The Science of Oil, Water, Climate, and Guessing

As long as there is War, people die.   As long as people die, there is more water to go around.   The Middle East is a quagmire of water scarcity.   Water scarcity means food crisis as farmer’s water allocations continue to dry up.   Desalinization is not considered the solution given its cost and environmental impact, so what is the solution other than depopulation?

As agriculture in the Middle East scaled back in order to conserve water, unemployed farmers moved into the urban areas creating density issues.   The countries with the largest urban density include:  Kuwait, Qatar, and Israel – among others.  The irony of course is that the Middle East is scaling back agriculture in order to preserve the 15 million gallons of water necessary to frack a single well.   Oil produces money – agriculture can be imported.

The Long Emergency: Su... James Howard Kunstler Best Price: $1.24 Buy New $1.99 (as of 10:49 UTC - Details) According CSIS, global temperatures will rise by 4-5 degrees over the next 2-3 decades.   Net Zero is a farce and oil still represents 82% of global consumption.   In line with this, Saudi Aramco CEO, Amin Nasser, invoked a bit of reality into the equation by saying, “The world should “abandon the fantasy of phasing out oil and gas and instead invest in them adequately reflecting realistic demand assumptions.”

Nothing is being done to preserve the Water.

The interest in Antarctica has little to do with research and more to do with finding a way to extract the freshwater which represents 70% of global supply.   It isn’t simply the ice sheets of Antarctica, it is recently discovered massive freshwater lakes beneath the surface.   Seven countries maintain territorial claims in Antarctica, but the United States and most other countries do not recognize those claims.  Those seven countries include: Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the United Kingdom.   Why?   Water is MONEY.

In the near future, the value of water will likely surpass that of oil.   Finding ways to extract Antarctica’s water and transport it to individual countries remains the problemo.  But there is an even larger issue at stake;  extracting the freshwater from icebergs and underground lakes will cause temperatures to rise even more.  As the temperatures heat up – more water evaporates.

The Ross Ice Shelf is the largest in Antarctica.  It is a massive floating iceberg roughly the size of France.  Ice shelves play a significant role in regulating the planet’s climate. They do so by reflecting solar radiation back into the atmosphere and by acting as a barrier that controls the flow of glaciers into the ocean.    These shelves keep the ice in Antarctica from melting into the ocean.  Freshwater leakage into salt water oceans has multiple effects.

  • When the ice shelves melt the freshwater causes the sea’s to rise.
  • A depletion of the ice shelves would cause temperatures to rise.
  • Too great a depletion will affect marine wildlife.
  • When countries make ‘claims’ they won’t work in collaboration but for themselves making the chance of inappropriate handling, ie destruction,  much more likely.

Scientists are concerned over the fact that the Ross Shelf moves in a lurching motion 6” per day.  Because this lurch has only recently been noted, it is unknown how and why?   Speculation of underground ice quakes has been put forth with no evidence.    The fear is that anything abbienormal would have tremendous consequences for earth’s climate.  Given there is zero science to support what is normal vs what is abbienormal, scientists err on the side of abbienormal.  Tinkering with what is quite possibly a natural stress release, science may once again become the cause instead of the cure.

Perhaps, the global cloud seeding and weather manipulation is the actual criminal in altering natural weather patterns.  Some scientists have become much more fearful that this is the case.  Others, bent over their slides and algorithms, have deduced that deep water beneath Antarctica is warming…  based on pathetic evidence observed over less than two decades.  So “Science” wants to reverse what is naturally occurring.   What could go wrong?

Climate Change.

“Science” has tabulated their extensive nonexistent evidence to determine that maintaining that 2’ rise in temperature will conserve the Ice Shelves at their current levels.  The 2’ rise of temperatures uses as it’s baseline, temperatures during the pre-industrial revolution or roughly 1850 when temperatures were first recorded.   But those methods of recording during the 19th century were significantly faulty.  Not to worry, depopulation, less agriculture and food, can help mitigate the potential for the Ross Shelf to melt… ~Science

“Good science is making a good guess, a hypothesis and then computing the consequences and implications of that guess against nature and experiment.”

We have been conditioned to believe that ‘science’ is the Master.   Even the usage of the word has taken on new Value and Supremacy.   Follow The Science.   Expert scientists say.  The CoVid Vaccine is based on Science.  Global Warming is real – according to Scientists.

Fossil Future: Why Glo... Epstein, Alex Best Price: $4.88 Buy New $11.55 (as of 10:00 UTC - Details) Climate Science as a specialty did not exist in universities in the 20th century.   Instead, it was called Meteorology and was more a component of trying to track and guesstimate weather and atmospheric changes.   There were no Climate Experts.   Until suddenly, around 2013, schools began to emphasize the concept of “Climate Change”.   Still, it was simply a ‘study’ not an expertise.  So all those good ole boys in the Science World claiming expertise are basically lying.  They are simply experts at – Guessing.

What we can observe is that muddling with Nature is making Nature significantly worse in the trickle down effect.   Cloud seeding has created voids.  And gassing citizens with silver iodide is now causing respiratory problems, skin problems and gastrointestinal problems…  The crystals are most pronounced in use over eight states in the Midwest, including Colorado and Wyoming.  There is actually no evidence to support the ‘science’ that cloud seeding works.   Because it simply causes a change in a cloud’s immediate moisture content that would have developed naturally as the cloud travelled to another location.   But now the cloud is dry.  In other words, it steals the rain that would have happened at a different location.  And now you have infected people with its side effects.

In the end – there is no reliable alternate source of oil and gas.   Manipulating weather has increased disease.   Science is simply guessing.   And messing with the Ice Shelves in Antarctica is likely to have very dire consequences.  Call in the aliens who built the pyramids…. And find trusted ways to grow crops utilizing significantly less water.  Solved.

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.