Great News From the First Presidential Debate!

The US is currently “presidented” by a vegetable, and everything is completely normal.

We’ve all seen presidents come and go, bringing their entourages into the decaying people’s house, trading principle for the trappings of power, presidents captive to the demands of corrupt parties that are rotting from inside and out.

Speaking of corrupt parties, consider the Democratic Party, a racist nativist eugenicist statist socialist party that reached peak cohesion with FDR and Truman. Truman himself was just a guy who inherited an office, having been selected following the three unbreakable rules of selecting a Vice President:  bring more rubes to a ticket, discourage impeachments or assassinations, and ensure no coups from next door or across the river.  Vice Presidential choices are rarely military “heroes” (George H.W. Bush’s extremely well-rewarded time in the Pacific as a teenager proving the point by exception). Reagan’s rueful choice of Bush had been forced upon him on the second day of the 1980 GOP Convention as he realized the implications of the Republican National Committee’s vision of co-presidency with establishment choice Gerald Ford. The Progressive Era Murray N Rothbard Best Price: $17.74 Buy New $11.33 (as of 07:25 UTC - Details)

Imagine your life depending on a platoon of vice presidents from the past 60 years.  George HW Bushes, Al Gores, Dan Quayles, Richard Nixons, Dick Cheneys, and Joe Bidens.  It’s the stuff of comedy, and nightmares.

Until his death, Truman considered his biggest decision – to cause several hundred thousand fiery deaths of Japanese men, women and children and the slow deaths of hundreds of thousands more in the non-military, non-industrial cities of Nakasaki and Hiroshima – completely justified.  Even though World War II had already ended in the Europe, and the Pacific front collapsed, mass murder and regional destruction funded and delivered by the US Government was worth it to “send a message to Russia.”

Democrats in 1945, under a Vice President who inherited his position from a multi-term popular socialist President, sent a nuclear message to Russia at great cost, stupidly and with evil intent.  Let’s pray it’s a one-off.

An interesting thing happened not long after.  After Ike’s two terms, a Democrat – the first Catholic President – was elected on margins so slim most people believed it had been rigged.  It probably was, as so many elections are, through the machinations of party politics, and the work of candidate machines, backed by the real power of various branches of oligarchy.  LBJ, like George HW Bush, had “military experience” having used “his connections to obtain a lieutenant commander commission” in the Naval Reserve.  LBJ’s story of surviving World War II combat pairs wells with that of the teenage George HW Bush.

The story of LBJ as vice president is also consistent with the wet dreams of George H.W. Bush. LBJ was no doubt successful in taking the Oval from a President who starting thinking about peace with Russia and de-nuclearization, through a “lone wolf” assassination. The experience of Herbert Walker Bush was very similar, but not as effective.  Again, for the deep state interventionary socialists — neoconservatives and warmongers in both parties – the mental deterioration that sometimes comes with age fails the people, but works out well for the state, as we saw in Reagan’s second term, and vividly see today in the workings of the Biden entity.

Rigged elections, bad choices for Vice-President, and mental decline aside, take Joe Biden, the one we know, and the one some of us met for the first time last Thursday. If you took the two kids in the back of the room who normally spend most of their time picking scabs and throwing spitballs, and assigned them to a two-person spelling bee in front of the whole school, and defined that as a debate, then it was a debate. If a competent “speller” had been allowed on stage with these two, like RFK, Jr or the real Dr Jill, or even the left-Libertarian candidate elected after literally hundreds of revotes by literally dozens of people – the jig would be up. Fakery has its limits.

The real question is, as Sy Hersh asks, who is running the country? If we’ve learned anything in the past 60 years, the Constitution is fundamentally flawed, and frayed beyond recognition.  The electoral College is gamed down to five voting districts, sometimes all the way down to single precincts within those districts.  If you don’t follow politics, director Shonda Rhymes covered it well in her popular TV series Scandal, starting in 2012, which was based on the experiences and work of crisis management guru and lawyer Judy Smith, who worked as Special Assistant to HW Bush starting in 1991.  The first Scandal episode is about an electronically stolen election, via a criminal act impacting votes a single Ohio district. The electoral college, designed to protect small state freedoms from powerful large states, is today little more than a meaningless arena of online gaming and oddsmaking.

I apologize for writing as if I am Joe Biden in the midst of a freeze-up.  Let me tell you a Corn Pop story from my own experience.

Many years ago, we hired a 14 year old neighbor kid to help do a job on the farm, kind of as a favor to his grandfather.  This kid wasn’t all there, as we used to say, probably been dropped on his head a time or two as a baby. But he was very enthusiastic.  One morning, just at dawn, we woke up to the rumble of tires on gravel and looked out the window to see the rusty old Nissan pickup barreling away from the house at about 35 miles an hour, dust blowing and rocks flying.  Someone just stole our truck!  It took a minute, but it was just junior starting his workday early – a workday that never included driving that truck.

Turns out, we simply had a failure to communicate.  We also didn’t realize what we were getting when we hired this kid.  Because we owned the truck, the driveway, the land, and were in charge of who we paid for what, this issue was resolved quickly and without harm or bad feelings.  We loved his enthusiasm and good heartedness. Years later, this kid’s energy, enthusiasm, combined with lack of higher processing skills and no one around him to truly help him, ended up in prison and is there today.  He suffers the fate of so many in our country – poor education, no strong family unit, a limited skill set, tempted by addiction of all kinds – and living a life that endangers himself and others, all on the public dime. Pagan America: The Dec... Davidson, John Daniel Best Price: $23.95 Buy New $23.24 (as of 12:47 UTC - Details)

His name isn’t Brandon, but it could be. Joe Biden is no doubt enthusiastic about his “job.”  But he obviously isn’t doing that job, or any job, due to cognitive limitations and no skill set. Biden’s entire family is more dysfunctional than anything I’ve seen locally, yet it’s “running” the country.

I know Joe Biden.  We all know Joe Biden.

We wouldn’t hire Joe Biden to pick up trash, cut brush, or help fix a fence. No one would. I wouldn’t get in an Uber or a Lyft if Joe Biden was driving.  No one would.  I’m not completely sure about the other bozo in the debate – he had an easy opportunity to tell the country what he would do and why – and mostly he picked scabs, shot spitballs and trashed talked golf.  It was the scorpion and the frog again and again.

So what is the great news?  It may be dawning on you already, but we the people are on our own.  No president who can save the empire is on any ballot, and no such man or woman exists.  Empires are themselves scorpions, unable to change their habit or character to save themselves.  The great message of the “debate” last week isn’t that Joe or Donald are old and angry, competent or incompetent, good or bad golfers, or well-matched in competitive lying.  It is that both are fundamentally powerless and truly irrelevant.

The US stands and moves as uncertainly and shakily as Joe Biden coming off that debate stage. The US empire is dysfunctional and dying. If the debate wasn’t a clear sign of that, then the surprise existence of a US District Court in the North Marianas Island is.  We the people learned of this republic-busting anomaly when a named enemy of the empire reported there for processing upon being freed from 14 years of US engineered imprisonment for a crime that is no crime.  That story is actually more a harbinger of the end of empire than the presidential debate last week, but we see, hear and experience stories that reveal the collapse of the empire every single day.

Happily there is little we can or should do but what we are already doing. Refuse to be moved, refuse to pay tribute, refuse to believe the state’s lies or obey its commands, and refuse to fight for it. Technology and networking options available to any and all have statists panicked, and we are liberated to learn, live, trade and nurture community with anyone, anywhere.  We have the ability, at atomic speed, to be free of state and statist parasites. Asserting our liberty in speech and movement, in our lives and economies, in a dangerous nuclear world led by statistically dangerous politicians and their supportive bureaucracies, is especially time-critical. And that’s what we learned from the recent “debate.”