Politico/NYTimes Headlines abound every single day with a litany of ‘stunning rulings’, ‘embarrassment’, ‘face=offs’, ‘voting today’, ‘speeches’, ‘threats’ – ALL within the guise of Congress & politics. Minute by minute – second-by-second – blusterings of nothingism. Hamsters spinning wheels. Bills that won’t get passed, lawsuits that will die on the vine, all to support an illusion that Congress is a valid entity.
Trump is visiting the border. Biden is visiting the border… Who gives a fark, who gives a shiitake! Because nothing actually ever gets done. Cruz gives an interview declaring how Biden destroyed the border – but what has Cruz done? Absolutely – nothing. It is almost as though Congress exists for the media. Fighting over IVF? REALLY? The Autobiography of B... Buy New $16.99 (as of 07:31 UTC - Details)
Here is the priority of Congress: “House passes bill transferring control of RFK Stadium site to DC.” Why? For revenues. Why is Congress even involved? Embarrassing! Letitia James has filed a lawsuit against the largest cattle producer in the world, JBS, because they are not complying with climate change sustainability mandates… No other country in the world is so busy doing absolutely nothing as the US. The drivel being parlayed as news has reached a crescendo!
Question: Why is Russia, a God fearing nation, aligned with China, a secular quasi communist/capitalist/totalitarian regime? Because China is allowed to be China. A novel ideology of sovereignty designed to enhance relations instead of colonization. For the same reason that Chinese aren’t turning their visages into White Western Vikings. Africa is also recognizing this form of detante. It is called ‘freedom’. What we also do not see is China fighting Australia, or Africa colonizing Brazil…
Today, the erudite Economist is declaring foul because Iran’s elections are ‘rigged’. After decades of attempts to install another Shah of Iran, the CIA and Mossad have failed. Like their Karen counterparts The Western Cartel is whimpering over their inability to make Chinese into Americans or Indians into Irish. Iran’s election process is different than The West, therefore it is – corrupt. Iran’s laws are different from The West – therefore they are an authoritarian regime.
It is odd that in Russia and other eastern countries, this is not how government works… Russia is vilified for “traditional family values”. Who vilifies them? Why, The West. Why do family values and morays of Russia rankle Western Cartels? Because it prevails. Because it offers an alternative. Because ‘values’ was the entire context of Jesus’ walk – which is the crux of the Devil’s agenda.
Everything is now a “Right”. Abortion is a right. Illegal immigration is a right. Crime is a right. Home ownership, free healthcare, free education – are ‘Rights’. Technically, nothing is a ‘right’. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness – are not ‘rights’, they are goals or achievements or aspirations.
The Bill of Rights is a muddy pig stye that has been rewritten and expanded to the point of an apocalypse nirvana. Because our government agencies and officials no longer recognize that they work For The People.
Recently, a video was released by a butch female military soldier wherein she felt it was her right to blow off the head of any American citizen who did not comply with her mandates during Martial Law. “If I come to your door and tell you to kneel, then you kneel or I will blow you away”. Martial Law is NOT Constitutional.
As we prepare for a summer of riots instigated by our Cartel to incite chaos, the option of a declaration of the imposition of Martial Law requires clarification.
To call a National Martial Law across America would require a majority vote by Congress. The President does not have the authority to declare Martial Law. Individual states can declare Martial Law and invite the US Military to intervene. But their rights overall are not clearly defined, nor is their much precedence. Most often, the role of the Fed would be to ‘assist’ the local police. It is not the totalitarian Gestapo that is most often depicted. So what is the reality that will be Election 2024.
Biden will be the declared winner? And All chaos erupts? Or Trump is declared the winner and all chaos erupts? There is no in-between.
During Trump’s first tenure chaos was a constant. Blue State governors refused to declare an emergency or allow the President to assist – as in Martial Law. Cities burned because cities are their focus. More importantly will be the daily disruptions affecting mobility, access to essentials, and communication. Communication will be the most important issue because trust in our “feed” is likely to become zero.
We have already been warned that the Cartel will use AI to create fake realities across the globe. One such fake reality could be that Russia has launched a nuclear attack! MILLIONS DEAD…. The reaction would be a force of fear that drives many people closer to demanding complete Dictatorial control – to protect us. They would literally ‘ask’ for Martial Law. As in please, please jab me 6 times to save me.
Congress being upright gents that they are might not want to deal with or be responsible for the outcome of the disruption and chaos that ensues – knowing full well that the AI reality was fake. For The Greater Good, they could rationalize voting for Martial Law. Hand it to the Military – out of my hands – sort of Congress…. Pelosi, et al, has declared that the democrats will refuse to certify the election if Trump wins, which means the Cartel would remain in power. Martial Law would be implemented under the Biden Handlers control within the void of a Congress that thinks it can preserve its arses. Arrests would be massive.
The Pandemic was Martial Law. January 6th was Martial Law.
How would this present on a global stage?
They would know the fakery but be unable to communicate given the media would be shut down. Cells of provocateurs would arise across Europe and South America. Trade would have to reorganize on a dime. The BRICS would take over economic activity. Maintaining a continuum of decorum. Without The West. All western alliances would fall. ARTHRITIS - The Best T... Best Price: $14.93 Buy New $19.97 (as of 07:41 UTC - Details)
As a commenter noted – it will take 400 years to recreate a world order that is built on grace, peace and order. But within those 4 centuries, the changes will be radical. The Cartel truly has destroyed itself – Ukraine and Israel upended everything shadow.
Civilization did not die when Jesus was crucified. Nor did it die when King Herod was poisoned. It was REMADE. It became an opportunity. Imagine building a new house – you buy the land and then it must be properly graded. Filled. Graded again, even before construction can begin. A foundation is laid of concrete. The foundation and the grading determine the strength of the house. Each phase is a timeless endeavor. The architecture is your governing body. The architect – a tool. Do you choose to cut corners for price or do you build a house that will withstand all the perils of time?
Imagine a blank slate! The Cartel is defeated and has migrated underground from whence they came. While they number far more than we anticipate, they are shrunken shells of collapsed bodies without their Masters. The puppets are not our enemy, they are empty.
When I built my first home it was an amazing experience to be sure. I architecturally designed the house and was on site for every major decision. To this day, it was the perfect house, although I haven’t lived there for decades. It remains a beacon.
This is what we must build. A Beacon.
You can’t Win a Battle unless you enter the arena. ~ HELENA
Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.