Congressional Extortion: Aid Funds, TikTok, & X – Leveraging Censorship

EXTORTION – the practice of obtaining something through force or threats.  Obtaining benefit through coercion.  Intimidation Tactics.  Housed within the Aid funding Bill passed in Congress were two less advertised agendas:   1.  Tik Tok’s Chinese founders are now required to sell their interest in the company to an American investor approved by Congress – within six months.    2.  Frozen Russian assets will earn interest (at an undisclosed rate) which will be used to fund Ukraine’s reconstruction after the war.

Legally, both of these Governmental Acts are contestable and unConstitutional, but the fact that our government would even consider them as justifiable is ‘insane’.   Despite these 535 Lawyers in Congress attesting that any of this is remotely legal, they gleefully celebrate their win!   The easy remedy for the Tik Tok debacle would be to refuse the sale – allow the ban – destroy Tik Tok and create Tok Tik.  Given that Tik Tok would now be banned in the US – the suffering would revert to those holding majority shares, ie global investors holding 60% of the shares – but NOT the technology which is held by the two founders who own just 20%. Human Action: The Scho... Ludwig von Mises Best Price: $6.75 Buy New $15.36 (as of 05:45 UTC - Details)

An additional 20% of Tik Tok is owned by its employees including 7,000 Americans.  Exactly who does Congress believe will suffer from this Extortion?  The US represents the largest base of users at 170 million.   China has -0- users.  If the founders simply allow the US Ban – the shareholders will suffer and 7,000 American employees will lose their jobs and share value.

Why does our Government want the Extortion?  

On the surface, the spin is:  “lawmakers fear that the Chinese government could use security laws to force ByteDance to hand over data about TikTok’s 170 million US users.”  TikTok tracks which videos users engage with and how long they do so. The privacy policy also enables the app to track the contents of direct messages, as well as your country location, internet address, and device type – violating personal privacy…

So the same US Government that tracks every social media app, surveils Americans without their knowledge, and uses the data to extort Americans, is afraid China will track Tik Tok users?  No.   They want the algorithm created by the founders.   And they are willing to pay $100 billion for that and future profits.

Lawmakers voted 60-34 for the bill to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after the House passed the measure last week.  Backdoor searches of Americans is necessary to assess if anyone is planning a coup…  While our esteemed government deflects Truth revelations, they claim the authorization is used mostly against foreign adversaries.  The number of which climbs daily as we continue genocide and onslaughts across the globe.

Even Niger knows that ISIS is Israel!   Social media did that!

The information obtained via the Surveillance Act:  CLAIM – ‘it forms the basis of most of the intelligence the president views each morning and it has helped the US keep tabs on Russia’s intentions in Ukraine, identify foreign efforts to access US infrastructure, uncover foreign terror networks and thwart terror attacks in the US.’

Except there is no president.   Every intel agency across the globe spies on foreign agencies.   Always have.  No one ever needed an Act to spy before, so why do they now?

Further justification for the illegal surveilling is the classic Russia Did It Mantra:  Chinese laws allow the government to demand consumer data from companies for intelligence purposes. Some have expressed further concerns around misleading content such as misinformation and disinformation.  American laws belied – our intel grabs every bit of data, listens to our phone calls, reads our messages, surveys our utility usage, and knows what we buy at the farking Grocery Store!   But China – BAD.

The six month time frame allowance for Tik Tok (maturing October 19th) coincides nicely with The Election.  And that would be the point given users are much more active on Tik Tok and much less censored.

I smell AI.  

Inside American Education Sowell, Thomas Best Price: $17.14 Buy New $16.81 (as of 09:01 UTC - Details) Creating catastrophic imagery.  Creating a fake War.   Creating a fake death of Trump.   Creating a fake Trump is in jail.  Creating a fake Chinese Pandemic. There are numerous options that could be deployed by the CIA to upend the election and cause damage.  Owning ALL the means, they require that power over every social media in order to complete Dystopian Censorship Control so as to manipulate the election.  Knowing that a Biden win will most assuredly not go over well…  And once the election is fully manipulated – unleashing a Bird Flu Pandemic that will lock you in your homes for LIFE.

Recently, a person commented on one of my blogs, pretended he was friendly, then asked for all my sources so they could ‘unite together’.  His IP Address was invalid.  Fake.  But his point was obvious – to persuade me to reveal persons for intel to assess to spy on.  

X-Twitter:   Musk is being deluged in lawsuits.   There are now dozens of US lawsuits and a handful of countrywide lawsuits, including;  Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand.  Likely – more to come.  The purpose is to force him to sell so that the CIA+ Intel agencies can take Control and use the app for mass censorship and/or manipulation via AI.  THUS, all prominent base social media will be secured under the guise and thumb of the Zionist Cartel.

It is extortion. It is to maintain The America Coup Regime. And most Americans are now fully aware…Those Americans will be targeted to sustain The Coup.   That is The Problem that they feel can be resolved via a sweeping disinformation campaign before they take down the internet and assert Martial Law.

Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.

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