Whatever happened to the war to defend Taiwan against Big Bad China? CSIS ~ ”China’s defense industrial base is operating on a wartime footing, while the U.S. defense industrial base is largely operating on a peacetime footing.” A. US is at war against Palestine. B. US is at war against Russia. C. US is asking for MONEY to combat the rise of China & Russia in Africa. D. US is still at war with Syria stealing all their oil while periodically lobbing bombs. E. US is now bombing Yemen. F. Congress asking for MONEY to build up Taiwan’s military.
I don’t know if these Spy NGO’s that Taxpayers fund are really that ignorant or if they really think lying is just the new normal. The US spends $800 billion on the books for War. Another $1.6 trillion has gone missing in the FY 2023 Budget. That funds 2 additional militaries. Or a whole lot of Bribes, Blackmail, Child Trafficking, and the losses incurred by Soros as a direct result of Ukraine refusing PEACE. Ukraine has 2 last bastions: Kyiv and Lviv. Should those go – the Soros pawns have declared WWIII. Hidden History: An Exp... Best Price: $8.00 (as of 07:20 UTC - Details)
CSIS ~ “China is heavily investing in munitions and acquiring high-end weapons systems and equipment five to six times faster than the United States. China is also the world’s largest shipbuilder and has a shipbuilding capacity that is roughly 230 times larger than the United States. One of China’s large shipyards, such as Jiangnan Shipyard, has more capacity than all US shipyards combined.” The fact that China’s population is 4.25 times that of the US is lost on these neocons of nongenius expertness.
In 2021, China spent $270 billion for all its defense needs – nearly 300% LESS than the US. As a result, the US has bestowed sanctions on every weapons manufacturer in China. That’ll show them! US Blinkens are telling the Saudi Crown Prince, Bin Salman, not to buy weapons from China even though they are half the price of their counterparts – Made in America. IF the Middle East dares to buy weapons from China, then the White House handlers are prepared to punish the Middle East. I remember when we had more allies than enemies…
Remember when Egypt was romanticized? Dr. Zhivago. We were friends with Iran, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, most of Africa, etc … But all that was upsided when the US Coup Program became common knowledge and sovereignty became colonization. Where will all these Zions go when they have finished their task of destruction?
Supressing a giggle, The Atlantic queries, “How has America slid into its current age of discord? Why has our trust in institutions collapsed, and why have our democratic norms unraveled? Despite every historian declaring that ancient societies routinely collapsed due to Climate Change, The Atlantic proposes the cause is The Elite. Apparently, there are too many wealthy and educated persons in America and not enough peasants. Hence the import of uneducated immigrants to do the bidding of The Elite ~ according to an elite research team employed by The Atlantic in data searching variables from 10,000 years of societal collapse.
There are too many qualified people for elite spots in America. As such education must decline radically, IQ’s must stagnate in the 70 range. Worker bees must allow the Elites to hold onto their coveted status in order for America to survive… The Atlantic. The essence of this way of thinking is that – what creates a thriving peaceful society is Communist control via Stalinesque diplomacy. And this, The Atlantic learned by studying the Fall of every civilization.
Of course, the reality is that the Elites studied what caused societies to FAIL and devised The Protocols as the blueprint for assuring this outcome in Europe and America.
Preferred Destinations for the wealthy include: Australia, UAE, Singapore and Switzerland.
Australia is notable for their strict stance on immigrants. Only the wealthy need apply. Those that make it past the barriers are relegated to live on an island penal colony for two years before they can even consider coming to the mainland. Australia’s economy has slowed to a halt. They currently risk a recession with growth on par with the recession of 2008. Why? Because Australia is a mini-me US – they do what they are told and are controlled by the Zion crown in the UK.
Singapore: The current President of Singapore is a UK, London School of Economics, and Harvard grad installed by the Cartel. President Tharman is a member of the G20, the IMF, The UN Development Program, the Group of thirty, and sits on the Board of Trustees for the World Economic Forum. He is ‘well-entrenched’ in the Cartel Club.
The previous president was Halimah Yacob, the first female to ‘win the election’ because all opponents were declared ineligible. She was highlighted for stating she is no longer associated with ISIS upon her uncontested run for president. 83% of her constituents disliked her.
Switzerland is the home of Klaus Schwab and his minions.
And the UAE is a Middle Eastern nation that supports Netanyahu and does the bidding of the US Cartel. Dubai was built on the backs of Indian labor while US and UK oilmen helped cover the real jobs. UAE citizens pay no taxes, healthcare is free, education is free, and a stipulated monthly wage is given to every citizen. 90% of citizens who do work, work for the Emirates government. The UAE is playing chess by formalizing ties with the BRICS while maintaining Western Cartel relations. Crimes and Cover-ups i... Best Price: $14.71 Buy New $19.99 (as of 10:27 UTC - Details)
Those are the four highest choices for elite immigration. Not necessarily stellar for the plebes and peasants. But clean, vastly drug free, clear distinctions between the rulers and everyone else, and wealthy by default.
Of course, should the UAE decide that China is a good investment, they risk being defriended and subject to sanctions. There is also the issue of a closed Monarchy that cannot be couped. Australia is following the lead of destruction. Which leaves Switzerland and Singapore. Both highly advanced and open to western Cartel control.
China isn’t going to war. Russia has no need or aspirations to colonize. Water may end up the deciding factor as its scarcity becomes an issue with agriculture, cattle, and poultry farms. Singapore, like the Middle East relies on desalinization. 68% of the world’s freshwater is locked up in glaciers and ice. 30% of freshwater is in the ground – where Switzerland derives its source. Rivers and lakes provide less than 1% of freshwater needs. Singapore is out.
Antarctica has garnered quite a bit of attention and conspiracies as of late. The continent contains 90% of the world’s ground freshwater and 60% of all freshwater… Its land is covered by a treaty of 12 nations. While that land might not seem a good investment today, when the magnetic north continues its flip southward, Antarctica will warm. The ice will melt. And perhaps, a new rainforest will emerge…
NOTHING is ever done by The Cartel unless it provides them with abundant control and wealth. NOTHING.
Reprinted with permission from Helena-The Nationalist Voice.