Bird Flu, Baby!

Bird Flu, Baby!
It’s the new scamdemic.
The fear-porn is going round.
The lies are already epidemic.

Bird Flu, Baby
you’d better get the vax.
It’s full of mRNA
which will give you the ax. Covid 19: Decoding Off... Chaillot, Pierre Buy New $24.99 (as of 09:57 UTC - Details)

Bird Flu, Baby
we’re in dire straits.
This hoax is fully supported
by mass murderer Bill Gates.
He engineered the last plandemic—
a toxic shot in every arm.
Now he’s working on a new scamdemic,
a red-white-and-blue scamdemic
to cause the world maximum harm.
Yeah it’s Bird Flu Baby
Better do what they say
or they’ll take your job, your livelihood,
and your right to travel away.
Just watch your Social Credit Score
go down the drain if you don’t obey.
Communist China’s tyranny—
the template for the USA.

We’ve gotta kill all the chickens
because they might give us the flu.
We’ve gotta kill all the turkeys.
Thanksgiving can go screw!
Because of Bird Flu Baby
it’s the hot new dance.
Did the Hollow Queen—Taylor Swift—
say “Give this jab a chance”?
Her boyfriend is a vaccine promoter.
It’s a Pharma romance.
She can strut her stuff
and push the new vax
in her tawdry hot-pants.

Well, everybody’s heard about the bird.*
Big bad Bird Flu
Bird is the word.
Fauci’s a turd
Gates is a turd
Soros a turd
Klaus Schwab’s a turd
Ghebreyesus a turd
Biden’s a bird-brain
Hillary’s a vulture
Newsom’s a loon
Haley’s a war-hawk
and Cackling Kamala’s undeterred.
Trump is an emu, unable to fly
but he always has an alibi.
Millions who got his clot-shots will die
but he’s not man enough to admit his mistake
which means he’s essentially a fake.
All these buzzards know
their lies are absurd
but bird is the word
buh-buh-buh Bird-Flu is the word.

Why do you lie steal cheat
and trample people under your feet?
You lie, steal, cheat and deceit
because you’re the Ruling Elite.
With Beelzebub you compete.
The PCR test was a total fake
(false-positives 97 percent
which was exactly their intent)
but how many people—still not awake—
swallow the crap of the Tapper named Jake?
The life-changing Bird Flu…of course it’s absurd
but they want the Sheeple to follow the herd.
Bird Flu, Baby—it’s another hoax
brought to you by the very same folks
who duped us with the Covid scam—
a death-shot for every child/woman/man.

Yeah Bird Flu Baby—
Good ol’ Rockin’ Robin
is up in the treetops but he’s sobbing
sobbing ’cause America went so limp.
We’d be better off electing a chimp
until someone crushes the Globalist coup
which is working hard to destroy me and you,
fighting ridiculous wars overseas
while your grocery bill makes you wheeze
and your Covid vax gave you some disease
and the Gaza genocide gets worse by the day
and most of Congress is in Israel’s pay
and Zelensky The Tyrant has feet of clay
and there is no answer blowing in the breeze
until We The People stop the bastards
who’re doing exactly as they please.

So, all ye boys and girls,
get the facts, shun the vax
and keep on rockin’ in the free world.
Bird Flu, Baby—
Do  Not Comply.
Biden and Dr. Jill, you’ve told us lie after lie.
You lie, steal, cheat and deceit.
Graft is your daily bread and meat.
Good riddance
and goodbye!


*This piece references several well-known rock songs: “Surfin’ Bird” (Bird Is The Word) by the Trashmen (1963), “Rockin’ Robin” by Bobby Day (1958), “Wrong ‘Em Boyo” by The Clash (1979), “Blowin’ In The Wind” by Bob Dylan (1962),  and  “Rockin’ in the Free World” by Neil Young (1989).  Back when music was still music.  The current scene is exemplified by Taylor Swift whose “music” is not music, it’s weaponized brain-rot designed to dumb down and anesthetize the population.

Further Reading:

The Pfizer Papers: Pfi... The WarRoom/DailyClout... Best Price: $16.00 Buy New $19.99 (as of 09:16 UTC - Details) If you think the next “pandemic” isn’t coming soon, you’d better check out the International Bird Flu Summit. By Mark Crispin Miller.

Bird flu has been deliberately built up as an extremely dangerous threat to humans. By Meryl Nass, MD

“US federal agencies are following 9,000 farm workers in the US looking for bird flu cases. So far they have only found 4 in the past 2 years. All had mild illnesses. None were hospitalized and of course, none died.  Once upon a time, this virus did kill a small number of people, but less than 500 people worldwide, cumulatively, over more than 20 years. It has never spread person-to-person.  Over the past 4 years there are only 8 people worldwide who are reported to have died from bird flu. Since the WHO [mistakenly?] claimed a recent death from bird flu in Mexico…we can’t even be sure about these 8.”

Pfizer & Moderna Rolling Out New ‘Super mRNA’ Jabs for ‘Pandemic Influenza’

“The Biden administration just awarded Moderna a $176 million contract to develop new mRNA jabs for a ‘pandemic influenza’ caused by bird flu… reports: The only functioning product the $45 billion company has ever released was its mRNA injections for COVID.  Now, Moderna will have a whole new profit stream thanks to Biden.”

“It turns out that Pfizer is also included in the scam. Both Pfizer and Moderna now have license from Biden to create ‘catch-all’ injections that can be used for any type of ‘pandemic influenza.’ This ensures that both companies can rake Americans over the coals for many years to come….Should the bird flu fakedemic fail to manifest as Big Pharma and the government are hoping it will, the failsafe is that Moderna and Pfizer will both be allowed to rebrand their mRNA injections for whatever new ‘scare’ is unleashed in its place.”

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