Mexico’s election begins today. Gloria Sheinbaum is the preselected winner- Never Mind: her father was a communist. Her husband went to jail for electoral fraud. Claudia is an Ashkenazi secular Jew whose entire platform was abortion and LGBT – in a country that is 80% Catholic. Claudia presumably pressured the University to give her daughter a free ride scholarship. Never Mind these red flags because her preselection came from Master Soros. I imagine like the South African election, voter turnout will suddenly be the lowest ever…
Don’t Worry Be Happy.
Sheinbaum claims she is a feminist and her Jewish identity is not something she thinks about… Yet her alliance with David Daniel Kabbaz – a Jewish real estate tycoon who founded Grupo Danhos – is said to be a close political and economic alliance. As mayor of Mexico City, Sheinbaum instructed a crew to demolish a wall next to a chapel – and accidentally demolished most of the chapel as well. The parish priest claimed he was not even given notification of the demolition!
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A World Economic Forum member, Sheinbaum served on the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change in 2007 and completed the Advanced Studies Program in Sustainable Development and the Environment at the Center for Demographic, Urban, and Environmental Studies. Prior to taking the dive into politics, Sheinbaum was a member of the Party of the Democrat Revolution – a far left socialist Marxist organization that merged with Mexico’s communist party.
The Open Society foundation has an office in Mexico City. She is touted by all the right players: Wilson Center, Politico, WAPO, Bloomberg… She is simply another Milei.
In 2020, Mexico’s President, Obrador, complained that two groups were working in Mexico to illegally intervene in their elections and in their policies: MCCI – Mexicans Against Corruption & Impunity, and Article 19.
According to Obrador, both groups are funded by; Omidyar, Ford Foundation, Open Society foundation, McArthur Foundation, Bill Gates, NED, The Netherlands, and USAID.
Article 19: A British human rights organization banned from Russia, operating in 60 countries around the world to push for ideologies created by the Kabbala to lobby/force governments to apply their political and social agendas. Article 19 was founded by:
- Aryeh Neier – is a Jewish American human rights activist who co-founded Human Rights Watch, served as the president of George Soros’s Open Society Institute philanthropy network from 1993 to 2012. He currently lives in Paris.
- Martin Ennals – was a British rights activist who worked for the UN and Amnesty International. He co-founded Article 19 as well as International Alert.
These human rights ngo’s are wrapped up in pretty party paper – but their work is dedicated to attacking political candidates unapproved, initiate a coup or intervene in elections so as to install a full Kabbala government.
Based on Sheinbaum’s campaign, her protocol is to make Mexico into a mini-me far left America. Her most crucial challenge is to turn Mexico into an EV Green Society of windmills and solar panels. Never mind the gangland mentality, the poverty, the infrastructure that continues to have massive blackouts sometimes for weeks, putrid water, and dirt roads – somehow those issues are not important.
Media outlets are supportive of this woman, not because she has earned their support, but because she is a feminist in a “predominantly macho country”. Of course that statement betrays the election as a fraud given that these ‘macho voters’ would never vote for her. Mexico’s female voters tend to be even more devout Catholics than the men. So who does she appeal to? Apparently, gangs are instrumental in the decision. So far 38 political candidates have been murdered this year. Given the Cartels are in alignment with the NGO’s, a bit of greased money goes a long way.
According to Reuters there are 100 million eligible voters in Mexico. Obrador’s election saw a turnout of 63.43%.
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The Sinaloa Cartel is considered Mexico’s most dominant. Their port of entry into the US includes Arizona, Laredo Texas, and Tijuana, but their source point is the Philippines. Not China. Their most important center in Mexico is Mexico City. The CIA has been operating in the Philippines since the 1940’s. Manila is considered the Southeast Asia headquarters. USAID has used Taxpayer funds to provide ‘family planning’ to the Philippines which has resulted in a zero population growth at a cost of over $6 billion.
- Not unlike Ukraine, it is likely that the $6 billion in aide was distributed clandestinely to the CIA which leveraged the Sinaloa Gang and assisted in expediting the drugs, including fentanyl, to the US.
- I am reminded of the Las Vegas mass shooter, Stephen Paddock, who 2 weeks prior to the shooting told his Filipino girlfriend to go to the Philippines and buy them a house. Marilou Danley, the girlfriend took a detour and arrived first in Hong Kong before traveling to the Philippines. No motive was ever posited.
The corruption is so wide spread throughout these American agencies curtailing efforts simply increases the assassinations. Mexican Cartels – CIA whistleblowers – no one is immune.
Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.