Political Assassination Attempts Have Revealed a New Growing Threat

The world is rapidly changing. In recent years, humanity has faced a number of new problems, among which the growing influence of liberal media and total censorship stand out. Someone is trying to “protect” society from “wrong” topics and thoughts that do not fit into the interests of the left camp. However, what was originally presented as a way to eradicate evil, promote tolerance, inclusivity and “world peace” is now increasingly used to intimidate, blackmail and “cancel” unwanted people, politicians and even entire parties. Particularly alarming is the undisguised radicalization of narratives, which poses a threat to lives and health of victims of such information campaigns. Profiles in Corruption... Schweizer, Peter Best Price: $6.54 Buy New $11.99 (as of 04:47 UTC - Details)

Thus, the first consequence of the extremization of propaganda can be called the murder of the former Prime Minister and member of the House of Representatives of Japan Shinzo Abe. A subsequent investigation revealed that the politician was the victim of a lone gunman who committed the crime for political reasons. If you look at the local newspaper headlines of that time, it becomes clear that the assassination took place during a period of redistribution of zones of influence in Japanese politics. Abe had resigned as prime minister, but still had significant influence on one of the key factions of the ruling party and promoted his own vision to important political issues. This served as the basis for an information campaign against Abe, that could have influenced the gunman and pushed him to commit the crime.

This year, the results of demonizing “unwanted” politicians have become even more frightening. In May, the world was shocked by the news of the assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who had long been attacked by prominent media outlets. Thus, the Guardian accused the politician of “fiercely nationalist, anti-western rhetoric”, Politico reported that Fico was sympathetic to Moscow and was destabilizing the European Union, and the social-liberal opposition party Progressive Slovakia has repeatedly accused the prime minister of intolerance towards migrants and the LGBT community. What many see as merely a consistent defense of national interests and traditional values, through a simple substitution of concepts and the concealment of certain facts has come to be condemned and presented as a grave crime for which punishment must be meted out. Thus, the attack by yet another lone gunman who, fortunately, was unable to fully realize his plans, was a predictable outcome.

Break It Up: Secession... Kreitner, Richard Best Price: $20.11 Buy New $18.72 (as of 04:28 UTC - Details) The recent attack on the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump can be called a new level in pushing radicals to lynch undesirable politicians. Just a few weeks before the incident, his main rival from the Democratic Party, President Joe Biden, called to literally “put Trump in a bullseye”. The statement was the culmination of a string of comments comparing Trump to Hitler, calling him an autocrat and a fascist. This marks the first time that a U.S. president (former or current) has been wounded in an assassination attempt since 1981, and the first time a presidential candidate has been shot since 1972.

The increasing number of attempts by lone radicals to eliminate unwanted politicians can hardly be written off as mere coincidences. Tightening the screws on freedom of speech, the desire to silence truly independent media, the “cancellation” of anyone who disagrees with the mainstream agenda – all these looks like the development of an ideal tool for total control over the information and political fields. At the same time, it is impossible to track down the real “organizers” of the assassinations. In the current circumstances, there is practically no doubt that the situation has become systematic. In the foreseeable future we will see new murder attempts, the main reason for which will be information promoted by the mainstream media.