“The only way to get MERSA (flesh-eating bacterial infection) is from antibiotics. Human skin has harmless Staphylococcus bacteria that is ‘sensitive’ (killed) by antibiotics. The same can happen with Clostridium Difficile bacteria in the gut. When given antibiotics Staph forms into a protective Plasmid (or protective virus) that makes it resistant to the antibiotic (to protect essential balance of stores of bacteria). The result is an infection or overgrowth. In a hospital, patients are stuck with needles and IV’s that allow the Plasmid protected Staph bacteria to penetrate blood vessels and get into the bloodstream (causing blood poisoning). Antibiotics make Staph into a ferocious, flesh-eating bacteria nicknamed MERSA (MRSA Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus). After about three months the antibiotics filter out of the body and the Plasmids dissipate and revert to their original beneficial function… Forty-seven percent of meat sold (as of 2013) is also laced with flesh-eating bacteria from antibiotics given to cows. In a hospital the staff (absurdly) wear masks, gloves and use antiseptics to prevent bacterial infection. But then, unknowingly, they proceed to feed patients a hospital meal with meat from animals given antibiotics that can cause infection through the food chain instead”. – Paraphrase, Jennifer Daniels, MD, Murder by Medicine is No Accident, January 15, 2013.
The world of COVID-19 is a falsehood that is spread by a chorus of the WHO, CDC, DOD and well-compensated doctors and pseudo-scientists, media, controlled opposition operatives, and even some fearmongering alternative medicine opportunists. The reality is the fictional COVID-19 did not cause Excess Deaths over average seasonal flu and respiratory disease. Rather, it served only to drive the fearful to seek hospitalization or immunization where the public become acutely aware of the deadly synchronized realities of the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse: 10 Costly Medicare Mis... Best Price: $2.96 Buy New $9.68 (as of 10:01 UTC - Details)
· 1) the specter of death from hospital-created blood poisoning by good bacteria forming protective plasmids to resist death from antibiotics by entering the human bloodstream from needle and catheter perforations into blood vessels,
· 2) double deadly administration of more antibiotics, and plausible more bacterial resistance, to treat the Sepsis,
· 3) spotty deaths and debilitation of younger people from COVID mRNA vaccines plausibly among those who have taken prior antibiotics within three months, eaten antibiotic-laced food, have a suppressed Innate Immune System from low cholesterol and low Vitamin D from lack of sunlight (not synthetic supplement), and have concurrently taken steroids, and
· 4) taking prescription of drugs at the lethal dosage as the standard of care.
BOOK INSET – Jennifer Daniels, MD, The Lethal Dose: Why Your Doctor is Prescribing It – LINK https://www.amazon.com/Lethal-Dose-Your-Doctor-Prescribing/dp/1523614900
The stories about Chinese lab leaks of viruses from animals spreading a mutant virus planted reverse conspiracy stories are manufactured media diversions and to cover up the above deadly reality.
Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory Both Bogus
Conventional Medicine, and its Germ Theory, considers bacteria a pathogen (like a Strep Throat), ignores parasites, and, oddly, exerts that COVID is caused by a virus, but Sepsis is caused by bacterial infection. This is the opposite of the above-described deadly reality of Sepsis-Antibiotic Resistance-Vaccination Reactions-Lethal Drug Dosage that has been “plaguing” the entire world since the 2020 emergency pandemic declaration. According to Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, PhD, Belgium, COVID-19 cannot be distinguished from Sepsis. Moreover, the French medical diagnostic lab Bio-Force (bioMerieux) reports that one hundred percent (100%) of COVID-19 non-survivors had Sepsis and “viral infections do not generally cause sepsis”.
Conventional Medicine states that virus “refers to a sub-microscopic, obligate (dependent) parasite – which essentially means it can replicate itself by hijacking the machinery of cells it infects…is housed in a tiny protein shell…which is hundreds of times smaller than the ordinary cells they infect…(and) unlike bacteria which can be observed with a light microscope, can only be visualized by… specialized pieces of equipment called electron microscopes” (Daniel Roytas, Can You Catch a Cold? Untold History and Human Experiments, 2024, p. 109).
To the contrary, an Antibiotic induced Plasmid Bacteria is a virus-like microbe that invades and feeds on its host, can replicate, spread, can produce airborne spores, and can form a “mutant” or hybrid bacteria that can cause infection (Mary E. Wilson, Antibiotics: What Everyone Needs to Know, 2019). Moreover, many bacteria are so large that they can be seen with the human eye not requiring the semi-secret interpretation and manipulation of an electron microscope high priest. But, unlike the fictional COVID-19 virus, a bacteria Plasmid is called an “obligate” parasite in biology that can’t occur in isolation because it only manifests inside its host bacteriophage (see photo). Bacteriophages are bacteria eaters that can be simply isolated from pond water using only cone filters and spatulas (see here).
Conversely, the Alternative Medicine (No Virus) camp naively asserts Bacteria, Bacteria Plasmids, and Bacteriophages are not pathogenic but solely function to clear the body of dead cells and waste. Alternative Medicine (No Virus) also contends bacteria are cleansing agents or detergents, fungi are mere parasites that eat heavy metals and poisons, and there are no viruses. But even if it is assumed Bacteria are not pathogenic, the presence of bacteriophages infers the presence of virulence.
The COVID reality described above is somewhere between the staked-out positions of the Virus and No Virus camps of ideological warfare. Good bacteria can morph into virulent Plasmids to protect against antibiotics. When antibiotics are administered in a hospital, such Plasmid Bacteria can become uncontrollable infectious strains of virus-like bacteria (Jennifer Daniels, MD).
Infections are not dying or “sick” cells but are a potential overgrowth of one bacteria strain at the expense of others that can throw the human gut into dysbiosis or permanent dysfunction. Protective plasmids can form on bacteria, fungi, parasites, and algae. Plasmids are living circular strands of DNA that exist only inside bacterial cells, not other human cells, and that function to resist antibiotics, help bacteria survive extreme environments, and if they can form a sufficient numerical “quorum”, can go to war against other bacteria. Even the frequent analogy used by the No Virus camp that bacteria doesn’t infect compost piles but merely eats compost waste, ignores that compost bacteria can also form Plasmids.
The above-described reality of COVID-19 as Bacterial Plasmid Sepsis is inconsistent with both Germ Theory and Terrain Theory.
Plasmid-ized Bacteria are not a virus or a germ per se, as they are a bacterial parasite that protects only bacteria. But this protection can result in deadly resistance against antibiotics and/or create deadly septic blood poisoning.
BOOK INSET – Keith Scott Mumby, How to Survive in a World Without Antibiotics LINK – https://www.amazon.com/How-Survive-World-Without-Antibiotics/dp/0983878420
The Herbal Remedies & ... Best Price: $13.79 Buy New $19.77 (as of 04:32 UTC - Details) Terrain Theory is based on a polluted fishbowl analogy of (when the terrain is clean the microbe isn’t pathogenic). However, there can be a metaphorical clean fishbowl and enough fish food, but nonetheless a deadly war between, say, Predator Guppy Fish and non-predator Goldfish in an aquarium. A better analogy might be the Captor-Captive relationship of modern medicine. The legal standard of care of corporate medicine is to prescribe the lethal dose of drugs. This could be analogized to physicians as Captors which have Stockholm Syndrome-like power of life and death over willing Captive-patients who bond with their Captor-doctors.
COVID-19 is a social fiction, but the institutional reality of COVID-19 is Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics and Sepsis produced only in hospitals, not in a lab or wet market, and certainly not immunize-able by mRNA vaccination which has nothing to do with deadly Sepsis or Antibiotic Resistance. The institutional COVID-19 is a virus-like antibiotic resisting bacterial plasmid. Despite the veneer of science surrounding viruses, surprisingly no virus or vaccine has been subjected to valid comparison control studies.
The No Virus camp point out that valid control group studies show sick people cannot make healthy people sick (Rosenau study of 1918 Spanish Flu). But, of course, that is the wrong hypothesis in the first place as respiratory tract symptoms are self-clearing after 3 to 10 days of fasting, hydration, electrolytes, sunlight, and home bed rest for 98% of such cases (“starve a fever, don’t feed it”). The question should be: do vaccines prevent the vulnerable 2% (diabetic, obese, cancerous) from getting or failing to clear respiratory disease? Russian doctor Kate Sugak has shown that no infectious disease, including polio and smallpox, has ever been eradicated, and instead has just been declared a success by re-naming it something else (The Truth About Smallpox).
The proverbial cat is out of its bag of secrecy when it comes to COVID-19. For example, in Dublin, Ireland, ambulances now post the warning signs of Sepsis, not COVID-19, on the outside of their vehicles.