Remembering the Holocaust on Memorial Day

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration day, started on May 30, 1868. The purpose of the holiday was to remember fallen Union soldiers in the War Between the States. Due to the World Wars and other conflicts the holiday evolved to honor all those that died in combat and in 1971 the date was changed from May 30th to the last Monday of May. The origin of the holiday is not so clear, however, as there are other claims that occurred in the south and the north before, during, and after the War Between the States.

In the United States we have not had to suffer a true war fought on American soil since the War Between the States. As such, we honor our soldiers rather than the civilian victims of the combat. Arguably, this is because we have not incurred large civilian deaths as a result of war. Well, at least that was the case until now. South Carolina Civilia... Karen Stokes Best Price: $11.50 Buy New $3.37 (as of 05:45 UTC - Details)

The campaign of biological and technological warfare conducted against Americans and the human race is catastrophic and is an ongoing holocaust. According to Dr. James Thorpe, M.D. the number of dead and inured from the COVID 19 injections estimates are mind blowing:

Best estimates are 585 million global citizens killed or injured from the COVID-19 “vaccines” and you have inflicted massive harm to pregnant women, preborn, and newborns on a global scale.

Estimates of the dead alone place the numbers at 17 million and higher. This would place the numbers at over 700,000 in the United States. This data is not static. It is dynamic. With each passing day more people get injured and die. Individuals are getting turbo cancers, heart attacks, strokes, autoimmune diseases, neurological problems, and the list goes on. Each year that passes the mortality rate will increase as will the incidents of all these diseases and health conditions.  The problem will not go away. It appears that it will get worse with each year. There is a massive campaign to normalize this and convince people that all the illnesses and diseases developing are normal.

Pfizer whistle blower Melissa McAtee recently reported that another whistle blower Justin Leslie reported that mRNA is in the flu shots. This is an extremely serious problem as not only will many of the people getting the flu shots get injured, many others will get injured from the shedding. The shedding phenomenon is real and very well documented. Pfizer’s own documents discuss shedding and the risk of the shedding. Many of the Pfizer documents can be read on

Dr. Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD. has repeatedly documented the self assembling nanotechnology in the blood from COVID shot victims, and victims of shedding. Unfortunately, her research points to a distinct possibility that the shedding process may be ongoing as she has recording the self assembly in the blood of an eight month old cadaver. My understanding is that this technology is hijacking the energy of our cells and self replicating biosynthetic cells.

Un-Cancel Robert E. Le... Kerr, Gib Buy New $18.99 (as of 06:17 UTC - Details) Not only is the continued shedding of this technology a problem as time goes on, so is the progression of the damage this technology does to the human body over time. There is no reason as far as I am aware to think that the damage caused is not permanent and will not progress over time. There are likely a myriad of factors to determine how bad the damage is and how fast the progression of illness will be for each individual.

Still, the reality is that life spans are being shortened and birth rates are going down. Simply giving someone an autoimmune disease shortens their lifespan. There is also no way to know how offspring will be affected by this technology. The full extent of the damage is incalculable. It appears that besides the obvious depopulation goal and transhumanist goals, one of the purposes of this campaign of biological and technological warfare is to weaken the human population to a condition that they are not only easily manageable, but also so sickly that they will need constant medical treatment of some kind to live.

The truth is that it is necessary to engage in some speculation regarding the full scope of the agenda. There are simply too many moving parts. The global conspirators have multiple goals with each action they take.

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