If a Coup is Run on a Puppet Regime is it Really a Coup?

It is July 24, 2024. Joe Biden was exited from the election this weekend. And will likely be exited from office this week. Before long he will likely be exited from life. If the Democrats can properly time that Joe Biden exit from life for late September or early October, they will be able to get a maximum bump at the polls from that significant national event.

It is hard to comprehend the level of cynicism that is held by many of these men and women in Washington DC.

In 2008, something truly historic happened in the presidential race — a corrupt Chicago politician was allowed into the White House. This was the greatest endorsement of Chicago politics possible in the United States. Had he been given his own fully funded global training academy, the Chicago way of doing politics could not have been more praised.

And that was what happened. Almost every shocking event from 2009 to the present comes with an air of Chicago wrapped around it. Chicago politics has proliferated this land. And this land was not ready for it.

A decade-and-a-half later, the rest of America still has no idea what’s going on. Utterly clueless.

Rod Blagojevich, a man whose corruption trials I covered from the courtroom at the time, had an insightful comment about these happenings on Twitter in the midst of the coup against the puppet regime:

“I’ve known Obama since 1995. We both come out of Chicago politics. I know how it works. He’s behind the campaign to dump 15 million Dem primary voters & replace Biden with his choice. Classic Chicago Democrat machine politics. Selection over election. The bosses over the people.”

There is also a more in depth piece at The Wall Street Journal by the same.

The reign of terror taking place in America, especially since 2020 is purely a Chicago style play. Deep state, Eastern Establishment sociopathy met Chicago craven pursuit of power, and a very special match was born.

America has no idea what is happening. It is being run by men and women trained in bringing about America’s destruction for their gain. But it is so much more than that.

It is so much more than that. Everything is under attack. Everything. Everything. Everything.

Those who can not fathom the stealing of the 2020 election and are still debating that detail are hopelessly lost. You are easily three hundred steps behind.

A puppet regime exists in Washington DC. It is Joe Biden’s regime. Barack Obama controls the White House from his Washington DC home. It is very strange for a president to stay in Washington DC after finishing his term. The Obamas did. And some of the most powerful people in the administration have regularly visited their home for meetings.

Who is behind Obama? Who helps enable Obama? That is not a hard question either. It is everyone who wants you to shut up and be a good tax slave.

In response to this difficult set of circumstances, some people will say assassination is the only way to go. Others will say there must be a civil war. Still others will have a grandiose political plan.

None of these approaches are radical enough.

There is only one thing that will work, and everyone who wishes to be a part of making serious, lasting change must be involved in this one thing. Most people will not like to hear the truth. They will call it defeatist, avoidance, and all kinds of other names that would only be said by those who have never truly dedicated their heart to such an approach. What is the one, truly radical thing that is needed to counter the woes of this land?

It is daily time in the Bible and daily time in prayer. Not just bedtime or meal time prayers, serious repentant, humble prayer-time with God.

I recommend you hear me out, before you scurry off elsewhere in a state of emotional trigger. The enemy would love for you at this moment to be emotionally triggered and scurry off without hearing what I have to say.

Knuckle down, and you will learn a lesson from my painful mistakes, and a lesson from my joyous victories. If you are doing it any other way that what I here describe, you are almost certainly spinning your proverbial wheels. No matter how effective you already are, you can be so much more effective.

The idea that there is a successful flesh-on-flesh wrestling match for the levers of power in America is preposterous. The levers of power are built out of petty tyrants eager to destroy the lives of individuals or the lives of entire communities and getting paid to make that happen. Just because you choose a new figure to lead does not solve the problem.

America must be torn back down to its foundations. I do not know how that looks. I do not know what each step is.

But I know the only way we get there is through faithful men and women rooting their lives in God and calling out to the Lord to heal the place they live. Jesus Christ is King. He is come in the flesh. He died as a sacrifice for your sins.

Do you want to rebuild America?

Stop watching so much news. Start replacing one or two hours a day of that with the Bible. Each month I read the New Testament twice. Multiple times a year I read the Bible cover to cover. It’s not hard. It grows you in ways that no other text can. Even atheists can grow from it. I should know, I was once an atheist. I have been turned into a machine for rebuilding America.

The solution exists in the Bible. That is it. Those who are taken by the spirit of the antichrist mentioned in the Bible, such as Jews, Muslims, and humanists can benefit from the regular reading of the entire Old and New Testament both. Atheists, agnostics, and lukewarm Christians can benefit from the regular reading of it.

Do you want a new America?

We will not get there by debating whether the proper tax rate is 3% or 33%. We will not get there by debating which cabinet-level departments should and should not exist. We will not get there by debating how many clandestine departments the United States government should have. We will not get there by debating the minutia of US history such as the federalists or anti-federalists, the whiskey rebels or the central government, the legitimacy of the 16th Amendment or the right of people to freely use what they have earned. All this may be important and valuable. But that insightful knowledge simply will not get us there.

America has a foundation and it precedes the Constitution. It precedes the Articles of Confederation. It precedes the Declaration of Independence. America’s true founding document is the Bible.

America was founded in obedience to God. America was founded in dedication to God. To get to America’s roots, get closer to God. Intimacy with God’s word, spoken through the Bible, will cause you to be intimate with God.

I never knew that detail my whole life, despite going to church from the time of my birth. Yes, I even went to church while I was an atheist. It all felt so empty to me.

I dug into the Bible more. I dug into it seriously, not half-heartedly. I dug into it not looking for rules. Not looking for man. Not looking for advice. I dug into the Bible to desperately know the heart of God. And I found it.

Never my whole life was that explained to me. But in 2020 that was explained to me. And in 2020 everything changed. Among other things, I, again, have been turned into a machine for rebuilding America.

I want you to feel the same way.

It is accessible to you.

If you play on the playing field they want you to play on, you will lose. This is a spiritual battle we are in the midst of. They want you to ignore it and to focus on the physical, on the material.

My strong recommendation to you in the face of this deceptive behavior that is bringing America to tyranny is to cheat. Yes, I recommend you cheat. Cheat worse than them. Chest bigger than them. Cheat more shamelessly than them. Don’t even give them a chance. Leave them crying in a puddle of their own tears when they realize they were cheated so badly.

It is biblical to cheat. Very biblical. The upstanding Christian should always cheat, every day, in all areas of life. Lots of good comes from doing so.

Let me tell you what that cheating looks like.

Cheat — turn to the Lord and He will free you from your bondage. Cheat — turn to the Almighty who they have forsaken and refuse to turn to. Cheat — turn to the one with whom all things are possible.

They stole an election. That is cheating. But it is really pretty laughable cheating. It is something that some low-rank demon would come up with. It is not glorious. It is not anything to be proud of. It is about as dishonorable as one can get.

I want you to cheat worse than them. I want you to totally change the rules of modern America. I want you to totally vanquish all of your enemies. I want you to pursue, overtake, and recover all.

Do you know how?

The Lord put a guidance in the Bible for a time such as this, for a people such as us — at least for those of us willing to be called followers of Jesus Christ and who boldly act according to the boldness of that name — “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Cheat. Cheat mercilessly. Turn to the one who the enemy will never turn to. Turn to the one who thinks nothing of man’s “rules.” He will break all the rules. Turn to the one who thinks nothing of man’s games. He will overturn the game board. Bow down to Him. He will guide your path. I really know that to be true. I really deep in my heart know how truly He will guide your path if you humble yourself before Him and turn your heart to Him.

How true that is.

Are you brave enough to do that?

Are you brave enough to do that this very day?

Are you brave enough to stop what you are doing this very moment?

This very moment are you brave enough to get on your knees to repent for everything in your life not of God, and to ask Him to rule your life? Are you brave enough to humble yourself before Him and to ask Him to heal your land?

Are you?

Or are you just too comfortable talking about the virtues of a 3% tax versus a 33% tax?

Are you just too comfortable doing the impotent things?

Are you just too comfortable doing the things that have no power?

Is that you?

Or are you willing to cheat and to cheat mercilessly by getting on your knees and doing exactly what God says to do in a moment as desperate as this?

The truth is, you won’t make it out of this without Him.

I won’t make it out of this without Him.

The last four years have shown me that all the rest is nonsense when you do not have God first. Do you want to heal your land? Do you want to heal your family? Do you want to pursue, overtake, and recover all?

Get down on your knees and call out to the Lord, just as the word of God says to do. Do it every single day. Know him intimately through the Bible and prayer.

But the most important point is this — Are you brave enough to do it right now?

Are you brave enough to get down on your knees right now and to call out to God?