Last week, we had a total eclipse of the sun. For some reason, human beings always get excited about an event they’ve probably experienced at least a handful of times in their life. But then again, people at least in my neck of the woods, still become spellbound when the snow starts to fall. Maybe it’s a form of childish innocence.
Here in the D.C. swamp suburbs, nothing much happened on the day of the eclipse. Well, actually nothing at all happened. It didn’t really even get overcast. My extremely sensitive and high strung golden retriever Riley didn’t seem to sense anything out of the ordinary. We took one of our countless walks outside during the eclipse, and she wasn’t distracted from sniffing various spots of ground, rolling playfully in the grass, or acting as if every person walking, most of them with their own dog in tow, was holding a big check from Publisher’s Clearing House. I never looked up, not just because they claim it could burn your retinas, since I don’t trust anything they, but because it didn’t seem like anything special was going on.
The only eclipse I got charged up about happened in 1971. My sister and her kids had come over from Iran to live with us for a couple of years, and we all gathered outside on the front lawn to watch it together. Even then, we knew about the burned retina issue, so I remember using a mirror to look at the reflection. I wasn’t as brave as Donald Trump, who supposedly scoffed at the experts and looked directly into the sun. It doesn’t seem like anything is wrong with his retinas. At any rate, it was a bit of a letdown for fourteen year old me. I don’t know what I expected, but I expected more than that. The Flat Earthers have their own explanation for eclipses, but then they have an explanation for everything. I would thereafter never sing about it like Carly Simon, or wear special glasses. I just shrugged.
In the wide, wide world of conspiracy, there were ominous predictions, as happens with pretty much every event. It was certainly going to be a sign of something, a signal of the fourth turning, or yet another in the endless series of indications that World War III was finally going to break out. Lo and behold, a few days later, and Iran, at long last, attacked Israel. Allegedly. As you know, I don’t trust anything that’s being reported, and I really, really don’t trust anything that is supposedly happening in the Middle East. But thus far, Israel has been uncharacteristically restrained. They don’t usually wait very long to exert their “right to defend” themselves. So, we’ll see. When you hang the specter of a world war over everyone’s heads for so long, you can’t blame people for getting a boy that cried wolf vibe.
Perhaps Israel’s unusual hesitancy can be tied to mainstream figures on the Left like Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and our beloved President Joe Biden himself, breaking all modern precedent and criticizing our favorite ally. Warren called what the IDF has been doing in Gaza genocide. That kind of perspective hasn’t been seen in Washington, D.C., since the late days of the Kennedy administration, when JFK was engaged in an angry exchange of words with Israeli President David Ben-Gurion, over their development of nuclear weapons. Who knows what this all means? As I’ve observed, the anti-White agenda has been pushed so passionately, for so long, that it’s proving impossible for those behind it to simply stop all the nonwhite activists from genuflecting to Israel, whom they all see as just another White colonial power.
I have never seen the pro-Zionist position, which has dominated all public discourse since half-Jew Paul Newman batted his blue eyes in Exodus, been as shaky as it is today. The culture has always propped it up, but again that culture is now dominated by DEI, which means nonwhites, or at least non straight White males. If you’ve watched any of those angry, anti-White videos on TikTok and Instagram, you begin to understand how difficult the Zionist position is to sell now. It should always have been a hard sell, but Whites, dominated by Christian Zionists, accepted the creation of Israel passively, and turned their heads the other way as the Israeli atrocities piled up. They would have to somehow turn Palestinians into “White Supremacists” to make this narrative work for nonwhites.
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Meanwhile, in Hollywood, land of expiring propaganda, Hollywood demonstrated just how committed they are to the poisonous anti-White agenda with their latest magnus opus, The American Society of Magical Negroes. Now, I haven’t seen this film. You’d have to pay me at least five figures to watch it. But I’ve seen enough clips, and heard the predictable premise delineated by those who have seen it, to understand how bad it is. Whether it’s the worst film of all time is up for others to decide. I couldn’t say it was without watching it, and I’m not going to watch it. Unless, of course, someone from Hollywood gives me a big check. Which is about as likely as someone from Hollywood buying the film rights to any of my books.
But I feel confident in saying that this movie is promoting the most ridiculous, most unrealistic, message in the history of the film colony. Considering all their previous ridiculous, unrealistic messages, this is really saying something. Consider what this movie is trying to sell; a submissive, anti-stereotypical mulatto who spends his time trying desperately to get out of the way of all those disrespectful and unreasonable Whites. He does everything he can to avoid confrontation, because we all know how much White people love confronting Black people. He meets David Alan Grier, who is the head of a secret outfit called The American Society of Magical Negroes. I suppose maybe the wildly egotistical name was an inside joke to the writers.