioration of society into the “haves” and “have nots”; sets the stage for the Fourth Turning Crisis of financial collapse, war, and a violent bloody resolution by 2032. Third Turnings are periods of cynicism, deterioration of manners and civil authority, societal disunity, and a cultural descent towards degeneracy.

It was fitting Cohen wrote this song in the same year Oliver Stone’s Wall Street movie splashed onto movie screens, reflecting the “greed is good” mentality of the nation. The insider trading scandals of the mid-1980s informed the good guys that the bad guys had rigged the system, and always won. The early enthusiasm of Reagan’s “Morning in America” presidency had dissipated in a blizzard of scandals, promises unfulfilled, and space program disaster. The 1986 stock market crash had shaken the confidence of the working class, while Greenspan’s bailout of the bankers who owned him, proved the dice were loaded.

It was not so evident at that point that the good guys (you and me) had already lost the war. Cohen didn’t know it at the time, but he was describing the Deep State/Invisible Government control over every aspect of our lives. The dystopia he describes has grown a hundred-fold in the 37 years since he wrote the song, and it keeps getting worse. We are approaching our rendezvous with destiny and everybody who is capable of critical thought knows the next several years will be fraught with peril, determining the future course of mankind.

The dice have been loaded for decades. The war was over in 1963 when the CIA, on behalf of the Deep State, murdered John F. Kennedy. The American people (the good guys) lost, and the Deep State won. They got their war in Vietnam. They got their Welfare State. They got guns, butter, a currency unlinked from gold, and the green light to create debt to infinity. The Deep State has consolidated their power and control over every aspect of our lives in the six decades since they killed JFK.

They have used every crisis they create to abscond with more of our liberties, freedoms, rights and wealth. In addition to the never-ending wars created around the globe to benefit their military industrial complex, their wars on poverty, drugs, terror, CO2, and covid have enriched them and their lackeys, while exacerbating the very things they declared war upon. None of these wars are meant to be won. Keeping the masses in fear and ignorance makes them easier to control.

Even though the ignorant masses are kept distracted by their electronic baubles and gadgets, while being continuously propagandized and misinformed by the regime media, acting on behalf of their Deep State masters, they know something is amiss. They are experiencing a massive dose of cognitive dissonance, as the institutions they are supposed to trust (government, media, finance, academia, medicine) tell them the economy is great, inflation is only 3%, white supremacy is the real problem, open borders are good for America, vaccines are safe and effective, the puppet president is as sharp as a tack, and it really was just a 20 year old loner who acted alone in trying to kill Trump.

Everybody knows these are provably false, leaving them feeling uneasy and mentally uncomfortable. They know something bad is going to happen, but they don’t know when. Pretending all is well is their only choice, because thinking and questioning the narrative is frowned upon by their peers. Therefore, they keep rolling the dice with their fingers crossed. This can be seen in the astronomical increase in sports betting over the last decade, as economic desperation increases risk taking.

The same mentality can be seen in people financing the purchase of $60,000 depreciating vehicles over seven years and getting into bidding wars over houses when prices are at an all-time high and mortgage rates are at decade highs. They are in a “live for today” mental state because they know the future is going to be terrible and they are being lied to by the captains.

Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That’s how it goes
Everybody knows

Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows

Everybody knows they created the covid plandemic in order to force mail-in ballots to become normalized across the swing states. The provable 3:00 am mail-in ballot fraud, along with whatever tweaks were done through internet access to Dominion electronic voting machines, fixed the 2020 election, and installed the Deep State basement dummy as their puppet president.

This has allowed them to implement their Great Reset new world order agenda, purposely destroying the social fabric of society by financing the invasion of our country by millions of 3rd world parasites; celebrating and encouraging our descent into degeneracy by jamming transgender mental illness down our throats as normal; glorifying the sexualization, mutilation, and trafficking of children; inciting violence, mayhem and lawlessness in our cities; and making the poor poorer, while further enriching the rich.

Their goal is to mentally overwhelm us and force us to acquiesce to their degenerate dogma through fear, peer pressure, propaganda, cancellation, and threat of imprisonment. The celebration of degeneracy just peaked during the opening of the Olympic games in Paris, where degeneracy has always thrived, while the curtain came down upon humanity, normalcy, and good people living unfettered lives.

The question many normal, critical thinking, family oriented, intelligent people are asking is why are “they” doing this and for what purpose? They are aggressively shoving our faces in it and daring us to respond in a violent manner. They need conflict and chaos, as they grow desperate, knowing the liquefying foundation of debt supporting their agenda is giving way. Since the opening of this Fourth Turning in 2008, with the man made financial disaster created by our corrupt politicians, Bernanke and the voraciously greedy cabal of Wall Street bankers, our world has been spiraling downward in a vortex of debt, delusion, deception, despotism and degeneracy.

The national debt stood at $11 trillion in 2009, which was up by $5 trillion since 2000 due to Bush’s useless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and his War on Terror – meant to be endless and permanently beneficial to the MIC and Deep Surveillance State. It took 210 years to reach $5 trillion in debt, and only 25 years to add another $30 trillion. Now that is quite an accomplishment. Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen and Powell must be so proud, having enabled their owners to become obscenely rich while we became poorer.

The current batch of captured politicians and government bureaucrat drones told Bush, Obama and Trump to hold their beer, as they accelerate our descent towards financial implosion at a current rate of $1 trillion of new debt every 3 to 4 months, trending at $3.2 trillion annualized. They are trapped by their insane belief MMT can work and debt doesn’t really matter.

At this point, if they actually attempted to cut spending and act rationally, we’d experience a deflationary depression, with massive unemployment, foreclosures, defaults, starvation, and cities burning. It seems too convenient the covid scamdemic arrived just as the gears of our financial system were seizing up due to lack of debt creation oil. They have certainly greased the gears of debt since 2020, with no plans to ease up at this point.

Powell continues to print at hyper-speed to keep up with the spending of the swamp creatures and their senile pedophile puppet president. Now his Wall Street owners are throwing a hissy fit by driving the stock market down, so he will cut interest rates and make them richer. You can double the official propaganda inflation figure of 20% since the creepy cadaver was rolled into the White House in January 2021, to get an accurate assessment of what they have done to average Americans.

Covid was used to destroy hundreds of thousands of small businesses, shifting more profits to the mega-corporations who support the Deep State through censorship, promoting deviancy and DEI, while further impoverishing the former middle class. The massive surge in inflation forced Powell to raise rates, exacerbating the destruction of our economy, as interest on the national debt exceeds $1 trillion per year, and accelerating upward like a SpaceX rocket ship.

The military industrial complex is miffed, as interest expense now exceeds military spending. They will insist on a 25% increase, as they prepare for World War III, currently being provoked by Biden’s handlers. Do any of these charts show a sustainable scenario? The answer is NO. That which is unsustainable will not be sustained. The only question is when will this fallacious fantasy meet the cold hard reality of consequences.

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died

Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows

You can insert whoever or whatever in the role of captain, as the USS America sinks into the shadowy abyss. There have been so many perpetrators, some more responsible than others, but we all need to accept some responsibility for our current inescapable quandary. For decades the masses have believed the captain’s lies. We went about our daily lives, allowing a cadre of evil psychopaths to abscond with our rights, liberties, and freedoms, while implementing a totalitarian surveillance state, slowly destroying our standard of living through insidious Federal Reserve created inflation debasing the dollar, and turning our economic system into a corporate fascist pillage machine, dominated by the military industrial complex, sickcare complex, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Banks. No matter what puppet they installed as captain, the puppeteers running the Deep State remained hidden and in total control of the levers of society.

The boat is most certainly leaking and has been leaking for a long time. They have been lying to us for as long as I can remember, because they know our entire system is based on lies and is truly rotten to the core. If you have been paying attention, you know with certainty this will end in catastrophe. The problem is so few have been paying attention. The masses are vying for likes on social media platforms, taught to feel rather than think in government indoctrination centers (aka public schools), told what to believe by their TVs, and instructed to use debt for everything they desire.

Personally, I’ve had a broken feeling, like my dog died, since the onset of this Fourth Turning in 2008. My efforts to try and influence enough people to alter our course and avoid the iceberg, which will sink this empire, have failed. I guess they were destined to fail during this Fourth Turning, just as there is no way to avoid the Winter season. We must face the gauntlet of killer storms ahead with fortitude, courage, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to leave a livable future for our children and future generations.

There will be blood, that is certain. Innocent people will die. That is a fact of war. We are already in a war for the future of our civilization, whether you acknowledge it or not. They have been trying to demoralize the good people, who still make up of the majority of Americans, by declaring the abnormal degenerate beliefs of 1% should override the normal, rational, moral beliefs of the 99%. If we continue allowing these evil miscreant psychopaths to dictate the course of our country through their Great Reset/Great Taking schemes, all will be lost. This Fourth Turning may end in the destruction of our country, and possibly our planet.

Our enemies are humans – despicable humans, but humans just the same. They bleed and die just like us. We are all going to have to decide whether we are willing to live in an authoritarian dystopia, with a boot on our face forever, or whether we are willing to die for a cause greater than us. We know our enemies consider us to be expendable parasites and will slaughter us by the millions to maintain their power, control, and wealth.

The globalist billionaires, their puppet politicians, media mouthpieces, corporate lackeys, feckless bankers, and obedient apparatchiks inserted throughout the government bureaucracy, all have families and addresses. Fear works both ways. Those 300 million firearms are mostly in the hands of the good guys. The time for hard choices is approaching rapidly. I pray enough make the right choices before it blows.

Everybody knows it’s coming apart
Take one last look at this Sacred Heart
Before it blows
Everybody knows

Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows

Reprinted with permission from The Burning Platform.