The Israeli Warlords & The CIA – Election 2024

Nikki Haley is popping up on Tweeter as a ‘presidential candidate’- Vivek Ramaswamy claims that The GOP is going to take down Trump and insert the war hawk – Haley.  That’s The Game.  A woman from Ukraine is on video explaining the BOT room in Kyiv that is used to infiltrate social media – TikTok and Instagram primarily – with CIA propaganda feeds.  Zionists claim that ALL of Palestine is their land and has been for 2000 years.  And the ICC has put out an arrest warrant for Netanyahu resulting in Zionists ‘threatening’ terrorism against the ICC.

Monday – Monday, can’t trust that day…

Congress is completely rogue.  There is no People Representation.  Their actions are driven by the wizards hiding behind the curtain.  Americans are left with a 5D chess game to determine who is the winner when the players are AI. The JFK Assassination ... Crumpton, Matt Best Price: $29.26 Buy New $34.28 (as of 11:01 UTC - Details)

  1. A Nikki Haley presidency is a WWIII guarantee – doesn’t even matter who America picks the fight with – as long as it results in a wiped slate.
  2. The CIA is a parallel organization with the Mossad. That’s the reason every politician supports Israel.
  3. IF every country on earth must now defer to its roots of 8000 BC, in compliance with Israel’s justification, no country on earth would exist…
  4. Threatening a court – any court – reveals the extent of the psychological mental aberration that now infects en-masse.

The lack of logic is frightening.  The degree to which Tweeter Americans are willing to sellout their country is frightening.  And a Congress that is patently self-serving rogue – is frightening.

We are no longer fighting the World Economic Forum, or WHO, or Fauci, we are fighting each other based on ideologies and principles and psychosis.

And suddenly, Ramaswamy is standing out = front and center as the internal battles are fought off screen.  Until – he invokes his great respect for Israel’s ‘right’ to genocide.   The idiocy of the 2000 year claim seems comical until one realizes that the vast majority of hawks and democrats support this as a reality.  The US would thus have to relinquish all its land to the Indian nations under the same premise.  Europe would become Russian and every country south is China.

Israel claims the ICC has no jurisdiction over its human rights violations and genocide because Israel never signed on as a member.  But Palestine is a member and therefore the ICC has technical authority to support its member state.   In addition, the United Nations Security Council can make an exception regarding states which are not members – for prosecution.  In the case of Israel – the UN Security Council supported the investigation and warrant.  Only those under the age of 18 are immune from prosecution.

The ICC has jurisdiction over specific crimes including;  genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.  It specifically does not have the authority over – terrorism.   Following within this track, Israel fits every single jurisdiction.  And Congress has absolutely no power – as a nonmember – to intervene.

No matter who is elected President 2024, unless America can cut the colonial ties with the Zion apparatus, nothing will change.  Our agencies will continue their rogue mafia rule, our economy will move into Venezuela zombie zone, and our freedoms will be usurped.   The People will not be represented and we will remain the cattle that we have become.

Congress is ruled by blackmail.   Blackmail is an interesting deployment of CIA strategy as exercised via the Mossad.   It doesn’t necessarily have to be real – to compromise a person’s reputation.  It only needs an apparatus that can guarantee a fake trial of conviction.  That apparatus is tied to – Zion.  Zion controls the FBI, DOJ and CIA.

When the protests against the Palestine genocide first began they were peaceful.  When Israel demanded their immediate cessation, they sent in the goons to incite radicalism for justification of arrests.   Jan 6th reincarnation.  Which means Israel hates Trump.  Yet Trump and every Trump affiliate is pro-Zion.  An interesting battle.

The Kabbalah Cartel has blatantly shown us what they are capable of doing to America and Americans as a purposeful indictment of anyone who fails to relinquish their religion, their liberty, and their mind.   A decoupling would need the formation of different alliances.  Israel is not likely to go away peacefully. Stretching to Stay You... unknown author Buy New $22.96 (as of 04:16 UTC - Details)

If in fact the game plan is to insert a substitute for both Biden and Trump, the Democrat would have to be fully entrenched in their agenda – playing both sides has been their mantra of success.  Nikki is 100% onboard.  A Biden replacement could be Kennedy or Big Mike.  It has to be a well known name – well entrenched in the political scene, and someone that could be a good rival to Haley.  But either way, it is a guaranteed win-win scenario.

Politics is about appeasing your enemies, not just your friends.  And Zions have money.  Money they will readily give and take away in a split second before destroying your career, livelihood, and soul.  Art of War;  keep you enemies closer… Trump has another trump card – Jared, his son-in-law.

Behind the scenes, while we are focused on politics, Coup Plots have emerged in South Africa, Congo, Slovakia, Turkey, Georgia, and Iran – simultaneously.   Why?  Desperation.  While all of them have been foiled, the stench remains – wafting.  Catholic Mexico is slated to have a new Zionist President, in what could only be a ‘coup’ given the religious affiliation of Sheinbaum.  It is likely a deal was made with The Mexican Cartel.

When Soros declared in 2015 that his two main obstacles to global power were Russia and America, he also declared that the means of destruction would come from within.   America Lost.  Russia Won.  Now it is in the hands of The People.

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.