A New Gold Standard

Inflation affects everyone on earth, and you need to be aware of. See this and this. These are privately issued, voluntary negotiable gold instruments.

Why have I bought these products from companies I have no ties to – and gave them to friends, family, and strangers?  I consider this both a great idea and product to advance freedom.  Like reading Atlas Shrugged and buying more copies just to spread the word. Holding a stack of Goldbacks reminds me of holding silver dollars as a kid; I knew they were real and I always saved my 90% silver coinage.

Goldback is an honest alternative to the corrupt fiat currency and institutionalized counterfeiting that has been robbing us blind and leading our country to financial collapse. Goldbacks can facilitate our return to a Gold Standard and healthy economy. The Case for a 100 Per... Rothbard, Murray N. Best Price: $17.19 Buy New $6.00 (as of 08:22 UTC - Details)

Goldbacks offer an opportunity to inform others about honest money, and how FRN’s are used to inflate away our standard of living. Goldbacks fit the bill as Constitutional money (and 1000 Goldbacks can be exchanged for a 1-ounce Gold Eagle).

A Gold Standard will restrict government to its Constitutional limits. Every war and unconstitutional act the government and Deep State take requires unlimited fiat currency. Honest money is essential to honest government.

We don’t need or want a “gold-backed” currency (a promise to pay) when we can use gold itself. Eliminate the government middleman, broken promises, and counterparty risk. With gold, each exchange is PAYMENT IN FULL: NO DEBT MONEY, NO PERPETUAL INTEREST, NO INFLATION, and NO COUNTERPARTY RISK.

Having 24k gold bills in multiples of 1/1000ths of an ounce has immense utility value. Each Goldback is 1/1000 troy ounce. They are available in 1, 5, 10, 25, and 50 Goldback denominations. Tests demonstrate 100% recovery of gold from the notes. The premium is reasonable considering their cost to produce and immense utility value. A $100 bill costs pennies to make, but is totally unbacked – an empty promise, and its issuer is Bankrupt. Using gold as money will preserve your purchasing power while unbacked fiat money is inflated away.

Check the websites & online interviews for information on how they are made and their difficulty to counterfeit. There is greater incentive to counterfeit kilo bars or coins than a 1/1000 ounce bill.  Goldbacks are not “foil”. They are produced using a vacuum deposition process between two layers of clear polyester.

Goldbacks are intended for use in trading or gifting low-weight pure gold, and to circulate as REAL MONEY.  Nobody could expect to use “nuggets” of 1/1000 or even 1/100 oz in exchange, because you’d lose them, and you couldn’t easily verify purity or weight.

The Goldback is a local currency for anywhere intelligent people desire honest money. If you don’t live in one of five (current) Goldback states, start a local group for sound money. Contact legislators about a state depository, eliminate taxes on monetary metals, and legalize Constitutional gold currency. Ask local businesses to accept Goldbacks and other Constitutional money.

Compare the promise of Goldbacks to Term Limits. Everybody wants term limits but politicians will never pass them. We The People already have the power of term limits if we NEVER re-elect any incumbent. Similarly, politicians will never support a gold standard that outlaws their power to counterfeit. We The People already can reject unbacked fiat crap and go on our own Personal Gold Standard.  We CAN have honest, voluntary exchanges using an honest currency. We don’t need corrupt politicians.

The entire world is moving away from the US Dollar IOU-nothing, including US citizens. Our government creates trillions of worthless “dollars” out of thin air, burdening us with an unsustainable and unpayable debt. EVERY state needs to adopt the Goldback (or equivalent Constitutional Currency). Every US citizen can adopt a personal Gold Standard today! The Bitcoin Standard: ... Saifedean Ammous Best Price: $17.32 Buy New $18.78 (as of 10:45 UTC - Details)

In my lifetime, gold rose from $35 to $2300 an ounce. The US Dollar has fallen in value from 1/35 of an ounce of gold, to a mere 1/2300 of an ounce.  If businesses posted their prices in both Goldbacks and dollars, the Goldback price would be more stable, while the dollar price would continue rising. Price inflation is caused by monetary inflation. Goldbacks are as resistant to inflation as gold itself. Turn your dollars into Goldbacks now, to preserve your purchasing power.

Valaurum bills use the same technology as Goldbacks, but in milligrams of gold. They are beautiful and very practical for smaller exchanges.  I am overwhelmingly pleased with Goldbacks and Valaurum and will continue to accumulate them and help educate the public.  We can return the USA to an honest currency and REAL Constitutional money with a new Gold Standard.

Try Goldbacks and use them for barter exchanges, gifts, and tips.  I recently tipped a waitress with a Goldback. Her response marked a new student of honest money, and I got a big hug.  The world needs a Gold Standard – as well as a lot more hugs.  You can help.