'Open Borders' or Closed Borders Is the Wrong Question

“The thing about freedom is that it defines its own borders.”

~ Laura Chouette

The subject of borders is never-ending, and viewed by most completely incorrectly. The argument is seemingly identified as either open borders or closed borders, nothing more. But who drew up and decided the issue of borders in the first place, and why have the lines been arbitrarily changed constantly; usually based on conquest and rule by the few in power? The entirety of this dilemma is mis-diagnosed, and therefore convoluted at best, as extreme nationalism is the basis for this despotic practice. Instead of viewing this problem from the proper perspective, in light of logic, sound reasoning, and common sense, you are given only two choices by your accepted masters, and both are incorrect. The big picture and the real problems are completely overlooked, in favor of agenda driven political policy, so digging deeper into this conspiratorial plot is necessary. Against Decolonisation... Stokes, Doug Best Price: $7.49 Buy New $14.63 (as of 11:52 UTC - Details)

One side wants completely closed borders, or even a wall blocking all entrance and exit; this being the essence of a prison-like environment for all in this country. The other side pretends to want no restriction whatsoever, even in the face of criminal trespass and political maneuvering. Then there are the so-called ‘libertarians,’ who cannot decide among themselves whether to have totally ‘open borders,’ or State managed borders. All sides fail to see the real problem that defines this issue as it should be viewed from a natural law and private property perspective.

Closing off borders so that none can enter, simply leads to the situation where leaving those borders in order to travel, visit, trade, and effect commerce, becomes much more difficult, or even impossible. If people can be locked out, then people can easily be locked inside those same borders. This is just common sense. And this is just the beginning. If ‘national’ borders can be arbitrarily closed, then why cannot state borders be closed as well. If one takes this thought to its obvious conclusion, why then cannot county, city, and town borders be enforced. I guess this idea would be a useful tool for all those who would want to enforce 15 minute cities, so that coming in or leaving would be completely surveilled, monitored, and fully controlled by the State. So-called (not really) ‘unintended consequences’ could and would occur. Yes, complete secession right down to the local level would be perfect, but building walls, and disallowing movement would destroy the idea of freedom upon which secession is key.

This example may seem like an overreaching absurdity, but is it really? I think not, but since almost every ‘citizen’ tends to think that all society (country) should be run and controlled only by government and government rules and enforcement, and not by natural law where freedom is the linchpin of existence, what should be expected when one allows this totalitarian system to continue to exist? You see, the problem is not about immigration at all, it is about the ruling class’s control over everything and every person.

In the U.S., all immigration is government controlled, it is not, and never has been based on private property and natural law. It is at the whim of tyrants, and all that happens concerning this issue is intentional. What has happened is that this country today is a fascist and socialist totalitarian oligarchy. The masses are now largely dependent on government largess, as are all those coming into the country. But again, this is by design, and this government and its agencies, have created a situation where they are purposely rounding up, paying off, supporting, schooling, housing, and transporting huge numbers of all sorts of people, bought and paid for by taxpayer money I might add, in a plot to cause much chaos, crime, theft, and extreme criminal activity. That is not natural immigration, it is a false flag event and planned strategy meant to divide even further this hate-filled population, and many others around the world. The more people who wrongfully demand closed borders, the more this plays perfectly into the hands of the criminal State. The so-called immigrants themselves are just a part of the scheme being perpetrated by the government you voluntarily allow to rule you.

This can be easily seen in the rants and promises of the right’s political god Trump, as he is working his so-called MAGA crowd into a frenzy over this issue, which will in turn become the impetus for total control of every single individual. He promised to build a massive wall to block all borders; a lie and an asinine position to be sure. But he has now come up with another solution; a biometric solution using AI so that every person in the country, coming in or leaving, could be continually monitored, surveilled, and controlled. This solution is what the deep state has wanted all along. Digital everything, including all financial, all movement, all monetary processes, (CBDCs) and all transactions, so that this entire society would be completely restrained, restricted, regulated, and measured from birth until death.

The Biden crowd and the left, pretend to want government to open borders to every human by bringing them in by the trainload, and supporting them for life, in order to get them to vote for and promote a communist state. This idiocy is also insane, but still has little to do with the immigration problem. They also want total digitization, as both sides always seek the same outcome, even though they pretend to be enemies when in the light.

So by now, you should understand that the only problem is the ruling class, including all government, all government enforcement, and all the big corporate and banking cabal running the show. The Border Patrol on orders from their masters, is purposely opening the floodgates to bring in as many people as possible, regardless of any so-called rules or immigration policy.  That is why this is not an immigration problem; it is a government problem, and since most of you support this heinous government system, and expect this same criminal government to fix the problems it created in the first place, you deserve what you get.

Real immigration can be vital, and freedom to move is imperative in any free society, but it has to be a fully private matter. If all property is private, as would be the case upon the elimination of government and the State, then any coming here would have to be invited, support themselves, and acclimate and assimilate in order to be a successful part of their chosen communities. This would allow ‘open borders,’ but with all private rules and restriction, the best case scenario if freedom was sought. 10-Minute Strength Tra... Deboo PT, Ed Best Price: $12.19 Buy New $9.29 (as of 10:32 UTC - Details)

But this argument would be turned away by all those who pretend to believe in freedom, and who ‘claim’ to be anti-state, because they actually believe that a massive State has to exist, and therefore the only solution sought would be to wall everybody inside this border. It is not to wall or not to wall, this is completely about eliminating the State in favor of a free society living under self-rule and private property; all without any chains of this atrocious and oppressive governing system. What if every country, and every part of every country all built walls? What a pathetic and isolated world this would be.

Both sides are wrong concerning the immigration argument, and both sides are begging government to fix it; a most idiotic position to take. There is no such thing as pure “open borders” where anyone can invade another’s property without permission in any legitimate free society, because the people as individuals, and en masse, would always control property. In this case, anyone attempting to invade by force would be turned back immediately.  As I said earlier this year:

“Open borders” as a philosophy and mainstay of freedom and free markets, is very noble and right, but without the existence of free markets and private property, it cannot work everywhere, or anywhere, when the criminals in government control the enslaved proletariat masses residing in a tyrannical nation-state. ‘Open borders’ only work and are viable if government is fully restricted, abandoned, or abolished. Those supporters of open borders who disregard this reality, who rely on government to voluntarily implement free and private market solutions concerning this issue, solutions that are supposedly beneficial to the people as a whole, are completely naive and lost in a sea of confusion.”