The Shot Heard 'Round the World

Once & Future President Donald J. Trump miraculously survives assassination attempt!

Through the shocking assassination attempt on Trump, the Left’s war against America finally burst out into the open, escalating from psychological warfare to the kinetic. Make no mistake: this is our Lexington and Concord.

For many years now, the Democrat machine has been pushing the poisonous narrative that Trump is Hitler, and therefore, by implication and even outright suggestion, should be “taken out.” As Biden said very recently, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” Well, someone did.

The Assassination of P... Corsi Ph.D., Jerome R. Best Price: $19.99 Buy New $21.59 (as of 04:17 UTC - Details) Now we’re hearing echoes of the narrative the powers-that-be tried to sell us in 1963 after JFK was assassinated: just a lone gunman with a rifle from a book depository window—case closed. Regarding the attempted murder of Trump: “The FBI is treating the incident as a lone-wolf attack and is investigating it as a possible case of domestic terrorism.” This is as false as the official story from 1963.

In the case of a conspiracy to kill a political leader, what matters most is who set it up–who planned it. It’s the instigators and the conspirators who are the culprits. They’re the ones that benefit. Not a dead patsy. Not Lee Harvey Oswald and not the 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks who tried to assassinate Donald Trump.


Recall Biden’s Mussolini-like speech in 2022 in front of Independence Hall with Marines stationed on either side, and everything bathed in eerie blood-red lighting, when he angrily exclaimed:

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent extremism that threatens the very foundation of our democracy!

Of course it isn’t Biden himself who is the real author of any of this. His vacant stares, slurred words and pathetic mumblings during his recent “debate” with Trump made all too clear what many of us have known for several years: Biden has advanced dementia and is merely a front-man for the real leader behind the scenes: Barack Obama.

It is at Obama’s doorstep that one might well lay the blame for July 13th, as well as for October 7th of last year. And many suspect he plans to be in the White House again, as the spouse of President Michelle—if the Dems can pull it off, which is now happily looking less and less likely.


The Dems solved one of their problems via Biden’s disastrous debate that will enable them to replace him, but now they have to face the fact that they have no candidate who can beat Trump. They’ve tried so many ways to take Donald off the playing field: two impeachments, myriad false accusations, a stolen election, the raid on Mar-a-lago, lawfare cases galore on phony charges, and all the bad press money can buy.

Speaking of lawfare cases, two days after the assassination attempt on Trump, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon tossed out the bogus classified documents case against him, ruling that Special Counsel Jack Smith “was unlawfully appointed to his role and did not have the authority to bring the case.”

Another miracle! Seems Divine Providence is smiling on America once more. This is not only great news for Trump but also for that endangered species, the rule of law.

Back to the Desperadoes:

There’s nothing that the Dems hate and fear more than Trump rallies. The huge crowds Trump draws make the Dems’ candidates look pathetic by comparison. And there’s always the danger that some Democrats will actually watch a Trump rally speech, and discover that he is smart, funny, down-to-earth, authentic and inspiring—and he genuinely loves America and the American people.

Can’t have that!

So they’ve bent over backwards to forestall his rallies. They did this in 2020 through fearmongering: large gatherings, i.e. Trump rallies, would be “Super-spreader” events! No more rallies. And they did it in 2024 by keeping Trump in courtrooms as much as possible, and off the campaign trail.

Clever plan, guys.

But it hasn’t worked out too well, as Trump has held wildly successful rallies even in the blue states where he was being tried in court. Rallies in New Jersey and Harlem! Blacks for Trump! Uh oh. Another Dem backfire.

The poor Dems—one could almost feel sorry for them—if they weren’t so evil. Seems even the assassination attempt against Trump has backfired. Billionaire and media giant Elon Musk just endorsed Trump and pledged $45million/month to his campaign! And take a look at this chart:

Of course the persecution of Trump isn’t simply about the man. As he himself has often stated, “In reality they’re not after me. They are after you. I’m just in the way.”


Just today CNN described Crooks’ actions on July 13th. Apparently, he got up that morning and decided to assassinate President Trump. So he went shopping, bought 50 rounds of ammunition and a ladder so he could climb up on a rooftop for a sniper’s vantage point, and drove for an hour to the rally site.

Who in his right mind would think he could waltz into the environs of a high-security Trump rally schlepping a ladder and carrying a shotgun around in plain daylight?

But I suspect Crooks was not in his right mind. In fact, this sounds to me eerily like a case of MKUltra or other mind-control mechanism at work—almost as if Crooks were hypnotized and listening to a voice telling him what to do, step by step. We’ll likely never know. But many of us, myself included, suspect an expert sniper, not neophyte Crooks, fired the shot that hit Trump.

Here’s why I believe it was a set-up:

·      Trump out of the way is the Dems’ dream come true

·      His sudden death just days prior to the Republican’s Convention would throw the party, and the nation, into chaos

·      Biden refused to increase Trump’s security though asked in advance of the rally, even taking agents away from Trump’s security detail and giving them to…Jill! who was coincidentally “campaigning” in Pennsylvania that day

·      The DEI Secret Service security leader failed to station anyone on the rooftop of the nearby building(s)

·      The local police saw the shooter but fumbled their chance to stop him

·      The Leftwing media downplayed the incident in their first few headlines, all refusing to use the word “assassination”

If we were back in the day before online reporting, every newspaper in the country would have immediately been running headlines like this:

President Trump Hit by Bullet in Brazen Assassination Attempt at Pennsylvania Rally!

Instead, we got the following:

From CNN:

Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally (Priceless, though despicable)

From ABC:

Two killed, Trump evacuated in shooting at rally in Pennsylvania.

From NBC:

Trump injured amid gunfire at rally ahead of RNC. Liberalism Mises, Ludwig von Best Price: $11.95 Buy New $11.95 (as of 04:02 UTC - Details)

From AP:

Donald Trump has been escorted off the stage by Secret Service during a rally after loud noises ring out in the crowd. (This one takes the cake. Just the facts, ma’am. We’re journalists. )

Oops…here’s Fox:

Trump Rally Halted by Security Incident (A close second.)

Nice try, guys. Guess you forgot how to spell A-S-S-A-S-S-I-N-A-T-I-O-N.

They were apparently told to downplay the assassination attempt, suggesting it was just a fluke.

Interestingly, according to Dr. Ryan Cole, the major stations—CNN, MSNBC, et al.—oddly and uncharacteristically provided live coverage of this particular Trump rally. If true, this suggests they’d been told something big would happen. It would also seem that the conspiratorial masterminds behind the plan wanted the MAGA millions to witness DJT being assassinated in real-time on TV, just as many of us witnessed the assassination of JFK in 1963. All the better to shock, horrify, traumatize and demoralize America’s patriots.

The real enemy of the people is not only the Marxist Dems and their globalist friends, but also their mainstream media presstitute enablers.

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