Just when you thought America was No Country for White Men, the Democrats have once again rewritten their own rules. White people, even white men, are in. And all to show up for the coronation of the first woman of color to win an election without ever having won a primary.
It was never losing democracy. They were worried that the wrong people would have a say in this democracy. And in their minds, it was white men. Well, what a difference a Joe Biden stepping down makes.
Next, on the Greatest Show on Earth will be the choice of Veep. Desperate not to fumble the ball on their way to making history, it has been decided that it must be a WHITE MALE, preferably heterosexual.
After five years or more of de-centering white men and heterosexuality from movies, culture, and politics, it’s the white guy they now need. But it can’t be a white guy at the top of the ticket. The dream machine would never get away with that. He has to ride shotgun, like a driving instructor at the DMV.
We’re all supposed to pretend like history is really being made when, in fact, it’s history being manufactured. Harris did nothing to earn her place except be a woman of color.
I would not call that DEI, only because it’s an easy way for self-righteous people to get up on their high horses and start lecturing you about racism. No, I would talk about equity instead. If someone hands you a job you either aren’t ready for or don’t deserve, you never get the credit. The white person giving you the job gets the credit. But if you fail, you’re on your own.
For white people, especially rich white people, that’s the greatest thing ever. Finally, real purpose at long last. Finally, absolution for their sins of wealth and privilege.
The hunt for a white dude to fill the slot of Veep is looking like The Bachelor back when all the contestants were white, a legacy that would come back to haunt them later. So far, none of the shrill social justice warriors are demanding Harris pick someone other than a white male. They care about winning, too, so whatever.
The problem for them is that the names buzzing about now are all politicians who might upstage Harris. How to pick the Tim Kaine of the bunch and still defeat Trump?
We know identity matters on the Left more than anything, so this isn’t really about whether Harris can do the job. It’s whether they can prop her up to make it seem like she can.
Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro, Arizona’s Mark Kelly, and Minnesota’s Tim Walz all would have done better in the primary than Harris if there had been a primary. They have twice her accomplishments and a better record. But for now, they will merely be a symbol of reassurance, like a security camera to ward off criminals.
I guess “normie white guys” are good for something after all.
Vote for Kamala Harris or you’re a racist!
No group is more narcissistic and yet more self-hating than liberal white women. I should know. I was one. We spent so many decades on self-improvement to try to rid ourselves of the self-hate. Therapy that went nowhere except to make us focus even more on ourselves. Drugs that perhaps took the edge off like booze used to do. Fitness, meditation, and eventually Ozempic.
That must be why the Harris campaign thought gathering all of those white women on a Zoom call to “show up” for Harris was a good idea. Suddenly, the Harris campaign is defined by “white power.”
A white Veep to temper Harris, and now, white women to get a strict talking-to about how they have to do everything they can to ensure the woman of color wins. But just in case, they’re hitching a white man along for the ride.