The Man From Galilee Takes Stock of the Situation

The Man From Galilee came back to have a look around.  He sized things up slowly, and then he said: “This is insane.  I am absolutely appalled by what I see going on here.”

“You have put the planet at grave risk of annihilation.  You have thousands of nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert in missile silos and on aircraft.  You have nuclear submarines—undetectable—roaming the seas and ready to launch.  Whether by accident, human error, or an act of stupidity, you are a hair’s-breadth away from destroying all life and civilization.  Have you gone mad?” asked the Prince of Peace.

There was no reply. Policy of Deceit: Brit... Shambrook, Peter Best Price: $27.79 Buy New $33.05 (as of 01:44 UTC - Details)

“America is most to blame for this,” spoke the Nazarene.  “Of course there are many bad actors, but America has the power to end the nuclear arms race and do away with nuclear weapons, but your government thwarted every overture for peace and disarmament.  America has a bigger military budget than the next nine or ten nations combined.  America has military bases and CIA bases in over 160 nations.  Your so-called United States of America is the greatest threat to peace and stability on the planet.”

“Your Christian Zionists make me roll over laughing,” declared the Man From Galilee.  “Do these people really believe that God will come back to Earth and swoop them up in a cosmic rapture…but only after the land called Palestine has all of its Muslims removed?  And then the Jews living there, according to this mass delusion, will convert to Christianity—and those who fail to do so will be eliminated.  How did you come up with this twisted fantasy?  There are tens of millions of these Christian Zionist nut-jobs in the USA.  They lend their support and funnel taxpayers’ billions to Israel to carry out its ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.”

“Israel has forfeited its right to exist—a right which it never really had in the first place,” said the Nazarene.  “With the flattening of Gaza’s infrastructure, the murder of 200,000-plus Palestinians (not 35,000), the withholding of food and water to bring about starvation and famine, the destruction of nearly all Palestinian hospitals, schools, houses, and community bakeries, Israel has shown the world its true colors.  It’s an ugly sight.”

Spoke the Holy One:  “You need to give the land back to its rightful owners.  The United Nations partition plan of 1947 awarded the Zionist Jews over half the land—and all the fertile land, even though they were only around one-quarter of the population.  The Zionists knew they needed to be in the majority in order to create a theocratic Jewish nation-state, so they launched a systematic terror campaign between 1947 and 1949, demolishing 570 Palestinian towns, villages, cities and urban neighborhoods, bulldozing and setting fire to Palestinians’ homes or stealing and occupying them, carrying out more than 50 cold-blooded Zionist massacres of Palestinian men, women and children, and forcing around 800,000 people—half the non-Jewish population—into exile.”

“I say unto you, Give the land back to the original inhabitants and their children and grandchildren cruelly squeezed into Gaza, the West Bank, and refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan.  As Israel self-destructs through its own sin and moral turpitude, let the Enabler nations who claim to be Israel’s great friends come to the rescue of the fleeing Israeli Jews.  The United States of America can take in 2 million Israeli Jews, Canada takes 1 million Israeli Jews, while UK, France, Germany and Australia each take in 1 million Israeli Jews.  Give the land back to the Palestinians and let them do whatever they want with it.  They are far from perfect and there will surely be bitter clashes and rivalries, but peace may prevail in the Middle East.”

Stroking his beard, the Redeemer mused:  “Today the US and NATO are Sodom and Gomorrah.  Remember what happened to those twin cities drenched in evil, and take heed!  America started the war against Russia in 2014 under the Usurper president Obama whose CIA and State Department deposed a democratically elected Ukrainian president and launched a ten-year bombing campaign of eastern Ukraine killing 15,000 ethnic Russians.  America and its NATO vassals pretended to endorse the Minsk Agreement which was supposed to grant semi-autonomy to eastern Ukraine.  But lately, US/NATO has admitted it was lying all along and just buying time to build up Ukraine’s military.  America blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline to prevent Western Europe from getting inexpensive natural gas from Russia and to make Europe dependent on costly US energy.  This outrageous act alone proves the United States is a terrorist rogue state.”

“And now,” said the Prince of Peace, “US/NATO is supplying Ukraine with long-range nuclear-capable missiles to launch attacks deep inside Russian territory and to provoke Russia into full-scale world war which can very easily GO NUCLEAR.  The anesthetized sheeple of America are sleepwalking through all this.  And the vocal anti-war protestors flooding the streets in Europe are ignored by their wickedly reckless globalist rulers.”

“Do you think I came back here to coddle you and hand out gold stars or lollipops?  I came here because the Earth needs a great cleansing to free itself of these scourges.  Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the Earth.  I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

“Do you not realize that freedom of expression is the lifeblood of any society?’ said the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.  “Censorship is an abomination, it means the crushing of independent, free inquiry and speech.  Censorship is what characterizes dictatorships like China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.  And now the nations of the Western Empire—US, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, and so forth—are turning into a bad copy of China and North Korea with their destructive censorship and their blind embrace of Official Narratives.  Your Mainstream News Media, your Facebook and Google and even your ridiculously named X, once Twitter, are all guilty of noxious censorship.  They all deserve the maximum punishment from The Lord Thy God.  Dissolution and pulverization of their companies.”

“I myself am open to all opinions,” explained the Great Mediator.  “For example, the book by David Fitzgerald titled “Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All” presents a very powerful case that there was no historical Jesus whatsoever and that the Christ story is a myth fabricated from multiple sources and faiths.  Am I offended by this book?  Not at all!  It’s an excellent, well-researched critique and everyone should read it.”

“Moloch Moloch Moloch!” cried the Man From Galilee.  “Just as the ancient Middle Eastern god Moloch had to be constantly fed babies as human sacrifices to appease his insatiable bloodlust, so today you are murdering your own children with your insane vaccine regimen, especially in America where children are poisoned with 50, 60, 70 unnecessary and harmful vaccines by the time they are eighteen years of age.  Autism and neurological diseases are skyrocketing as a direct result of this jabbing program which exists only to pad the coffers of the pharmaceutical companies and the doctor/hospital complex.  Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.  If anyone causes deliberate harm to one of these little ones, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

“Even worse is your Covid pandemic, which was no pandemic at all but a coordinated worldwide assault on humanity by a small globalist elite—with America and China working in lockstep—to further their goals of total social control, wiping out the middle class, and depopulation through forced ‘vaccination’ using an evil, injurious genetic concoction that has killed tens of millions of people and severely damaged many more.  Side effects of the so-called ‘vaccine’, which is not a vaccine at all, include death, permanent disability, sterility, infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages, autoimmune disorders, brain and neurological damage, heart disease, and paralysis.  It is not the healthy who need a doctor or a fake vaccine.  The so-called Covid virus was no more dangerous than the seasonal flu and there is no proof that it ever existed except as a printout from a Chinese computer simulation.” The Attack on the Libe... James M. Scott Best Price: $4.00 Buy New $13.99 (as of 04:23 UTC - Details)

“The Covid operation is the greatest medical crime in history and the largest mass murder in modern times.  The destructive lockdowns, useless disease-causing masks, absurd social-distancing rules, illegal vaccine mandates and vaccine passports are a foretaste of what the satanic globalist cabal is hoping to achieve.  Ironically, the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson adenoviral Covid vaccines were taken off the market after being banned in numerous countries where they killed and maimed countless people.  Yet the mRNA clot-shots of Pfizer and Moderna are far more dangerous according to your official government statistics—but those poisonous products are still on the market due to the utter corruption of the US Congress, the presstitute media, the bought-and-paid for regulatory agencies, and the lackadaisical public.  And you call yourself a free country?!  Hah hah hah.  A free country would rise up and punish the perpetrators of this monstrosity.  And make sure it never happens again.”

“In India there was the Covishield vaccine, a clone of the Astra-Zeneca death-shot.  It killed and damaged countless souls, but Prime Minister Narendra Modi who’s in bed with the globalists never said a word.  In Russia, the same thing—the Sputnik V adenoviral vaccine has caused incalculable harm, but the data are a state secret and Vladimir Putin endorses many toxic components of the globalists’ agenda.”

Opined the Nazarene:  “There exists a tiny globalist elite composed of multi-billionaires, bankers, and the corporate ultra-rich who are trying to impose their agenda on the rest of the world.   You must cleanse the Earth of this scourge.  These people are an abomination with their bogus doomsday narratives of climate hysteria and plandemics and their genetic-manipulation slurries masquerading as ‘vaccines’.  People like Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the heads of the Covid ‘vaccine’ companies, the heads of the major newspapers and TV stations who promulgate the Ruling Elite’s lies and deceit—all these people need to be gotten rid of permanently.  Interchangeable globalist puppets like Joseph Biden, Justin Trudeau, Rishi Sunak, Emmanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, Olaf Scholz—these demons and scum who serve the Ruling Elite’s interests need to be gotten rid of permanently.  Sending them good vibes of love and forgiveness in hopes they will change does not work.  They are power-mad and obsessed with control.  To all these sociopaths I say, For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?  It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a Davos-centered oligarch to enter the Kingdom of God.”

Suppressing a sob, the Man From Galilee muttered, “I don’t like what I see here, it’s very disappointing.  I am going back where I came from.  I told you some of the things that urgently need to be done.  I cannot and would not do them for you.  You, The People, must do these things yourself…or perish by your own hand.  Time is running out.  Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”