The Red Pill Revolution

Guess what I’m doing on Super Tuesday? I’m registering as a Republican to vote for Donald Trump in the primary in California. They won’t allow me to vote as an independent for President of the United States, so for the first time in my life, I will be one of the people I used to judge and hate.

I also plan to vote red straight down the line. Oh, I realize this is like spitting in the Pacific Ocean in my state. Still, if other residents in California are starting to see what anyone driving through Los Angeles or San Francisco can see, there’s a small chance the dark blue state might start to purple.

I know I’m not the only American sick of the whining, the caterwauling, the temper tantrums because the ruling class isn’t getting what they want. WAAAAA the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on presidential immunity. WAAAAA Trump said something in one of his speeches. WAAAAA the New York Times wrote a negative column on Joe Biden.

The only thing they haven’t done is prove to the American people that they’re the better option than the guy who promises to close the border, clean up the streets, crack down on crime, and get our economy back on track in a way Americans can feel, not just because Paul Krugman delivers yet another sanctimonious op-ed of Biden talking points.

There are plenty of candidates for the most flattering magic mirror/propagandist for the Biden administration – Rachel Maddow, Stephen Colbert, Pod Save America, Lawrence O’Donnell but really, it’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski who has now decided to yet again beclown themselves by platforming a stupid book that looks a lot more like Mein Kampf than any revelation about Trump supporters. All so they can keep eating dinner with Joe and Jill. Socialism: An Economic... Ludwig von Mises Best Price: $6.00 Buy New $1.99 (as of 06:20 UTC - Details)

This has never been about Trump. It has always been about the people our government, our culture, many of our institutions left behind. The smartest people in this country are still too stupid to get that. It’s about trade deals that made the rich richer and hollowed out the middle.

It’s about people at the top whose problems are existential, falsely believing all of us should care about their utopian dreams for America’s future. Solar power and genderless babies, men chest-feeding and white kids afflicted with shame for the color of their skin, a whole generation of non-whites believing they can’t achieve anything in this country unless a Democrat hands it to them. Abortion as convenient as fast food and a massive slave labor force of illegal immigrants who will birth the next generation of a submissive underclass.

They’ve known for seven years that Americans were unhappy enough with the government to elect an outsider. All we’ve gotten from the Democrats since is their singular obsession to win their war on the one guy they couldn’t destroy.

Now, these idiots have decided that the only way to fix the election for Biden is to lock up the Orange Man Bad in an Orange jumpsuit and frog-march him off to prison.

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